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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

The MiSSeS

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Posts posted by The MiSSeS

  1. ::sitting back and laughing::: :D

    To whoever just commented.. Not that i read your comment through... But being a male I dont see how you score with the ladies*.. ITs pathetic when men go all out to bash females..then they wonder why they are sitting at home posting at a club message board... =D And for your info.. I live in nyc.. I dont thinkt heres a club I havent been tooo... But Im sure I speak for some when I say that Most of the the kiddies who reply are *club dreamers*..

  2. Originally posted by zlatang

    this is fuc*ing insane. don't you have anything more inteligent to discuss? ooooooooooops, it's in the DRAMA section, i forgot. anyway, i wonder if you girls ever really go to a club, or just spend your time online practicing your verbal skills....a nice substitute for working off those extra 30lbs you have....+ i'm sure you'll get a turkeyneck and liverspots from exposing yourself to the computer-screen radiation....

    ciao belle.:chainsaw:

    Not that you deserve to get quoted.. but if you dont like it .. then dont read it.. =P*.. And I do go out..but i see some of the people who analyze posts and make stupid idiotic comments should get out more because its very obvious of how some have no clue... =P*

    And to the chic that posted.. Well.. we can all get moody..But i was just making an example of this guy and one other who need to go eat a steak! & relax!. :)

  3. Originally posted by gmccookny

    I think the MiSSeS wants to live up to her quote by all of us attacking her :

    *If people are talking about you, that means you are the center of their lives*

    Well, i don't see much sense in talking to someone who has nothing nice to say... it's like you lead us into a trap, what do you expect us to say?/? "Oh, yeah, misses, you're right, ignorance, degenerate, ALL of these terms are factors of the message boards"



    lol Buddy get a grip and i think you are the one who needs to get out.. Stop analyzing things.. You mustve taken offensivily if you are responding in such way... Awww.. so ur an asshole.. Take it and move on.. =D

  4. Originally posted by iliana


    If you go to a NYC messageboard or to a club to look for divine wisdom and friendliness than YOU are the asshole.

    Go find some common sense.



    lol Such a degenarate.. dont post if you dont know what you are talking about little girl.. =D

  5. Originally posted by sassa

    Well, while many people are not perfect (myself included),I think it's very general and wrong to place such a stereotype on ALL New Yorkers...True, there are a lot of assholes in the NYC area, but not ALL of them are assholes. And tell me this...what traits do these assholes have that make you sick from seeing them?

    lol are you paying attention at all? I didnt say all NY.. i said most, and in the message board.. didnt you read it? Why take thngs out of text.

  6. Originally posted by robocock

    it's literally 'china' club, of course there are foreigners and asians.. what do you expect? LOL

    Oh because you've been in the scene for so long... so i should just know that .. right.. And there werent that many asians there.

  7. Originally posted by sassa

    On what basis are you judging people to be assholes?

    Ummm.. And im not saying this to bring the drama.. But the post said NYC message boards.. Im just wondering excatly where you fit in?.... I can only speak for Nyc.. thats where im at.. And based on observing and posting, ive noticed how shitty people are... thats all.. =P*

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