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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. LOLLLOOL A true discussion????? Oh my, how could i oversee the importance of this topic????? "Culture CLub Saturdays" I am more than certain that as we speak there are CNN correspondents reading this board for insightful information on ever so important aspects of our club life. Thank you Rudeboyyouth for your guidance in teaching me to evaluate the importance and seriousness of certain discussions. You have truly shown me the light. Let's save the redemption for martyrs, shall we? Afterall, I'll always be inspired by degenerates such as yourself to wallow in stupidity and offer nothing of content to such a bland overrated messageboard. Now.....GO KILL YOURSELF ! LOLLLOL LOL -iliana
  2. My God, you are still a lame asshole! How sad!!! As far as Culture Club, go there if you want to see 15 girls to one guy. Hope you like lots of pussy! -iliana
  3. Dude, That's what you get for "rolling balls" all night long and not being logical enough to go home at a decent hour. Thank god you didn't crash and kill someone. If they take away your license at least the DMV will help keep the stupidity off the streets. -iliana
  4. Imagination is a movie such as "The Never Ending Story". Freddy VS Jason is pure crap. -iliana
  5. Call the cops. I'm pretty sure you have rights since your personal belonging are there and have been for three years. There has to be a reasopn why you were there so long without paying rent and the mother not bitching about it. Also, why dont you get a free consultation from a lawyer instead of looking for one on a club messageboard? -iliana
  6. Is this list in any particular order? Why are Hispanics last? And yes....the French are VERY MUCH HATED! -iliana (Escobar..crazy cubana)
  7. How underground can it be when half of the NY Tri-State Area knows about it?????????????? :confused: -iliana
  8. Last I heard she was changing her breast implants somewhere in Colombia....havent heard from her since..... -iliana
  9. Oh. I just told everyone in my office that the Eiffel Tower was bombed...oops. Let's hope it's just an elevator on fire. -iliana
  10. Is this a joke? Do you have a link to that headline? -iliana
  11. :laugh: :laugh: THAT'S A GREAT SIG TASTY!!!!!! :laugh:
  12. Yay, what a shock that you can spell "PMS'...and I'll be going in my panties WITHOUT a tampon on. Yummy! Jelly donuts anyone?????? -iliana
  13. Can you please keep your slutty sex life to yourself? Thaaaaanks! -iliana
  14. Learn how to spell underwear you stupid unoriginal bitch! -iliana
  15. Wow, is this a statistical conclusion that you have discovered? Or are you just talking out of your ass again?? -iliana
  16. REAL ORIGINAL!!!!! Joyce leslie having a sale? -iliana
  17. Because your fat mom takes up all of Arc you dumbfuck! Now go drown in your stoli you cumbucket. -iliana
  18. Hey glowgrl, those are great gymnastic postiions in your sig!!!!!- Great for fucking. Thanks for the inspiration.....now i can fuck the shit out of my hunny bunny. -iliana
  19. If "spririt" is truly going to be a new "rave" then I'm excited about it. The days of dark seedy clubs should be over. If there's no smoking, then up it one notch and get rid of alcohol too. Just let it be about the music. -iliana
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