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Posts posted by john58

  1. If you go out to clubs where the sound system is really loud, from personal experience I would recommend wearing ear plugs. I went out just about every weekend for 3 years or so, and my ears would always ring for a day or two after. One time after seeing S+D at Twilo last year, the ringing never stopped in my left ear. I went to a doctor and it turned out I've lost 40% of the hearing in my left ear permanently. Now whenever I go out I always wear ear plugs. Granted I was probably pretty unlucky, but I just wanted to say that it is definitely possible to mess up your hearing if you go out to clubs all the time. I wish I had been smarter and worn them from the beginning, even though they do make you look like a tool.

  2. Originally posted by safitamace319:

    do you ever feel weird just going by yourself??? i dunno but i think i would. i mean it sucks because most of my friends are more bar type people, more into hip hop, commercial shake your ass music, and while i like a lot of that too, i'm definitely starting to get into a lot of the house/trance music, so when i went to transit this weekend to see oakenfold, at least i met up with some cnyc people, so it wasn't that weird. i dunno, just my dolla's worth, what do you guys think? weird or not?

    weird or not, going out alone can be cathartic. You can go when you want, leave when you want. No more "I'm tired, can we go now?" No more people whining about there not being enough girls, or whatever else. I lived in Philly for two years, and if I limited myself to going where my friends felt comfortable, I would have spent all my time at Irish Pub or Continental -- ugghh!

  3. Originally posted by blueangel:

    What time will everyone be there?? I was thinking of going in around 6:00 a.m.

    I've never gone in that late into Twilo before. Is it hard to get in at 6 a.m. on S&D night and do they still charge $35 at 6 a.m.?


    I've gone at 6:00 A.M. a few times. There is generally no line whatsoever, but they still charge the full $35.

  4. Also, well built guys with their shirts off are in a sense contributing to the sexual energy of a club. Sexual energy and clubbing are more related than ultimate frisbee and clubbing. But I couldn't agree more on the personal space issue. If you are sweaty and nasty (and a lot of times I am if I've been dancing for hours on end), tap people on the shoulder and say excuse me before squeezing by them and soaking them with your sweat.

  5. Well,

    two things. If you dance a lot in a packed hot club, you will get really sweaty. Even with a shirt on, the sweat will seep through and gross out people you bump in to. Whenever I dance a lot, I make sure to not bump into anyone as best I can, whether I'm shirtless or shirtful.

    As for taking it off, if you have a good build, some women will react well to you being shirtless, others will think it is disgusting on principle (god forbid a guy show any vanity). To a single dude, this is definitely a trade off they are willing to make. Better to go out shirtless, attract 2 girls and offend 50 girls, than to keep the shirt on, attract noone and offend noone.

  6. Originally posted by blueangel:

    I'm afraid that there were couple of states that Gore could of won but due to the Nader voter, he didn't. Even though they are re-counting the votes in Florida . . . I have this deep dread that Bush is gonna win. cwm31.gif

    try Switzerland. I think the political climate there might be more to your liking. At any rate, their drug policy is certainly a lot more progressive.

    Can anyone suggest a country that I can move to for 4 years?? cwm36.gif


  7. Originally posted by iliana:

    Originally posted by tiestoisgod:

    I would feel comfortable making the argument that more people have died of heart attacks and other cholesterol/fatty food related problems than heroin overdoeses.

    So as you can see, Ronald McdDonald is the worst kind of drug dealer in the world- pushing to little kids everyday. smile.gif

    yeah. Because heroin is not as accessible as FOOD. People who use heroin WILL DIE FASTER than, let's say, someone who has been eating unhealthy for the past 25 YEARS.



    I think he was exaggerating. Obviously, heroin is more dangerous than fatty food.

    That said, people with eating problems often regulate their depression in the cyclically destructive manner you delineated above. Many people are depressed about their self image when they are fat. They eat more, which gives them instant gratification but causes even further mental recession. Eventually, the problem spirals out of control.

    Every substance which gives pleasure is dangerous and addictive. It's a question of degree. By distinguishing between heroin and fatty food you are admitting this. Each substance's relative danger is different. If you perceive MDMA's relative danger to be greater, that is your prerogative. But with no definitive mutually corroborating studies on the subject, it is just an opinion, not a fact.

