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Twilo Beauty

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Everything posted by Twilo Beauty

  1. Um, I dunno! You tell me since I don't have a cock you fucking trannie! -iliana
  2. ASSHOLE Even more so now since I wasted my precious time on that shitty test! Thanks for nothing eckoclut! -iliana
  3. Hey kiddo, who are you fooling?? You post as much as a welfare-recipient housewife. Tell me, oh future Gordon Gecko, how do you manage to squeeze in your 500 cold calls a day, plus grace us with your big shot posts????? You must be multi-talented and multi-tasked. I bethca you minimize clubnyc when you see your sales manager approaching. You don't wanna get reprimanded in front of the boys, don't ya? Pray tell, what fortune 500 company do you work for??? And, basically, a REAL STOCK BROKER WOULD NOT HAVE THE TIME TO POST ON HERE. You my friend are a FUGAZI. P.S. Stop watching Boiler room and Wall Street please!!! -iliana
  4. Dude, you call yourself heterosexual??? YOU HAVE WINNIE THE POOH AS YOUR AVATAR!!!!!!! :confused: -iliana
  5. Hey, go apply for a job at the UN muthafucker....Leave clubplanet for us degenerates!!!!! :mad: -iliana
  6. What's wrong Bon Jovi??? Tired of watching your Soprano's DVD collection??? Why don't you cross the river and start talking smack. You'll see how fast your undies get pooped on. Bitch. -iliana
  7. LOLLLOLLLOL For real, what's up with that??? I thought this jackass was some female jersey trash. But it's a GUY! I wonder what color his panties are. I'm wearing a pink thong today. What about you notallthere????? Is your screen name a hint to who you really are? You're "not all there" as a man???? Tell me, I wanna know! -iliana
  8. LOLLLOL..dude, your sig says it all .... LOSER Now go dance with your fucking gay flower you pansy! -iliana
  9. LOLLLOLLLOLLLOLLLOLLLOL:laugh: :laugh: *Two snaps and a twist biatch* -iliana
  10. Where did you get that pic in your sig?? It's awesome. -iliana
  11. Fo now I am. This company is small and we're a family. I go to everyone's house and I hang out with my boss...and all the brokers are adorable. It's a frat house over here. But it's not forever. I plan to stop working when I start Grad school. -iliana
  12. By any chance, are you enrolled at BMCC?????? -iliana
  13. What the hell is that tall green thing in his design?? Foliage??? And NOTHING will replace the twin owers ...Nothing fucking at all. I hate all of them. :( -iliana
  14. TRUE! She'll probably be taking care of your GRAMMAR-DEFICIENT ass!! Now you can dream off quiting your 'hard' job as sales assistant. (oops....maybe she'll dump your ass before she starts her business) LOLLLOL -iliana
  15. BUT........ Reading that I can't help thinking of adolescence instead of turning "10". I wasn't that melancholy at 10!!!!!! -iliana
  16. I know! That sucks !!!! :( RIP MR. ROGERS -iliana
  17. Yeah, life won't be fair when she reaches 30 and she's "over the hill" in that industry. If I were her I'd strip, make tons of money and pay for law school instead of partying each night. You got the dummies and then you got the hunnies! -iliana
  18. A thank you letter will suffice. Make sure you mail it. It's much more personal than e-mail. -iliana Ps: a bottle of wine IS NOT appropriate. Especially if you weren't buddies with this person. It reads "Thanks for the recommendation. Wanna get drunk and fuck?"
  19. Hey davidstone, I'm glad you stopped butt fucking your mother for 15 minutes so you can respond to this post. As we all know my cock experiences aren't as vast and numerous as yours. But don't mistake yourself. Your ugly face attracts disease infested cock while my beautiful face attracts high class cock. Of course, unlike yourself, I don't blow and fuck everything in sight! Get with the program shorty! And try to get pussy that doesn't belong to a family member..k?!?! -iliana
  20. If you want someone who can bring something to the table then you should show them the money. You're basically gonna attract Devry drop-outs with that type of salary. I betcha that's 350 before taxes. You make more money working retail at Versace plus you'd probably make more connections there. Don't be cheap, advertise job postings in the New York Times. Goes to show your cheap ass won't pay for anything worthwhile, especially a good worker. -iliana
  21. Misty Menthol 120's They last my whole car ride to work! -iliana
  22. By the way, you want a cover letter for a fucking 9-hour job that pays $350/week! How about a letter I wiped my ass with???????? -iliana :laugh:
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