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Posts posted by trapz

  1. Originally posted by chosen1


    yes for the most part they ar all loser wannabee hardasses that like to beat kids up for doin a fuckin bump or something, and think they are badass cuz they are bouncers........

    being a bouncer is cool if u are in school and need extra $$$ or whatever, but if you do it because u think its cool and u can get chicks, your a loooooooooserrrrrrrrrrr, who the hell wants a chick who thinks its cool to fuck the bouncer? duhh

  2. if you dont plan on going to war if you get drafted you should leave the country now instead of waiting to get drafted, because you dont deserve to live here, ignorance like this is the reason our gov't has become more and more fucked up, people all want someone else to make the important decisions and not take the blame for anythign

  3. Originally posted by sexxybabyd

    your a fuckin idiot

    first off u dont know half the fuckin story on his side so who the fuck are you to say ur gonna beat his ass? Ill fuckin kick ur stupid ass just for saying that you punk. Trust me, i am one little bitch not to fuck with

    yes im a fuckin idiot, yet even i can still see his fucking story MAKES NO SENSE!! if he is so innocent why doesnt he just explain it all then, except he tried to already and tries to change the subject halfway though his post because he knows the truth and its blatantly obvious.

    ! i never said i would beat his ass i just told him if he has a problem with me calling him out for what he is im not going to hide behind my keyboard because ive dealt with way more serious shit than stupid lil internet shit, and if he has a problem with me calling him out for what he is ill be happy to post my picture or tell him where ill be, no threats here from me, i have no interest in this except not wanting to see anyone else who doesnt deserve to have to go thru the fucking legal ringer over stupid shit like this when there are terrorists all over our country the gov't should be spending time catching..... i have nothing to do with this situation i just call it how i see it as a person who has seen this shit more times than i wish to, and been fucked by friends myself... and if steve posting this all over every damn board on the net kept just ONE PERSON from trusting this kid and getting themselves in trouble, then its worth it in my opinion......

    stick to shit you have a clue about, your just a fucking underage teeny bopper promoter sexy, and im sure your going to beat my ass LOL, and im really afriad to fuck with you now,a nd god forbid u called me a punk, i think im going to cry, your just a young and naive BABY just like your handle says..........

    , wait a few more years when a good portion of your good club friends that you have partied with for years have a fucking record and are on probation or in, going to , or getting out of jail because of scumbags like adam getting themselves in trouble and taking advantage of their friends trust to fuck them over and get themselves out of trouble, then you will look back on this situation from a whole different perspective, trust me

  4. Originally posted by sexxybabyd

    first off yea they can use this statement in court. He wrote that he got caught, whatever I don't care I just don't like the fact that one of my good friends got called a rat when hes really not

    well actually baby they couldnt use his post in court, because they would have to trace the IP back to his computer, and PROVE he was on the computer typing it, beyond a reasonable doubt, hell it could have been his brother or friend or anybody posing as him..... second of all its obvious he took a plea bargain anyways so it doesnt matter what he posted here......

    and adam your a big pussy, u are telling him selling drugs is bad when you were helping him move shit at clubs?? i hate to tell u but that makes u an accessory or conspiracy at the least....

    and who are u to tell him about being a man and confronting you himself?????? if u had a pair of balls you wouldnt have rolled on him in the first place, and since he has sentencing coming up i dont think it would be smart for him to jump you, then he would definitely see time in lockup.............. i hope his friends beat your ass again, and if you have a problem with it adam go ahead and tell me and ill post my pic and tell me that problem to my face when u see me somewhere.

    i would have some sympathy for you if u had the least bit of evidence in your post that you may not have rolled on him, but all u did is bitch lecture and whine, dont try to change the subject about him not being man enough to come after you himself, your just trying to change the subject because your a raatttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Originally posted by sexxybabyd