  8. And by the way, if the subject is lives getting ruined, unhealthy food IS a fair comparison.

    You make the mistake of assuming that excessive behavior is acceptable as long as it is mainstream.

    What causes the most deaths in this country?

    Ecstacy? Nope. Heart disease!

    2 in 1000 people have heart attacks each year...


    What are two of the major risk factors listed on this page? Smoking and obesity. Americans are obese because they eat for pleasure rather than sustenance.

    Talking about lives ruined by the pursuit of pleasure without mentioning obesity caused by unhealthy foods is tantamount to saying heart attacks don't ruin lives. By the way, the evidence concerning unhealthy foods' long term effects is actually much stronger than ecstacy, since they HAVE been shown experimentally to cause obesity, which in turn HAS been shown experimentally to cause heart disease.

  9. MDMA (the chemical people are attempting to ingest when they buy E) was invented in 1910. Nevertheless, it's true that no controlled studies on its long term effects have been conducted. Anyone who claims it is harmless in the long term, or who claims it is harmful in the long term, is expressing a personal belief rather than a fact. A claim that people who roll a couple of times are going to have severe problems later in life is a dubious claim at best.

    To my knowledge, there really isn't any substance which has been shown to cause long term physical damage from very infrequent use. If a person believes that MDMA will be the first such substance, this view can not be contradicted, since no reliable experimentation has been conducted. I just wonder what evidence steers them to possess such convictions.

    A great danger of drugs lies in physical addiction which alters the usage pattern from an infrequent to a frequent one. Alcohol, cocaine and nicotine are much more suspect in this regard than MDMA.

  10. Originally posted by raver_mania:

    Question for the SF-headz out there: what time does JP start playing the really hard underground stuff? Is it generally Sunday morning onward? I really don't want to hear the pop music re-mixes.

    It kind of varies. I usually go around 8A.M., and between 9:00-11:30 he plays really hard tracks. The last hour he usually plays a mixed bag (hard, a couple anthems for the remaining drags, maybe an odd vocal although usually no marathon mixes). So, it depends when he plans on spinning too. If he goes to 2, it might stay hard as late as 1PM. If he only spins to 12:30, might only be hard until 11:30.

    You didn't ask, but the crowd in my opinion becomes a lot more bearable around 8:30 or 9:00 (lots of room to dance, no one cluttering the stairways, etc.) People will tell you the whole crowd is a bunch of muscle zombies looking for people to beat up, but late morning most people I see just want to hang out and dance.

  11. Sound Factory usually stops letting people in around 10. But lately, I have read complaints on the deeper board about people getting denied as early as nine.

    I once went to Twilo at 11A.M. and got denied. Got in there at 9:30A.M. though without any problem.

  12. Originally posted by paristexas:

    I would much rather be at a club w/100% of the people on Ecstacy than drinking alcohol. X is much cheaper, pleasant, the people are friendly, approachable, high on life and love and great on conversation and uninhibited. That's utopia to me. Booze on the other hand - UGH, think of sloppy, grabbers who puck, hit, become slurring idiots that pass out, take advantage of young and not so alcohol tolerant girls.

    I mean one could go on and on - I say let's ban alcohol and only sell X, red bull and OJ

    right on.

    if e is banned, alcohol should be too. To have ecstacy illegal but alcohol legal is hypocritical and inconsistent

  13. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    Just wondering how many guys would actually mind sleeping with hookers.. Probably not too many..

    well, i have a serious girlfriend now so its not an option...

    personally though I am so freaked out by disease, that I wouldn't do it, even with condoms. This is irrational to a certain extent since if condoms are supposed to protect you for an entire relationship, they probably can protect you adequately for one random encounter with a call girl. But I'd be too scared nevertheless.

  14. Originally posted by Crackorn:

    Originally posted by john58:

    as opposed to Limelight, a non-profit organization.

    HAHA!! Twilo rules, live with it! It will still be here in December, so will we!

    living with it and loving it. Twilo has the arctic blast too... maybe that makes up for the laser.

  15. Originally posted by tara19:

    I think that they are only looking out for themselves and trying to make a buck!

    as opposed to Limelight, a non-profit organization.

