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Posts posted by innuend0

  1. ..........................leaves


    ...........wind.} fall

    .....................- colors



    ..............................crisp air


    .................+cat's thick coat


    ........................signsof fall

  2. Hypocrite, politician, lawyer... are there any differences amongst them?

    a hyprocrite will say what you want to hear to your face, and do the opposite when you're not around

    a politician will say what you want to hear when running for office, and do the opposite once they are elected

    a lawyer is just a derivative of both..

    It seems like the art of hypocrisy serves as a foundation for all high paying and prestigious jobs in America. Good lord we need a reformation.

    The real question at hand is--

    who are the greater hyprocrites: lawyers or politicians?

    Sounds like a "who came first, chicken or egg" type of mind boggling question.

  3. I break down the napster situation like thus:

    They were busted after a long successfull term of distributing massive amounts of free dime bag schwag to the people of the world.

    However, the man finally got involved and cut them off.

    Napster evolved..

    Now they privatize their business, and now expect their "faithful" followers to follow suit and subscribe.

    First off, what's wrong with this picture is the concept of "faithful consumer". The medium was appealing, and that's why it took off. Times a changin, and there will be something just as profound in the future.

    Napster has the man over their shoulder and they're trying to play nicey nicey. Their schwag now causes migraine headaches, and you are expected to pay for it.

    Someone needs to unleash a malicious napster virus.


    Narrow Minds Lead Narrow Paths.

  4. Been drinking Tartinis lately. Bar 89 makes a really good one, but they are $11 each. I decided to put matters in to my own hands and found the recipe.

    1 shot Stoli Razberi

    1 shot chambord

    2 oz cranberry

    splash of sours (or lime juice)

    shake over cracked ice and serve in cocktail glass

    Anyone who loves rasberry will enjoy this drink. Spike it with a shot of absolut mandrin for an interesting flavor.

  5. If you're not concerned about the high levels of sugar in cell-tech, it's a good idea. Lipoic acid can be taken as an individual supplement along with liquid creatine for "better" gains (in so far as nutrition). Heed my warning: there will come a time when one will decide to stop taking creatine, and they will be drastic decrease in size and strength. I agree with the natural concept.

  6. So I am assuming everyone has signed up for their very own DAFT CLUB membership? I read their interview with URB and it seemed to be an interesting, and innovative, business venture. I've yet to buy the album since the mp3's have kept my interests moist for the time being.

  7. I give thanks to whoever dropped Gouryella last night- that track is perfect. I really appreciated the tech-house for a few hours, and so did my girl. I hadn't been to tunnel in almost a year, and it was definately a good night. There was enough room to dance, and that was special.

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