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Posts posted by ynicholas

  1. I say just be yourself. You were friends b4 the breakup (I'm guessing), therefore you should carry on at SF as if you are just friends, thats it. It will show him that life goes on without him and you won't look like you are trying to make him feel guilty for breaking up. If you broke up on bad terms then thats a different story...



    Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!

  2. Originally posted by divalicious:

    i swear on sunday evening i was already ready for friday! i just can't wait for the weekends. i feel as though i'm rushing my life or something, by wishing the week would hurry up so i can go out dancing!

    tell me it's OK that, although my official age is 28 3/4, i'm a forever 18 y.o. party grrrl who just wants to have fun, and Never "settle down". a gal whose biggest worries in her "adult" life continue to be what to wear this weekend, and what she's going to have for bfast/lun/din. who lives for the weekend and loves to dance that booty off!! i really don't feel like the "adult" i imagined myself to be when i was younger. i don't feel as though i've left the adolecent stage yet!! please, someone, tell me this is OK??


    diva me too! I am outta control. I can't stay home for too long. Its funny when people want my home phone number when I give them my cell. Its only b/c I am hardly home. When I am home though, I am there to SLEEP!

    BTW - Thanks for quoting me Rick!

    Carpe Diem all the way!



    Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!

  3. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    What's wrong with classical and heavy metal? Nothing more romantic than a guy playing something like Moonlight Sonata to you... Opera can be awesome, too. I enjoy it all except country music smile.gif)) And some R&B pisses me off with all that whining that's considered to be talent.

    Oh I didn't say there was anything wrong with it but its just not my Earl Grey. I used to listen to heavy metal and was into that gothic stuff (everything black) but I outgrew it. I guess. smile.gif



    Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!

  4. Ummm I uesd to go there all the time. I thought that place was the shit. LOL! Then I slowly started to not like it when I could give you a list of what songs they were going to play before they played them (esp. in the hip-hop room). I haven't been there in months!



    Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!

  5. I don't get it Phoenix. I mean I am sooo harmless. I would never think of it. My rule of thumb is the golden rule so I totally respect any relationship someone has. I couldn't break someone up just so I get the guy. I wouldn't want it to happen to me... frown.gif

    I can turn my feeling off like that very easliy if I know someone is "taken". smile.gif



    Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!

  6. I think I have been in the process of losing a friend I have known since I was in high school b/c of his girlfriend. She is so jealous of me (I don't know why). They live together in Philly (I'm in NY) and she thinks that I want to get with him. HELLO!! First of all high school was like 6+ years ago. I did like him back then but I got over it. In a convo he had with his girl he told her that we had "feelings" for one another at one point. No shit, but again that was 6+ yrs ago. So know anytime I go to Philly or call she thinks I am trying to take him away from her. I don't want him like that. So I am thinking she is putting him a position to choose either me or her. I don't want to be in the middle of that. So I will just be a good friend for him and let him sort it out himself, unless he asks for my opinion.

    As for as male friends, I have tons of them. I guess I am one of the few women than can have no "feelings" for my male friends and have no jealousy towards another woman my boyfriend is friends with. If someone is a cheater, they will cheat. I don't like hearing bullshit that they were caught at a weak moment or anything. I guess I think like a guy so STFU!!! (just showing my ever so small aggressive side). smile.gif



    Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!

  7. I think I can kind of understand where he is coming from. As a black female, I don't care what type of person someone wants to date, because it has nothing to do with me. I went to a college that was (or still is) at least 85% or more white. I had no problem with it. The interestig thing though was that for some of the black guys, some were assholes, some were not, these girls were like throwing themselves to them like they were the shit. The was one girl in particular that went out with this one black guy then dumped him to go out with the guys best friend. I mean c'mon, that whole thing is a myth because there are plenty of men of other races with big dicks as well as there are black men with little ones. But why is there such a preoccupation with the size of one's member? I don't see it or get it. For all I know I might be talking shit but oh well, that my opinion.

    My $0.02



    Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!

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