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Everything posted by LESjunkie

  1. werent they going to force arab women to not cover their faces in public school too--- what is the status on that?
  2. you are worse than a hypocritical flip-flopping republican. shall I remind you of the time you took me out on the town with your friend "tina" and we got home a week later? What was that trannies name and did you ever find my belt??
  3. I tried to modify my post but deleted it by accident... :-[ anyway, im not from Spain, however I've spent a lot of time in Europe -- and just dont find the French to be as nasty as everyone here presumes they are. The vast majority of people in the US base their opinions on what they read or see in the media. Yes, French people are often arrogant, snotty and pretentious. Umm last time I checked we were kinda arrogant and snotty as well. If anything, y'all are ironically being critical of traits that are predominant in our society too! Even more so, actually. I base my opinion not on what i read or see in the media, I base it on personal contact for the last 12 years with the french. Business, friendship, relationships and general close contact. Apples to apples, well educated Americans are by far more sensible and civilized than well educted french. They hvae a chip on their shoulder about everything. They aren't nice people. I've met a myriad of french, very few (I can count with one hand) are worth anything. I work with them closely here, the worse by far ! I hate to categorize people and truly belive in equality. For years I always stood up for the french until finally I took the blindfold off and realized what they were about. The french are the most selfish culture in the world and probably the most racist ! did you ever consider that you're the prick and the french people youve come into contact with are just blowing you off? and most racist? Have you ever even studied the fact of hoe much more open french society is to interracial relationships and marriage than we are here? Ever walked the streets of Paris and seen how many interracial couples there actually are? :-X
  4. Endorphins are peptides (amino acid chains) released by the brain, in response to pain and stress. They are morphine-like compounds. The brain triggers the release endorphins when a stimulus is interpreted as pain, in order to raise the pain threshold and make the pain more tolerable. In other words ........right on : so these endorphines just make you loopy by killing pain? Why dont these idiots just get vicodin or percoset? so much better, and so much easier....throw ina bottle of wine and youre set. none of these sandbar shennanigans.
  5. great thread. L'Express -- absolutely- and 7A too--- ojnce agian you know the good spots. also, we cannot forget Cafeteria! I love Cafeteria...what else...hmmm...i think we all probably have our 24 hour deli within a block of our apartments...I dont know what id do without my bacon egg and cheeses...and my turkey white american lettuce and mayo on wheat. cant forget tostitos with salso con queso....my favorite!
  6. you only love it because it is named Johns.
  7. awesome! Definitely check out Atruros and Francescos. mmmmmmm
  8. Im having my bday at the Maritime Hotel this Sunday nite...lincoln palsgrove will be hosting- anyone who hasnt been there should come by. (either this sunday or another...the party is amazing!) It's on the rooftop of La Botegga...Cabanas is the name- just ask a hostess where the roof party is- hope to see you there. XO 8) ;DXO I'll be at APT afterwards...
  9. It's so good. Get it by the slice...not by the pie...(that's what I say about any pizza joint...it needs to sit for 10-20 minutes after the oven to let everything set and the juices soak in... I highly recommend the chicken and onion slice. Great call. Agreed. the both of you are so on point here....Timmy how could I forget Pizza 33, I still go whenever im in the area. Joes is very overrated. 67th and Columbus, there is an amazing Pizzeria...named francesco's...also the best in my opinion.
  10. Hey Evan you know that I thought in buying this on DVD, I guess I will have to watch it first then. because I am not doing the same mistake I did with the Butterfly Effect which was buy a movie that sucked ass :-X. Not this time baby....thanks for the tip Evan anytime my friend-
  11. And plenty of people have been watching Michael Moore movies for years. Those people will see what they want to see, you will see what you want to see. There is very little opportunity for anything productive to happen. It's like a political pro wrestling match. I plan to skip it and use the time to continue reading some books that actually have some chance of informing me. you are very intelligent, Ryan.
  12. lol i knew you'd appreciate that one.
  13. hmmm. I wonder if my Duvee cover can sue me. ???
  14. Yes, French people are often arrogant, snotty and pretentious. Umm last time I checked we were kinda arrogant and snotty as well. If anything, y'all are ironically being critical of traits that are predominant in our society too! Even more so, actually. But we can be arrogant and snotty. We've saved the world countless times. that's exactly the mindset that infuriates the entire world...we need to be more humble with that and not throw it in people's faces...it's like when the mafia does someone a favor and then holds it over someone's head forerver--- what we did for the world was our inherent duty as an uber-powerful people...both militarily and spiritually. We cant just expect everyone to do what we say because we saved their grandparent's lives. Come on, you cant really stand behind this statement you made.
  15. I tried to modify my post but deleted it by accident... :-[ anyway, im not from Spain, however I've spent a lot of time in Europe -- and just dont find the French to be as nasty as everyone here presumes they are. The vast majority of people in the US base their opinions on what they read or see in the media. Yes, French people are often arrogant, snotty and pretentious. Umm last time I checked we were kinda arrogant and snotty as well. If anything, y'all are ironically being critical of traits that are predominant in our society too! Even more so, actually.
  16. exactly it will be tough...6th sense was the better of the two in my opinion...that movie shook me up... We need some good scary films to break...it's been awhile- I also am anticipating "Grudge". anyone seen previews for it? it looks awesome...even the preview was spine-tingling.
  17. sucked ballz. Dont waste your time. Storyline was decent, though poorly produced and directed. They tried to achieve that amazing ironic ending (think Usual Suspects, or Shattered) but failed miserably.
  18. It's the new 30 ya know! ;D we love botox 8)
  19. Where is your favorite? Listen, pizza is serious. Last nite, I think I found my new favorite spot... Arturos, on West Houston and Thompson-- right next to Janes...it's divine- over the top...I cant even take it! Call me what you will, I dont care, but last nite I ate a whole pie there- think im exagerrating? I promise im not. The pizza is thin crust and cooked in a coal over...so the crust makes your fingers black....the basil and tomato sauce are so fresh I felt like I was back in Tuscany- my looooord you've gotta try it if you havent already. The place seemed like it had a lot of notoriety, so i presume some of you may have heard of it? Anyway, next time you're in SoHo, drop by and try this shit. They also serve David Bruce Pinot Noir...my favorite red wine... When we all finished last nite we walked around the corner to one of the little italian restaurants and sipped Limoncella for a nice nightcap. I recommend that too...there are a bunch of little italian cafes and restaurants to choose from.
  20. how did you come across this message board, btw? Ive been wondering. im glad you participate- you certainly know where to go out in ny.
  21. LESjunkie

    how to?

    what about whether or not your user name is based on clitoris? ive often wondered this too.
  22. Where in NY are you livin? PS we speak the same language as Floridians, with a different dialect.
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