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Posts posted by upst8boy

  1. I am coming to NYC this weekend with my boyfriend, his mother, and her firiend. They really want to go out Friday night. I need to know of a place that two guys in thier 20's and two wemen in thier late 40's can go and have a good time. I am looking for more of a lounge type setting, with good music, and a place that you can go to around 10:30. Any suggestions?

    Thank you for any help you can give me


  2. I am heading to Cancun next week, and I know you can legally buy K. I was in Cozumel about a month ago, and asked in pharmacies if they had K, and they looked at my stupid. My question is, where do you go to buy it in Mexico? If you know, where can I get it in Cancun?

  3. Junior is coming on at 3:00am?? That is very early for him..at Twilo..he never came on until around atleast 5:00am..I hope is not until then because I don't plan to leave home until like 11:00pm..and I have a five hour drive to get to NYC.

    I also hope Exit is not as crowded as Twilo was last year for his Birthday party..I had a great time while I was there..but it was too full and too hot!!!

    Does anyone have any ideas as to what performances will be going on at Earth??..on the flyer it just said special performances..but who knows?!?!

    Any information will be great!


  4. I just got home from Spain about two weeks ago..I spent most of the time in Madrid..I went to two clubs..one was called Kapitol which is near subway stop Atocha..It was a nice set up..just a lot of stairs to walk up..I think it had like 5-7 floors..the other club I went to was called OHM..it was a gay club..not as cool as Kapitol..but we still had fun..while I was there..I also went to this other club..it was gay pride Spain..and it was just out side of Madrid at a place called Bang Bang..it was a really nice place also..as for dress..I would not suggest jeans or sneakers..and drinks were not overly expensive..I hope this helps.


  5. Peter Rauhofer played it around 3:40..it was something to do with strobe lights..it was the song just before Whitney Houston - Fine and Shunji Moriwaki - Action..any help wold be great

  6. Just curious how many of you guys have myplay.com accounts..I just got into it..and have just about 1 GB of music online right now..was curious if any of you had accounts..and wanted to share information to swap music


  7. This is not a house song..but a friend of mine keeps asking me about it..it used to be in a contact cleaner commercial on TV..and it had vocals that went **sorry for spelling** hey ooh nah nah hey ooh

    Any help would be great

  8. I can't wait!!! A few questions though.

    1. Junior all night long..does that mean a tape/cd until he feels like spinning..or will he start the night?

    2. Any special performances?? Last year, there were many..any ideas??

    3. Searching at Twilo..last few times..not even a pat down..just walked through the metal detector. Are they searching harder now after the recent death/busts?

    4. What time is good to go?? I am traveling over five hours for this night..and want to arrive when the place will be pumping.

  9. I just checked out the Twilo Web page..they finnaly put some information up for Pride Weekend..and it says nothing about Junior spinning..it says Saturday Freedom, Sunday Queer As A Three Dollar Bill featuring Special Guest DJs and the visual effects of Rubio and Kidd..does this mean no Junior??


  10. Ok..so where to go Pride Weekend?

    I will for sure on Sunday be with David Knapp after the parade..but what about Saturday night??

    Roxy has Victor Calderone..but who will be his special guests...the web page just says special guest performances...any ideas??

    What about Junior at Twilo..nothing on the web sight yet..is he even spinning..any special guests??

    I know Roxy is going to be $45..what about for Junior?? I have never been for Pride..but I last year from his B-Day..I paid $60..so I am thinking along those lines

    And since the parade is in the afternoon..I assume Junior will not be spinning until sometime Sunday afternoon/night..so do I have to still wait until 5:00am to go, or is 3:00ok.. or will Twilo be pretty much empty until 5:00??

    Thanks for any info you guys may have heard


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