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Posts posted by anthony

  1. Originally posted by ooana

    Hey there guys. I'm doing the AIDS walk NY this May and I wanted to pass on the information to everyone.

    I'm letting everyone know in case they'd like to Register to walk or...make a donation to sponser me walking.

    ANY help would be most appreciated: Click here: http://www.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=2302&lis=0

    for the website. Here you can either register or click sponser a participant. If you do the later enter the name: Ooana Trien if you'd like to sponser me.

    Thank you!


    Here's the basic info:

    AIDS Walk New York is a 10 kilometer fundraising walkathon now in its 17th Year.

    Did You Know?

    AIDS Walk New York is the world's largest AIDS fundraising event.

    In 2001, nearly 40,000 people, a group as diverse as the city itself, participated in the AIDS Walk, collecting more than $4 million.

    AIDS Walk New York stands out as a model of community action and cost-efficient fundraising. The priority has always been to have the money raised go directly to vital services to help people living with HIV or AIDS.

    AIDS Walk New York benefits GMHC (Gay Men's Health Crisis), the nation's oldest and most comprehensive AIDS Service organization. The organization's staff of 169 and 6,600 dedicated volunteers provide services to more than 11,000 men, women, and children living with HIV and AIDS and their families.

    A portion of the net proceeds from the AIDS Walk also goes to dozens of other AIDS organizations within the tri-state area to support programs and services provided by GMHC and other AIDS service organizations across the tri-state region for men, women, and children affected by HIV and AIDS.

    Join us on Sunday May 19, 2002 for our community's biggest response to the emergency of HIV/AIDS.


    That's great your doing that.Imyself will be doing the Northeast Aids Ride in 2 months.Riding from Bearmountain to Boston.

  2. Originally posted by jdtkid7

    hi guys i'm new in new york, well i just have two years living here and i dont have friends who love trance or techno, almost every one i this city is stick to rap and hip hop.i want to go to the boo 6 at the end of april but i dont have any frinds to go with, if you are going let me know, write and email or just replie to thi message. oh by the way i'm from colombia, i'm 17 years old, i love trance, i might be dj in the future and i'm very good raver ( well i learned in one of the best cities,miami).

    Wow u gonna a hard time getting into clubs,17? unless you can get away with a fake id thats good.but really don't know what else to tell you.

    good luck

  3. Man Commits Suicide In St. Patrick's Cathedral

    APRIL 03RD, 2002

    A man who said he was depressed shot himself in the head while talking to a priest in the rectory of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan Wednesday, police said.

    The man, whose identity is still unknown, was taken to New York Hospital but later died.

    New York Archdiocese spokesman Joseph Zwilling said the man had entered the church shortly after 2:30 p.m. and asked to speak to the priest on duty. He was led to a counseling room and gave a note to the priest, who, alarmed by what he read, started to leave to find help.

    The man then pulled out a gun and waved it around before shooting himself in the face as the priest ran out, said Zwilling.

    “I don’t know if there was any direct threat to the priest,“ said Zwilling, who would not reveal the contents of the note, “but anytime somebody is taking out a gun and waving it around, there’s an implied threat or an implied danger to it.”

    The priest was traumatized but not physically injured, said police.

  4. Originally posted by jaysea

    if people have a problem with Gay people, and go to Clubs and like LOVE "THE SCENE" THan they are by far the most supid bunch of fucking people to EVER Crawl out of IDAHO, Hunny WE MADE THE GARAGE SCENE< WE BUILT THE CLUB SCENE AND WE Were THe RAVE SCENE< SO BITCH BRING IT



    The Saint at Large Parties,Bassline,Traxx,Sound Factory,Better Days,Midtown 43,The Building.

    Your so right we built the club scene.

  5. Originally posted by tastyt

    You mean, for the Black Party, or the party before that?

    The Black Party was supposedly mind-blowing...

    You should have gone to Roseland for the Black Party.It was O-V-A-H!!!!!!

    Did'nt make it to Earth,went with friends to Rawhide,stumbled home,took a shower,ate some fruits,put on my leather gear and off I was to Alegria @ Sound Factory.What a weekend.

  6. Originally posted by Crackorn

    While at one of the more festive parties my friends had last weekend, i happened to mention "Guido Dancing" to one of my cohorts. They didn't know what the hell I was talking about so I got up and showed them. Now I of all people shouldn't be knocking anyone's dancing style (or driving style, fashion style, pronounciation style, sexual stratagies or social skills) but I must admit that for the 20 seconds I flailed my arms up and down and back and forth and kicking and kicking and kicking, I got one of the most intense cardio workouts EVER. That shit is no joke. So I've decided to incorporate it into my workout schedule. In fact, just today I dug up my old 1 carat diamond stud earring (my hole is still open, YAY!!!), a pair of Z Cavaricci's (olive, only one pocket on the right side), my white Capizio's, a white mock turtleneck and a pearl cartigan and I danced my ass of for one hour straight. In front of a mirror, of course. I'm seriously considering putting out my own dance video AND infomercial so I can capitalize on my latest discovery. Thank you and God bless.

    LMAOF!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  7. Originally posted by bebby6919

    ugh! Its not snowing here yet! I want it to snow so i wont have class tomorrow and then my spring break starts wed! That would be fucking awesome!!!! But I know it wont happen b/c I have to take my oceanography practical tuesday night :(

    You Go GIRL!!!!!;) ;) ;)

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