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Posts posted by RichW

  1. As you may have heard, Craig Richards is unable to perform tomorrow night.

    I will be filling in for the night along with Scottie B. It's unfortunate that this opportunity has arisen under such circumstances, but I'm very honored to have been asked and will do the best job I can.

    I hope that some of you who were planning on coming out will still do so. :)

    Hidden @ Discotheque w/ Scottie B

    17 West 19th Street @ between 5th and 6th Avenue


  2. Thanks all for the mention!! :)

    NYC is FULL of very talented up and coming DJ's... and in terms of pulling in a crowd @ Space in Miami... It might be smart on your part to pay attention to the lounge and bar scene in NYC as this is where the new wave of talent exists...

    I don't even know where to start in compiling a list of DJ's in the NYC area that are making a name for themselves here...

    DJ dM

    Burchan Acar

    Mike Cala

    Rob Sperte

    Keith Walter

    Amy Walter

    Kurtis Patrick

    Spoony D

    Frankie Pep

    Bill Patrick

    DJ Mac C

    Matt Licata

    Tom Amoroso

    Dennis Rodgers

    Dave Hollands

    Tal Aaron

    Mark Divine

    Don Sheridan

    I could go on and on... really... and making a list like this makes me realize that I'm probably leaving OFF just as many just because they're not coming to mind right now...

    Are these headliner DJ's just yet? No, of course not... but check who you're booking in 2-3 years... I bet some of these will be on that list.

  3. Hey all...

    Several things going on this week:

    My CD Para will be the Guest Mix for Kurtis Patrick's show Drifting on Proton Radio at 3pm EST on Tuesday, June 25.


    Mike Cala and I will be playing our usual set @ Halcyon on Tuesday, June 25 from 9p - 12a EST. The set will be broadcast live on Groovetech at http://www.groovetech.com/halcyon.


    227 Smith St btw Douglass & Butler

    9p - 12a


    I will be playing @ Falucka in the West Village this Wednesday with Kurtis Patrick for his Proton Lounge party. Steven Caicedo is out of town so Kurtis and I will be splitting the night.


    162 Bleecker St btw Thompson & Sullivan

    10p - 4a


    Check out Mike Cala this Friday for TIME @ 169 Bar. He'll be playing from 12a - 2a. I'll be playing this party on August 23.

    169 Bar

    169 East Broadway

    10p - 4a

    $5 cover

    Also: This Wednesday is the final party for Spex Quatro @ Angel. Mike Cala will be playing with DJ dM (Throb NYC).


    174 Orchard St btw Houston & Stanton

    8:30p - close


  4. Chris Barbour, Rob Sperte, Eli Katz, Sadaris Harrell, Nissim & Feelingzone invite you to a night of boundary breaking HOUSE MUSIC


    Main Floor:

    DJ Rob Sperte (Wave Music / Click Tracks / Barracuda / Be Yourself)

    DJ Rich Woods (Spex Quatro / Be Yourself / Shelter)

    Front Bar:

    DJ K-Tel

    MetroTECH @ Filter 14

    432 W 14 St (corner 14 & Washington)

    $5 before 12am or w/ invite; $10 without

    Doors open @ 10pm

    Door: Eli "Ekco" Katz

  5. Originally posted by dedee

    some local heros :)

    spoony d

    rich woods

    ted patterson

    dj wool

    hunter wilson

    frankie pep

    thomas d

    dustin cook

    Thanks!! :)

    I know far too many DJ's to list a top 10... and they continue to turn me out... so I'll just leave it at that... diplomatic I know but I seriously could not do justice to the VAST number of dj's that I know and enjoy going out to hear... even compiling a list wouldn't do justice because I'd be here for an hour remembering them all... so sue me!! :)



    JUNE 6, 2002

    Rob, Erick Morillo & Subliminal Records in association with GLOBAL UNDERGROUND Present:



    featuring music by DJ's




    til 7am on the world¹s best sound system PHAZON (former twilo sound system)


    Tonight: The Lightman takes the night off -


    FREE Global Underground lights to the first 500 people

    10pm 18+id/21 to drink

    $10 before midnite w/invite or guestlist

    24 hr guest list infoline 212.591.2408

    door: tasha lights: YOU!