    This is just my opinion

    I think its totally immature of u steve

    to post this on every club board imaginable

    plus there are 2 sides to the story

    and Adam is my friend

    im not takin sides im jus sayin i think its immauture to bring

    people in this and bring them against him when they don't

    even know his side of the story

    thats all i gotta say

    hey sexy why the fuck shouldnt he post this on all the boards?? u shouldnt hang out with rats cuz some people dont give a shit and will fuck up the person who is the rat as well as any potential witnesses in his company.... for real there was a case where a friends gf was friends with this slut who was dating a rich dealer down south, robbed him for like 300k, skipped town... showed up a few years later... well my friends gf is in the car with her at an intersection one day at a light, next thing u know both shot in the head dead.

    now im sure this aint gonna happen to u, but its just an example... and REAL LIFE, not some fu ckin sopranos shit, sure if your a hustler u know the risks u take... but who here hasnt hooked up a friend here and there when they ask a favor... now u might not consider that person a dealer but in the eyes of the law u might as well be fuckin pablo escobar...... i hope this shit gets posted on every board in the whole world, id spit in that kids face if i saw him out and if u were with him and said anything id spit in your face too, dont defend someone who deserves whats coming to them even if it is your friend...... why would u want to be friends with someone u could never trust??

  6. dude this kid is a fucking rat, why dont u post his pic so we can all spit in his face and kidney punch him every time we see him out?? being set up in morris co. i know for a fact that bergen county couldnt have made a controlled by at exit in nyc dude, its out of their jurisdiction, that would be feds and dea, your friend is a straight up punk... just like that fat fucking hindu dj at river street, tarun aka shaun mirchandani... LOL was anyone at river street last saturday see a big motherfucker follow him down the street with the whole club staff of bouncers following him to his car so he diddnt get his ass beat as i taunted him and let all his coworkers know what a piece of shit he is for rolling on everyone he grew up with for less than 50 fucking pills???

    anyways i say we all post pics of everyone we know who rolled on our friends, and sucker punch em all if we see em out!! :)

  7. umm why do all u exit cheeseballs think its a straight CLUB? there is no such thing as a gay or straight club, most clubs host different parties each nite, one nite mixed one nite predominantly straight and one nite predominanlty gay, ie.. a GAY party,..... now as someone pointed out before

    junior is gay

    all his parties are gay

    thats the way he wants it so who gives a fuck??

    did u expect it to be a regular ghetto fab saturday nite at exit?? LOL

    just becuase its a gay party doesnt mean that NO straight people are allowed, just means that if you dnot want to party with a gay crowd dont come, and dont have an attitude about "too many gay people" what did u really expect??

    btw im straight and have gone to juniors parties at twilo for years so if its gays only i guess they slipped up :)

    and of course junior isnt going to want all the regular exit promoters promoting for him because he wants HIS crowd, not the regular exit sat nite crowd, and in all honesty he doesnt really need much promotion LOL

  8. our govt doesnt test shit for peoples safety LOL, they dont give a fuck about our safety they just increase the sentences for that particular type of drug , hence forcing more dangerous drugs to be used as a substitute as is the case with E over the last few years, more and more shit in pills, better chance you get something other than E in your pill than getting E, and look what they did with GHB, a VERY safe drug when used responsibly, was sold otc for years without hearing much about it, then they made it illegal a few years later all the stupid lil kids at clubs start using it doin more and more then its a sched I drug after just being unscheduled, then 1 year after becoming sched I a drug company pushes the fda for approval of sodium oxybate, aka xyrem, just another chemical name for GHB!!! kinda funny huh??? ghb is supposed to be a killer drug just like E is now yet its becoming a prescription drug verryyy soon, just another example of our govt's hypocrisy............

    think about it

  9. i like the fitness chick look, nice muscular thick legs and ass, lean tight lil waist but not really shredded, and nice tone muscular v taper back and delts and arms, with a good boob job.... no girls who do cardio for an hr 5 days a week and dont touch a weight or eat anything but lettuce, if she has a hot body i dont mind the protein farts LOL

  10. fuck her, stupidity is the greatest form of natural selection, if u dont get her deported she will just stay here and fuck more peoples boyfriends and have stupid babies that will grow up to be stupid people that have more stupid babies that we will all be supporting with our tax dollars, make her brazils problem

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