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About raginboston

  • Birthday 08/11/1976


  • Location
    Boston, MA, USA
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I was really looking forward to the INDOOR set, since I was so freezing from the Central Park event....gotta say it was one of those surreal times, though. But, I was VERY disappointed in Spirit.....talk about a sellout venue. I don't mind being crowded, but when there is NO chill space reserved for the average person, the vibe goes WAY downhill. Plenty of couches, and mezzanine to boot, but ALL for V.I.P......three different bouncers turned me away from ANYWHERE I could simply sit down, saying you had to pay more to access those areas. I like to both dance and then sit and take everything in, but that's mighty tough to do when sitting on a crowded floor in the hallway. Gimme Roxy, Sound Factory (RIP), or Exit any day over Spirit. Music was good, but atmosphere totally wrecked by lack of sit space. NY club scene will always be better than Boston, but at least here in Boston I can take a break and sit on something not laminated.
  2. Where are the Boston fans? Right here, big guy. How's it feeling losing SO bad to the Orioles? And Boston's bullpen? Twelve straight innings of scoreless relief last night in a 4-3 win. Two games up and climbing.... ------------------ I am like a mosquito in a nudist colony; I know what I must do, but not where to begin. -Francis Bacon
  3. I have to reiterate snappy's concerns: you NY boys talk alot about dicks. Maybe that's why you didn't enjoy Boston too much....you were here on the wrong nights and went to the wrong clubs. I agree that 2 am is lame, but afterhours DOES exist, if you have the pull to find it. Gotta admit, though....I had a MUCH better time paying ten bucks to see Oakey at the Avalon here (or Micro, or Tall Paul, or Taucher, or Junior) than when in NYC. I guess it's a kind of tradeoff....we pay fifteen bucks, we get half the night. As far as the Yanks/Sox go...I'll bite: keep in mind the ENTIRE Sox pitching staff has the best ERA in the entire league...and we've got more team Home Runs, RBIs, and a better collective batting average than the Yanks. I was at the game when Pedro won 3-0, striking out 13, against Mussina. I think the gentlemen from Baseball Tonight summed it up nicely: "Pedro didn't just strike the Yankees out, he made every single one look foolish." And the graphic they showed: STRIKEOUTS..Jeter: 2, Knoblauch: 2, O'Neill: 3, Posada: 2.... Anyway, now we can go back to talkin' our useless smack. ------------------ I am like a mosquito in a nudist colony; I know what I must do, but not where to begin. -Francis Bacon
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