  7. Originally posted by bustaknut2001

    Thanks for all the info! Really really helpful.

    How do you mix records without a cross fader?

    You leave the cross fader in the middle and use the channel faders to mix...

  8. Originally posted by bustaknut2001

    I used to go to Junior at Sound Factory circa 1994-95. I went to Tunnel when he was there later, but I don't believe I heard Danny there. I believe he was already at Twilo?

    I wish I could have heard Junior @ Sound Factory... People I know who went have such incredible memories of those parties and the legendary things that Junior did... I heard him last about 2 years ago and I was apalled... and my friends who used to be HUGE Arena heads can't stand Exit now... It really is a shame because from what I understand he used to be SOOOO good. But then again, so was Oakenfold. :)

  9. Originally posted by bustaknut2001

    Well, I'm 30 and I want to start dj'ing but feel like it's too late. I want to know what turntables to buy and what the difference is between 1200's and 1210's. Also, will I have to go out and buy a receiver and speakers or will my mini stereo due?

    How did you learn to beat match? Just a lot of practice I guess.

    I used to go to Junior at Sound Factory circa 1994-95. I went to Tunnel when he was there later, but I don't believe I heard Danny there. I believe he was already at Twilo?

    I started @ age 32, so I obviously didn't think it was too late... :)

    1200's & 1210's differ slightly in that the 1210's don't have the center click quartz lock... they have a button instead with no click spot in the middle. However, when you play out most places will have the old 1200's which means that you should keep that in mind when you're practicing... usually it just means adjusting the record you're mixing into a little up or down to get the pitch control of the record you're mixing in away from that zero click as when the light comes on you WILL lose your mix as it's kinda wonky right there.

    I learned using a mini stereo. All you need is 2 speakers that will allow you to hear clearly. Alot of people will tell you that you need to go out and buy alot of expensive top of the line equipment but that's not necessary. When you're starting out all you need are the bare minimum to learn the basics: mixing one record into another.

    As far as HOW to learn how to beatmatch, I guess all I can say is practice practice practice... get 2 copies of the same record and ride them over one another... try keeping 2 different records on beat without using your headphones... keep your headphone level as LOW as you can and still hear it... split your focus between the kick and the snare... sometimes it's easier to mix using the high end sounds rather than the bass-y sounds as these tend to spread out in club environments...


    When you're learning, keep in mind that most major NYC clubs have a Urei mixer. This is a knob mixer that does not have ANY of the bells and whistles you might be used to on your fancy mixer at home: no channel EQ's, no headphone mix feature, no headphone split feature, no cross fader, no gain/trim control, etc. etc. If you come to rely on any of those features to get you through your mixes you're gonna be in sorry shape when you step foot in a major club booth and realize that all you've got to use is this Urei.

    Learn using only the channel faders and only have the channel you're cueing up in your headphones... leave the channel EQ's alone... Now when you've LEARNED how to mix using levels you can start messing with those other things as a lot of the smaller lounges will have mixers with those features... but for starting out, learn the basics and leave the rest for later.

  10. Originally posted by bustaknut2001

    Rich, what kind of turntables did you first buy and what mixer? Sorry to ask all these questions, but I'm curious. Also, what kind of music did you like pre-Tenaglia at Tunnel? Did you used to go to the original Sound Factory?

    No worries.

    I own a pair of Gemini Direct Drive XL-600's. I won't upgrade to 1200's until these things stop working completely. However, I do my demo's at a friend's house on a pair of 1200's; they do hold the groove and sound better than my Gemini 1200's. My mixer was a Numark cheapie, 2 channels, channel EQ, nothing fancy.

    As far as musical tastes, I'm older (34) so I've listened to all types of music in the last 20 years or so... you name it, I've listened to it... well, except for country really... ;)

    The original Sound Factory is from before I started clubbing in 1997. I went to Junior's Arena party @ Palladium & Danny's Twilo party back then.

    2 way street here... answer your own questions :)

  11. Originally posted by johnchichi

    nope, i was just wondering bc i hadnt seen that before, either here or on NB. i guess i need to quit working and start paying better attention :confused:

    take care.

    No no, it's been sort of quiet... there will be stickers on the flyers.

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