    Actually though, after going to Gatecrasher last time I have to say Limelight is a better space than Twilo. Wish SandD spun their parties there (especially if they bring that laser show in too)

  16. Originally posted by hush:

    ok all you wonderful people out there with lots of information...there is one thing you are missing...and that may be because you havent been taking e for too many years...there is virtually no pure MDMA on the market. do not believe the dealer who sells it to you when he says *oh yeah. this shit is pure!* the last time i saw pure in abundance was '96 and coming from the UK. the chemicals used to form the compound have been so regulated that in order for a pharmacutical company to get even one component they have to submit reports for months and under go investigation for the purported purpose they require it for. how do i know this? my roomate is a chemist for one of the largest pharma co's in the us...i am not saying pure MDMA is not out there-but the chaces of getting it often are slim. the death of one of our brothers was more likely due to what ever the fuck was in his pill and that he may have been on other meds or had a phyislogical abnormality that caused his body to shut down. BE CARECAREFUL. BUY FROM WHO YOU KNOW. TAKE H A L F AND SEE HOW YOU FEEL BEFORE DROPPING THE WHOLE PILL. if you are nervous-good-you will live longer-

    enjoy yourselves-just do it smart-we are all in this together. you get bad pills -POST IT...knowledge is power.

    love you all


    This is true. "Ecstacy overdose" is an ambiguous term. Which comes back to my point that a newspaper article explaining the cause of death listed in an autopsy report must take great liberties to call it an "ecstacy" overdose. The report itself would be specific and list an MDMA OD as the cause of death, if this were the substance that resulted in the boy's death. How many reporters know or care to get the details right? Ketamine, Methyldihydroxymethamphetamine, Gamma Hydroxybuturate, it all sounds the same right? Might as well pick the headline that makes the article the most interesting.

    Furthermore, if he took a bad pill, the cause of death would be listed as whatever substance made the pill bad... DXM, cyanide, whatever.

    Oh, and if he died of heat exhaustion, heat exhaustion would be listed as the cause of death, not an overdose. If you jump off a building, your cause of death will be severe trauma from the impact with the ground, not jumping.

    Bottom line... The black market adds an element of risk to drug use. Buyer beware. If you get pure MDMA though, OD'ing is very unlikely, but still possible if you take enough pills.

  17. Check out this review of Sandstorm I found on Amazon.Com:


    Reviewer: Adrian (see more about me) from Vancouver, BC Canada

    come on boys and girls... This song isn't that great? A club hit? hardly.. just because something goes on the radio doesn't make it a club hit. System F - Out of the Blue, DJ Tiesto - Sparkles, Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400... now those are club hits.. but are they getting all the acclaim this song is? Noooo.. why because it's on the radio. This song will definately blow over in 3 months. If you want to blow your money on this song at least have a mixer so you can mix this with other tracks like Klubbheads or something.


    I guess Zombie Nation is more tolerated in Vancouver...

    here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ts/music-customer-reviews/B00004UCAM/qid=970059011/sr=1-1/103-9333404-9447826

  18. Originally posted by rally2000:

    i'm NOT talking about the media - get it right poohboy

    I'm talking specifically about the ME's report - a comprehensive, detailed external and internal examination of the deceased, including, but not limited to, a toxicology report.

    Fuck the media! i wasn't referring to a ny times article - i was referring to the ME's conclusion.

    OK, I'm confused now...

    Have you seen the actual ME report Rally?

    I didn't read the whole thread but the first link said the NY Times reported the contents of the report, but didn't actually print the report.

    I have seen a NY Times reporter confuse creatine and steroids in an article, so personally I have no faith that they can accurately discuss the contents of a detailed autopsy report. For all we know the report said GHB killed him and the reporter confused his club drugs. I've seen articles that confused the two before.

    So, if someone did publish the autopsy report, then you are right Rally, you are not talking about the media. But if all we have to go on is the NY Times's account of the report, the media issue is relevant.

    BTW, I have a friend who is an emergency room physician. In three years of residency he has yet to witness an OD death from anything other than Heroin, Cocaine, Alcohol, and GHB. Does this mean ecstacy OD's can't happen. No! It does mean I would want to see the real autopsy report to believe it happened, not a reporter's version of the report.

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