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Posts posted by Artemis1414777738

  1. I just wanted to stop by and give everyone a big thanks for supporting Carisa on this track. It's never easy doing your first project and Carisa is fortunate to have so many supportive friends..

    People create music for many reasons; some for money, some for fame. But I want to give respect to those who create or play music for the simple love of the groove... and also to those who listen for the same reason.




  2. The Beach is still the Beach, but in the future you'll have a 2 AM closing time and the place will resemble Riverfront in Fort Lauderdale.

    I should get paid by the government to promote Downtown Miami.

    For one thing, it is all preplanned. Clubs here, museums there, and condos over there. Some people bring up the noise complaints, but like I've said before, Space has had outdoor parties for five years now, and there has not been a single complaint despite the big apartment tower right nearby. Again, you can't hear the club until you are right on top of it. The other clubs are/will be all indoors, and Nocturnal's patio is pretty isolated sound wise.

    This time around, the clubs are truly there first, and have a leg to stand on.

    I think it is likely that the Beach goes with an "entertainment district" and passes legislation accordingly. If that comes to pass, then there would be no 2am closing times.

    The biggest challenge right now is where to place the boundries. That decision could cause some businesses to close and others to flourish... not to mention Real Estate prices to jump even higher (or in some cases lower)...

  3. back the truck up sweetheart. the lack of credit and lack of profitability of the artists are soley to blame on the artists.

    In some ways, yes, but when I say "artists" I am referring to those who create the music we dance to, not play it. You see, this is an industry where many DJs do not publish their sets so that what they play can remain as "exclusive" to them as possible. It's always been this way and always will; which makes it very hard for artists that do not want to "DJ" to get credit for their work. Furthermore, artists have almost no say in the way their material is handled once they sign on the dotted line---For the corrupt way the music business is run, you can thank the major label cartels and the sheep that support them.

    More power to Luis if monopolizing these DJ's and limiting the continued viability of Ultra is what he wants to do. But I think those of us in the EDM industry are already running an uphill battle for recognition. As such, we should work together and not against one another for the success of the genre as a whole.

  4. The Dance Music Industry as a whole is quite appauling in the sense that "artists" (not DJs) receive little to no credit for their work by the people who play them. What is happening with Ultra vs. Space is another example of just how little regard the Industry has for the consumers they are supposed to appeal to.

    As a business owner, I can understand what Space is doing. Keep in mind that the goal of a business is to generate profit. It's a battle and you have to leverage every advantage in order to keep your assets secure, including non-competes and exclusives. But as a member of the Electronic Music Industry. I'd like to see more shows, I'd like to see more concerts and I'd like to see what few artists we do have get more opportunites to perform. What Space is doing works against this and thus works against the EDM industry.

    The logical thing to do would be to space out the second festival (intentional pun). Have Ultra cap off WMC as it usually does, then have the Space Fest during Labor/Memorial day, 4th of July or some other 3rd/4th quarter date. This allows for Space to reap higher profits (less competition) and artists/DJs to play both events.

    I'm sure this was discussed, but as they say "absolute power corrupts absolutely" so it looks like egos have gotten in the way.

  5. There are some on this board who will scoff at this lineup. There are others who will, in their own elitist way, say this concert will be a failure because it is not what is heard in Space or Crobar etc... But 93.1 took a chance with pushing Freestyle music and it is paying off. Just like there is a following here in CJ for modern elecrtonica, there is an ever bigger following on other board for freestyle. A following that includes a large mix of older and younger fans..

    I went to the Coconet Grove show back in August and I went to the Bongo's show before that. Both were sold out- Bongo's with over 2,000 people and the CG Convention Center with about 8,000.

    Hell, I did shows with many of these groups and DJ'd with/against Magic Mike a looooong time ago. I say respect to Buster and the Party 93 gang for bringing back the old school even if it is only for one night.


    I'm on this board... if you like freestyle, then check it out.

    Thanks.... I'm on LF, CF and LA's board... One thing Freestyle has not done is lose the drama... Makes CJ look timid by comparison.

  6. There are some on this board who will scoff at this lineup. There are others who will, in their own elitist way, say this concert will be a failure because it is not what is heard in Space or Crobar etc... But 93.1 took a chance with pushing Freestyle music and it is paying off. Just like there is a following here in CJ for modern elecrtonica, there is an ever bigger following on other board for freestyle. A following that includes a large mix of older and younger fans..

    I went to the Coconet Grove show back in August and I went to the Bongo's show before that. Both were sold out- Bongo's with over 2,000 people and the CG Convention Center with about 8,000.

    Hell, I did shows with many of these groups and DJ'd with/against Magic Mike a looooong time ago. I say respect to Buster and the Party 93 gang for bringing back the old school even if it is only for one night.

  7. i cant say all rich people are scum, thats a generalization & i try not to make those statements.

    True enough. All generalizations are bad. I was just venting though, so I did not edit for perfect logical accuracy. I know that not all rich people are scum and as soon as I find one that is not, I will post about it, as well.

