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Posts posted by Evan

  1. http://news.aol.com/strange/story/_a/woman-mistakenly-calls-cop-for-drugs/n20070313041809990006?cid=936

    Woman Mistakenly Calls Cop for Drugs


    COLBERT, Okla. (March 13) - A woman looking for a cocaine dealer called a number on her son's cell phone - only to discover she had phoned a police officer, authorities said.

    Durant police Lt. Mike Woodruff said the 42-year-old woman called him by accident. His number was on her son's cell phone because he had been arrested previously on drug charges.

    "She was looking through her son's cell phone directory and found my number," Woodruff said. "Her son had told her that if she ever needed help with anything to give me a call. I think she misunderstood.

    "She thought she was talking to a drug dealer."

    Woodruff said he played along and set up a meeting between her and an undercover officer. She and an alleged accomplice were arrested on a drug complaint.

  2. No she never heard of CP

    I lost track of her almost a decade ago. Last i saw her, I went to a party and hooked up with one of her friends and she hooked up with one of mine (this was like 4 years after we dated so it was cool).

    I only have that one pic.. but yes.. I have pics of most of my ex's. For me to date a girl seriously, she has to be like a best friend to me as well as a lover. So, I keep their pics to remember the good times.

    As for my "16 year old girlfriend dumping me"... that just sounds wrong. She would be like 29-30 now. Allessandra from Washington Heights.. ahhhhhh.. memories. Before drugs... when I was walking around with a boner 23.5 hours a day...

  3. um... uh... It would probably be best to leave this forum out of any public view at all. It was because of this forum that people were saying I was a sex obsessed druggie durring the internet fame when they googled my posts.


  4. ....um like girls will bang u as long as u dont tell anyone .....did u have a lot of "secret friends" growing up?

    Wow... u took that in a whole other direction than I thought. Nice one. No man, I was talking about "kissing and telling" kinda shit.

    I lost my first girlfriend that way... Changed my life. I was like 15-16 and dating this girl for 6 months.. She introduced me to things I had only dreamed about. That summer I went to camp. On the bus trip there, I met these 2 girls, and for some reason I thought if I told them my experience, they would think I was knowledgeable and would let me do it to them too. What I didn't know, was that they went to the same school as my girlfriend.. so as soon as I got to camp, they called her and told her.. She broke up with me that night.. Even though I was trying to cheat on her (teen hormones..whatya gonna do), it broke my heart. So I swore after that, I would respect a woman's privacy and not talk about what i did with who.


    My First Girlfriend

  5. is this guy for real?

    shouldn't you be on the fistfuck.com message boards lol?

    Don't tease.. I went to http://fistfuck.com/ and there is only a fake page.. U got me excited. LOL.

    Daniella, don't leave. C'mon. I know I'm not one to talk (does anyone remember that goodbye post I wrote years ago?), but u can't be listening to the stupid posts. Some of these people haven't been laid in years... Getting you to respond to their insults is the most action they've had in months from a real live female. :getdown:

    Actually... That gives me a money making idea.. My parents are away, and this hooker friend of mine wants to use my crib to throw a hooker party... So I was thinking of inviting all you guys so i could make some cash and u guys can get laid. I need the money since my dad's Porsche accidently fell into the river while I was on a date with 2 hookers. My mom is gonna kill me when she sees i cracked her glass orb too. You wanna know something? Every now and then say, "What the fuck." "What the fuck" gives you freedom. Freedom brings opportunity. Opportunity makes your future."

    I just have to deal with the girls..:

    Evan: Some of the girls are wearing my mother's clothing.

    Lana: What's wrong with that?

    Evan: I just don't want to spend the rest of my life in analysis.

    And the pimp..:

    Evan: You listen to me, buster. You, you a-hole.

    Guido: A-hole?

    Evan: I want my stuff back right now.

    Guido: Now you listen to me, you little fuck. Not only you take my two best girls, you call me names. If I didn't have any self-respect, it wouldn't just be the furniture, it'd be your arms, your legs, your head.

  6. good story...i didnt see that yet...gained alittle weight there huh evan???

    It was taped back in November (roughly). I have lost 30 lbs since then.. But yeah.. When you go sober, u subsitute things like food for drugs. Something the rehabs don't publicise.

  7. U want to see them pre bang or post bang? LOL.

    Sorry, I learned a long time ago that if I talk about who I bang, then I no get to bang anymore. Girls are funny that way.. You talk about one anal gangbang and fisting party and the girl doesn't want to get freaky with you ever again... <Sigh>... Right Daniella? HAHAHA.. j/k

  8. Evan I highly doubt any promises were made between you and Kara because she had a boyfriend then.

    Hmm.. weird. She never mentioned. Why did she send me dirty webcam pics then? And no.. I am not sharing those.. before anyone even bothers asking. I have some morals (not a lot..but some).


  9. i don't understand why there are so many trannies on his page:laugh2:

    Who's page?? My page?? I have known 2 trannies in my life.. TWO.. and only one that I'm still friends with. That doesn't make me gay, bi, or anything else. I don't judge a person by their race, sexual orientation, etc.. I happen to be straight and only into women.. but I am not going to not be friends with someone just because i wouldn't fuck them. So, there are only 2 tranny's on my entire site. Out of 200-300 girls... That's a pretty damn good ratio.. I don't know how that make it "so many trannies". It's just weird that that's all some people focus on.. Kinda Freudian if u ask me...

    Anyways.. yeah.. SomeBitch.. She was a cutie.. Very sweet (at least to me).. she did have great breasts.. I have these pictur.... never mind.. Can't do that to her.. I remember hitting on her... constantly.. and some promises were made... but then I moved to South Beach and by the time i came back, she was gone.

    More pics from that ClubNYC Sex Meetup:




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