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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. VERY impressive website! It's beautiful, I love it. the intro is terrific, the site is very user-friendly, and your words throughout are great- Nice work... 8)
  2. I didn't read this until Sunday...darn...too bad...we could have met up. you can say damn here, Tim. no worries.
  3. I think of it as a place for good, clean fun- kind of like an adult disney workd rather than a porn shop. the soul and vibe are certainly lacking, but you cant go imto it with the limiting expectation of an ibiza-esque experience or such. the club isnt meant to be that way...
  4. PS, crobar was decked for 9-11. Such decadence- theatre of the absurd- even the dancefloor was painted as a map of the citystreets of nyc, pieces of an nyc (a real one) taxi were hanging on the walls, vintage street signs, and a huge statue of liberty in the middle of the dance floor. i loved it! I dont care how commercial some people say crobar is, they pull out the stops and are the only club that truly brings theatrics and more of an experience rather than just focusing on the DJ.
  5. Tried to come b y Brite, Tim, but it was packed (first time ive seen a line there!) I was with 15 Australians, so I took them to Glass (1 block south) instead...I forgot how much I like that venue....superb drinks, atmosphere, service and an all around cozy vibe--- a very trendy spot without the nasty attitude. It was the perfect place to start our night off---- relatively empty aside from cool people who were all comingling- a very, very international crowd- I met a group from the UK, another group from Georgia (yes, there is a country named Georgia), and some people from Cuba. From there we all went over to Crobar...and what a night we had- the aussies certainly got the quintessential nyc experience- crobar was full, Boris was spinning quite well, reall suprised me! Very very fun night. Quite a bit of B and T but still tolerably mixed. I had a great nite. Home in bed before 5.
  6. Sheldon, can you describe your music to me? Not to sound juvenile on here, but Im not familiar with your genre of sound and over the past 6 months or so I've been phasing out of the trance scene and getting more into progressive and especially house...
  7. My friends and I are meeting at Brite tonite b4 Crobar- see you there Tim 8)
  8. come to maritime on sunday. the heatherette team is always there. they often give away clothing right there, but they will only give it to you if you change into it right there. :o really like what time are we talking about Sunday? 10- 2ish...but they only give clothes to sexy boys. :-X
  9. ill be there saturday with friends here from Australia. Creamer doesnt do it for me! bores the shit out of me everytime ive seen him.
  10. LESjunkie

    Attention: CryzC

    I had a feeling you were really a blonde do the curtains match the carpet ??? that's so funny! though I imagine that this lil miss has hardwood floors. ;D oh man.
  11. I cant believe you noticed that Evan.......lol by the guy that dude your talking about is Oscar G. You should send him a prescription of that Aluminum Chloride for he cant no longer leave signs of his sweaty armpits on his shirt...lol how could I not notice it! YO, Oscar-- http://www.excessivesweat.com/ be strong.
  12. come to maritime on sunday. the heatherette team is always there. they often give away clothing right there, but they will only give it to you if you change into it right there.
  13. you're such a nerd. Lots of men wear white belts. It's called fashion. Cedric is very good looking and photogenic, I've noticed. that dude adjacent needs that Aluminum Chloride prescription deodorant I spoke of in Junkie chat not too long ago.
  14. i saw that too. so strange to see some of these people on the news delivering professional soundbites rather than wasted at clubs being obscene.
  15. richie and traver seem to be everywhere. nice boys tho- and they had quite a successful day yesterday.
  16. amazing film. i have it on DVD. one of the most compelling ive seen in awhile. makes you appreciate the way of life we have here.
  17. Fashion Week started off wet yesterday, as nyc was completely saturated with torrential downpours that began at 7am and continued for a couple of hours. It was terrible....everyone was soaked as mass transit underground came to a halt and eveyone had to walk to bryant park. It was mayhem as models were melting in the rain and make-up was streaming down their faces--- quite a sight to see. It was an ugly beginning to an overrated week of events.
  18. : The vanity of you queens does not cease to gag me. :
  19. I know the weather can be tumultuous and moist down there in the American Riviera...and throughout the last year and change I've noticed lots of people who have some great shots taken of them in nightclubs by Dan... but some of you suffer from sweaty pit syndrome. it's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, there is a prescription you can take, rub it in your armpits like a deodorant, leave it on overnight, and you wont sweat...I use it, and i dont have to reapply it for about weeks at a time. Do you know what that is like? Imagine never having to worry about staining shirts, or embarassing picture moments....total confidence...I really only wear deodorant most of the time for the fresh scent and, of course, just in case. Ask your doctor about prescribing you Aluminum Chloride...aka Drysol or Maxim. Yes, it burns, but after a bunch of times your body gets used to it...like chicks get used to bikini waxes. The first couple of times are torture...but well worth it if you ask me. For those of you who have the cash, you can also get Botox in your pits, but this is for people with excessive sweatiness...aka hiperhydrosis. PS...I'm sure there will be a bunch of people who contest this post...claiming this causes death or eternal damnation...these are the same treehuggers that fear aspartame in Sweet and Low and such. : :
  20. definitely a great-- sasha spun it on New Years Eve here in nyc bombage!!!!
  21. I enjoyed Ghost bar as well...very hot venue- amazing view of the city. fromm what I remember.
  22. thanx Luis- as always you;re the man. I want to go to Hoover Dam too...always fascinated me as a kid.
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