    Speaking in defense of my rich brothers and sisters (of whom I fully intend to join), I know plenty of poor scum as well. Just take a look down thug row in SoBe...

    And at what point are you considered "rich" anyway? 50k/yr? 80k/yr? 100k/yr? 200k/yr? Please let me know so I can be sure to not start acting different when I get there ::)

  8. I was outside a Hotel bar in Lake Buena Vista with 2 of my friends. We were seated at a "sit down" style video game that you often see at lounges. This group of drunk guys come over to where I am sitting and start staring at the game. I asked them if they wanted to play and start to get up so that they could. The "leader" of this drunken "band of brothers" just gives me this hard look and walks off to the exit. Once there, he stops, turns around and yells "fuck you, you niggers!" then walks out to the parking lot making a lot of threats and such against our much beloved mothers.

    Now, I am not black, but my 2 friends were and very proud of it. Of course this meant we needed to go ask the guy about his opinion. With that in mind, we got up and walked (ok, ran) out to the parking lot hopeful to find Mr. KKK and his idiot friends. As we made our way in to the lot, we noticed our adversary get in to a couple cars and drive off; the chase was on. Having gotten my friends in my sky blue 200sx, we reached I-4 and gunned it. With speeds reaching close to 100, we pulled up to the side of the "leaders" car and when he tried to side swipe us off the road. Not wanting to give him that advantage, my friend rolled down the window and began pelting the other car with anything he could find inside my car; 1 golf ball, beer bottles, an old sneaker.. you get the picture (yes, we were drinking).

    At this point, the KKK wanna-be's pull off of I-4 in to a rest area full of truckers. Pulling my car to stop right behind him, I see his reverse lights come on as he promptly tries to smash my car from the front.... WARNING: never, never, never try to smash up a Puerto Rican's car. Especially, when the aforementioned ride is not fully paid for. Now it was personal...

    So, I pull my car around and stop right in front of Mr. KKK. My friend gets out, takes three leaping steps and throws a police baton I had in my car in to the guy's windshield. My other friend get's out and goes for the second car as he sees some guy get out. I run up to KKK's car, open his door and try to drag him out so that I could commence with the ass kicking. Unfortunately, Mr. KKK hooks his arm around his steering wheel with a death grip and I can't pull him free. Need to satiate my liquor fueled anger, I start pounding the poor guy with solid rights to his jaw while pulling him towards me with my left. By the third hit, I felt his jaw break free from his skull and hang limp. Meanwhile, my other friend greets Mr. KKK #2 with a wicked looping right that knocks the guy out cold.

    Having retrieved the police night stick, my third friend joins me and starts to whale on Mr. KKK's free arm since he won't let go of the steering wheel. By this time, I started to think clearly again and thought it best to get the hell out of the area. I jump back in my car and yell for the others to join me. One makes it to the car, but the other notices that Mr. KKK #2 has gotten up and has opened his trunk. Fearing an all out shoot out, we grab my friend, pull him half way in to the car and floor it. As we pass Mr. KKK #2, we see him pull out a long, black metal object and turn to us as we streak by. We all duck in our seats and I blindly mash the accelerator as I wait for the gunshot. Then suddenly, we hear a loud BHUMP and feel the car take a hit... Turns out Mr. KKK #2 pulled out his tire iron and threw it at my car. We kept going and eventually bought some 40's, laughing about the whole thing later.

    BTW: This was a "youthful indiscretion" and I do not condone the use of violence in any way.

  9. Hey Carisa,

    Sorry to hear about the trouble. I was checking out DL at W6 and everything seemed cool. I guess this was afterwards? Anyway, SoBe has it's good and bad as we all know, but I do believe it is not very safe at times, especially in and around thug row.

    I have access to a couple parking spots at 7th and Collins in a private lot. If you ever want to put your car there on a Fri or Sat. night let me know and I will see what I can do.


    Thanks Vinnie, I really appreciate it, byw...did I meet you?

    And to everyone else..thank you for your words and phone calls. Ill let you know if I pursue this further.

    Yes... You and I spoke briefly about music with Mrs. Coach at the bar. Honestly though, I was asleep on my feet at the time and were it not for the energy of DL's set, I would have passed out in a corner...

    Tall guy, white shirt, jeans, dark hair and features?

    Guilty as charged...

  10. Hey Carisa,

    Sorry to hear about the trouble. I was checking out DL at W6 and everything seemed cool. I guess this was afterwards? Anyway, SoBe has it's good and bad as we all know, but I do believe it is not very safe at times, especially in and around thug row.

    I have access to a couple parking spots at 7th and Collins in a private lot. If you ever want to put your car there on a Fri or Sat. night let me know and I will see what I can do.


    Thanks Vinnie, I really appreciate it, byw...did I meet you?

    And to everyone else..thank you for your words and phone calls. Ill let you know if I pursue this further.

    Yes... You and I spoke briefly about music with Mrs. Coach at the bar. Honestly though, I was asleep on my feet at the time and were it not for the energy of DL's set, I would have passed out in a corner...

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