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Everything posted by Nestor

  1. 1st - they say that divine right gave them the land of Isreal. They are the 'choosen' people so F**k the rest of us (especially the Palestinians who they stole their land from). 2nd - The Isrealis used terroism and trickery to steal Palestine. 3rd - They are not really Semitic Jews from that area. The original 12 tribes were Arabic. The people there now are European immigrants. 4th - Through their influence and dual citizen Israeli/American and big lobby and voting blocks here in the U.S.A. we give them more than 3 BILLION $$ a year so they can buy weapons of mass destruction and to payoff uncoperative politicians here in the U.S. 5th - It wasn't Bush that made them leave the occupied lands, it was the European pressure that has risen lately and is leading to Jew bashing incidents. Know why? What the Jewish controlled media here in the United States is afraid to show you, other media sources the world over know exactly what's going on. FYI, 2 Israeli Mossad agents were captured in Mexico with bombs and guns in the Mexican Congressional building. This story was run in Pravda, the Mexican paper and TV media and in Europe. But there is a media blackout in the U.S. September 11th is also been said to be the work of the Mossad in an effort to get sympathy for their war on terror by getting us into the same war agaisnt Osama and the Taliban. Prove it to your self, type "Israelis captured" in google and you'll see that there was a spy ring of 200 Israelis running around in the U.S. prior and after 9/11. You guys better stop watching all the junk on TV and start doing some serious research on this topic. This is going to lead to the next WW. You have been warned. ============================================== FBI Closes in on Anthrax Terrorist Prime Suspect is a Zionist by Hector Carreon La Voz de Aztlan Los Angeles, Alta California - 2/26/2002 - (ACN) Jewish microbiologist Dr. Philip M. Zack may be behind the deadly anthrax contaminated letters that were mailed to NBC's Tom Brokaw, Senator Tom Daschle and others, according to FBI sources. In a rapidly unravelling investigation by the FBI, it appears that the "Arab-hating-Jew" was behind a vile conspiracy to frame a colleague who was born in Egypt and who worked, along with Dr. Zack, at the U.S. Army's Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases in Fort Detrick, Md. La Voz de Aztlan has maintained from the beginning that the anthrax-laced letters seemed contrived and were purposely written to make them appear that they were coming from someone in the Islamic World. New information just released by the FBI confirms our suspicions. On October 9, 2001 we published "Anthrax Terrorists may be Zionists" in which we outlined the reasons for our suspicions and in addition reported on a letter we received with a yellowish powder. On October 24, 2001 we published an editorial "Anthrax Letter Messages Seem Contrived" in which we commented on our theory concerning the origin of the letters. We also published pictures of the three actual letters and envelopes. We have now compared the handwriting on these letters to the one we received and it looks suspiciously the same. We are not handwriting experts and have made the decision to publish the envelope and letter we received so that our readership can see for themselves. Our local police department never came to pick up the envelope and letter and we still have them in a double zip-lock plastic bag. The letter and envelope addressed to La Voz de Aztlan are published at http://www.aztlan.net/letterbiochem.htm The case against Dr. Phillip M. Zack began unravelling when Egyptian-born scientist Dr. Ayaad Assaad, now a U.S. citizen, was called in by the FBI for an interview on October 2, 2001. The FBI had received an unsigned letter falsely accusing Dr. Assaad of being responsible for mailing the anthrax tainted letters. The letter stated, among other things, "Dr. Assaad is a potential biological terrorist," and "I have worked with Dr. Assaad, and I heard him say that he has a vendetta against the U.S. government and that if anything happens to him, he told his sons to carry on." Rosemary A. McDermott, attorney for Dr. Assaad, stated that here is a very close connection between the person who sent that letter and the person who sent the anthrax. Ms. McDermott said "The person who wrote that letter knew intimate details of my client's life and his professional history, and about the Fort Detrick operation. I don't think that is a coincidence." The Fort Detrick biochemical research laboratory has maintained stores of weapons-grade anthrax that is commonly known as the Ames strain of Bacillus anthracis. The anonymous letter falsely accusing Dr. Assaad was sent a little after the September 11 terrorist attacks but before anyone knew about the anthrax-laced letters. On October 5, 2001, about 10 days after the anonymous letter was mailed, Robert Stevens, Photo Editor of The Sun in Florida, became the first of five individuals to die from an anthrax infection. The racist and bigoted attacks on Dr. Ayaad Assaad by Zionist Philip Zack and others started while he worked at the Army's bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland during the 1990's. This is when a vicious racist vendetta was launched against the scientist of Arab descent. A group of coworkers led by then Army Lt. Col. Philip Zack began a hateful campaign to harass and get Dr. Assaad fired from his duties. The Zionists apparently wanted to get rid of anyone that could uncover their sinister plans which consisted in stealing "weapons grade anthrax" and other deadly viruses used in biological weapons. The conspirators had the support of the lab's former commander. Among other things, the bigots wrote and passed around a very crude poem denigrating Arab Americans, an obscene rubber camel and constantly poked fun at Dr. Assaad's use of the English language. In 1991 Dr. Assaad discovered the eight-page poem in his mailbox. The poem was lewd and mocked Dr. Assaad. The poem also referred to the rubber camel that was passed around. It was outfitted with all manner of sexually explicit appendages. The poem in part read: ``In Assaad's honor we created this beast; it represents life lower than yeast.'' The bigots noted that the rubber camel will be given each week ``to who did the least.'' It appears that the conspirators created an extremely toxic workplace on purpose in order to take control of the laboratory. The lab became very dysfunctional and hostile to the few "good" scientists that worked there which included Dr. Assaad. Dr. Assaad said ``This person knew in advance what was going to happen and created a suitable, well-fitted scapegoat for this action. You do not need to be a Nobel laureate to put two and two together.'' Dr. Assaad said he reported everything to his supervisor, Col. David R. Franz, but that Colonel Franz ``kicked me out of his office and slammed the door in my face, because he didn't want to talk about it.'' Dr. Assaad was eventually dismissed by Colonel Franz as were two other scientists of Arab descent. The evidence against the racist Zionist bigot Dr. Philip "Mengele" Zack is very strong. Lab specimens of anthrax spores, Ebola virus and other pathogens disappeared from the Army's biological warfare research facility in the early 1990s during the very same period that the conspirators were harassing Dr. Assaad. An 1992 inquiry into the disappearance of the deadly pathogens found evidence that someone was secretly entering the laboratory late at night to conduct unauthorized research involving anthrax. A numerical counter on a piece of lab equipment had been rolled back to hide work done by the mystery researcher. A lab scientist, Dr. Mary Beth Downs, told investigators that she had come to work several times in 1992 to find that someone had been in the lab at odd hours to use the electron microscope to conduct some clandestine research. Dr. Downs reported in a memo that whoever was using the microscope was "either in a big hurry or didn't know what they were doing." Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the laboratory at night was Lt. Col. Philip Zack who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Lt. Col. Zack being let in at 8:40 P.M. on January 23, 1992, by another conspirator by the name Dr. Marian Rippy. Dr. Philip M. Zack has not been arrested. http://www.aztlan.net/
  2. http://100777.com http://rense.com http://www.aztlan.net/
  3. Not me. I think it's weak to go to a club and not dance. It's a shame though when the same people that can't move to save their lives make fun of the people that ARE there to dance and have fun. That's more sorry assed then being a wallflower...
  4. The first time they hit twilo it was billed as a 'trance' event. I caught them a few months later and they were into the hard trance stuff. All that changed after Danny T. started spinning deeper and darker stuff ala deep dish. Back then was around '97 '98? I'm a little blurry with the time frame...
  5. On top of all this, the guy has to make sure he isn't allergic to the spermicidal agent on the condem. Some guys have adverse reactions to the spermicidal lubricant, some females too. Most likely though, it is the clapp but you two need to get tested. A shot of penicillin or other antibotic is all that is necessary. HIV doesn't cause burning in the penis and the HIV particle cannot survive in water let alone in the acidity of saliva. There have been no doucmented cases of HIV transimisson though oral sex. More myths about HIV can be read about here: http://www.virusmyth.com
  6. Sweet, musty, juicey, I LOVE IT. Especially fine mammies with trim waists and big hip and, ahem.. Big down under. I pull it, nibble it, massage it between my tounge and teeth. I've made girlies convulse and quiver. Dman... Anybody getting wet?
  7. You can go to www.dslreports.com to see, compare and shop around for DSL if your cable company doesn't offer online...
  8. Werd! Optimum Online is the Shizzzznit! 4MBits down 1Mbit up! Talk about fassssssttt...
  9. Just seeing if my name is still here ... Sup everybody! Where's that Seaboy or any of the ol skook ClubNYC peeps at????
  10. Jus wanna say what up! What songs are hot at the clubs you go to???? Lemme know! Peace and chicken grease, from da ol skool! ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  11. Vinyl is for everyone. Maybe the Twilo/Glowstick kids will take that vibe back to Twilo and restore it. Maybe? The vibe will never be killed at Vinyl as long as the true supporters don't jump ship. Peace! ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  12. Yeah Ali! I remember that night clearly! NYnestor, back in town!!!! ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  13. Do NOT question the "Club GOD", LOL Okay, I fucked up, this should have been a reply to your post sweety. You look HOT BTW! ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  14. They are?!?!?! I love you natural gals! God Bless YOU! You are soooo, robust! Pretty eyes too... Are you Latina? ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  15. Nestor

    is there hope?!

    How old are you? It goes away w/ age.... ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  16. Nestor

    Stick and Lick.....

    I luv when that's done to me I also kiss after giving oral to my woman. Some like it, some don't. Whatever floats your boat I guess ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  17. You need to talk to him and tell him. I know it's pretty hard. I'm kinda in the same situation right now, but it will have to take one of you to break the ice. If you really love him, then you will do it. ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  18. Nestor

    Is it wrong...

    I converted you into a jpg... ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  19. Nestor


    Cuz you're not w/ ME! ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  20. BABY! OMG! Definitely divaLICIOUS! ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  21. Hey I'm good for 5 or 6 hours, no chemicals needed! All natural. Trust me ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  22. Nestor

    am i a lesbian?>

    Females, normally, are loving and accepting from a biological point of view. They are mothers and love both sexes (though their children and friendships of both males and females). Males, normally, are considered protective and territorial. That's how we evolved. I think it's biological. ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
  23. I'm there! Thanks Firegirl!!!! ------------------ Nestor "That's House!"
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