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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. I love him! But that picture would be 10 x better if he were holding $100 bills. -iliana
  2. *System Of A Down* "Steal this album" has been the soundtrack of my life for the past 2 months. I haven't been this obsessed over a band since Sonic Youth came out with "Washing Machine". S.O.D just keep getting better! -iliana
  3. PS: I expect Mr. OCK to be stocky and big in size. -iliana :laugh:
  4. Well, if you're doing introductions then I'm the first one there. -iliana
  5. OMG..that's horrible! I don't care how many times you send your friends to gangbang me, don't you dare show cruelty to harmless animals!!!! And if YOU help her shovel, I'll give you a killer blowjob! -iliana
  6. Life is a shopping spree at BARNEY'S!!!!!!!!! And then you die -iliana
  7. That sux about Float! What even sux more is the fact that no one was helping you change the tire!!!! LOLLLOLLLOL Fucking hilarious!!!!! -iliana
  8. YAYYYYYYYYY...10 Million, not with your help I'm sure! Bwaahaa..whatta ya call this?? RESEARCH??????? -iliana
  9. You must be such a credible publisher! Going on the internet all day writing shit....hmm..the company you work for must be doing soooo well. LOL -iliana
  10. I got my whip handy,...my preference is to torture ghetto booty black girls... :laugh: Can I Whip you hard while you read "Howl" out loud?? That gets me SOOOOOOOOOOOOO wet!!!!!!! PS: i'm counting on you to fix my grammaticalll errrrors. Thanks Shaniqua! -iliana
  11. :laugh: Look what the cat dragged outta the snow! A ghetto hood rat.... I forgot that I have to PROOFREAD MY RESPONSES BEFORE HANDING THEM IN....... after all this is clubnyc!!!! LOLLLOL Much time on your hands lately stupid bitch! -iliana
  12. Ewwww.. I HATE BEAMERS!!!!!!!!! And no I don't lie about where I live and who I am..But I don't feel the need to right a book on the internet about me, me, me. Plus, DON"T get your panties in a twist...this is just a messageboard--not channel 7 News jackoff!! I do have to say, It's sure nice for minorities to go to a good school since most of them can't afford NYU or FORDHAM. So congrats to you buddy! PS: HOFSTRA UNIVERISTY IS SOOOOO MUCH COOOLER THAN QUEENS COLLEGE!! -iliana
  13. FO REAL?! OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -iliana
  14. Biatch, I will teach you the basic rules of ebonics so you can be ghetto fabulous! Prepare to cross unchartered territory with yo phat-ass skilz. Rule #1: Remove all forms of the verb "to be" from your sentences Examples: "He sick today."; "They talkin about yo ass." Rule #2: Repeat noun subjects with a pronoun Example: My fatha (father), he smoke blunts. Rule #3: Omit forms of "do" from most of your questions Example: What you say about my mama? Rule #4: Use the same form of a noun for singular and plural Example: One joint, Two joint, Three joint. Rule #5: Disregard verb tense in your sentences Example: I know it good shit when she tell me. Rule #6: Use the same verb form for all subjects Example: I go, he/she go Rule #7: Use few consonant pairs Examples: Jus(for just); chil(for child, not be confused with chill) Rule #8: Use few long vowels or diphthongs Examples: Alhiht(for alright); tahm(for time) Rule #9: Omit the "r" sound Examples: Mo(for more); reefa(for reefer); masta or mastah (for master) Rule #10: Replace "z" for "s" at the end of a word Examples: skilz(for skills); wheelz(for wheels) Rule #11: Replace the "th" sound with a"f" or "d" sound Examples: dis(for this); dat(for that); souf(for south) Now ya don't hafta front when yo chillin wit yo peps (There is no need to be ashamed now when you are in the presence of people fluent in ebonics). -iliana
  15. LOLLOL Honey, your vocabulary is as dated as your k-mart panties. "Play" went out with House of Pain! Get a life and get out of the ghetto! You're only spiraling down into a bottomless pit of xanax and ghetto fabulousness!! EEEKKKKKKK!!!! :eek: LOLLOL -iliana
  16. For real! Most of those minorities wouldn't be able to ride their bicycles to school! Dude, I wouldn't post that shit on a messageboard!!! Bwahhha. -iliana
  17. France is shit scared of Hussein. They figure they are closer to them than the US, it would be easy for Iraq to pulvarize them first. Plus they do business with Middle Eastern countries. They want to save face. Disagreeing with the US is not being "pussies", it's being ignorant. -iliana
  18. Clubhoppintg: Alleluia Brotha! You fucking tell him!!! Hype----stop writing crap posts..THAT'S MY JOB!!!!! -iliana
  19. No no , you're mistaking me for Julio, your gay lover you tried butt fucking. It's understandable. When you're high, differentiating men in women's clothing form REAL women can be hard! But you sure gave Julio a hardy ass-wipping! -iliana
  20. BUT, BUT, YOU SAID YOU LOVEDDDDDD MEEEEEEEE???!?!?!??!?!?! :( :( Remember last night, you wanted my mouth AND my asshole..REMEMBER????????????!!!!!!! -iliana
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