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Posts posted by entrepreneur

  1. Well boys and girls you can make fun of my marriage all you want Yes I married a Russian girl from St Petersburg, RUssia she's very beautiful smart and articulate in English. I am just so happy.. my period of loneliness and self-denial have ended.

    I am so happy that I even wish happiness to those who hurt me over the years.

    don't stay single too long, involve in a loving relationship or get married.. good luck to you all.. the old man has left the building...Do svidanya! We are off to Hawaii!

  2. you are all wrong totti should've have NOT been taken out in fact italy could have gotten a penalty kick. watch the slowmo and the korean guy did push the italiano. even the espn commentator said it was a bad call. don't get me wrong im korean and im glad korea beat italy but it wasn't a fair game. the ref awarded korea with penalty in the first 5 min for minor grabbing remember?

  3. im glad my native country beat italy but the ref fucked it up. it should've been italy's penalty kick instead of red card in OT. it wasn't a clean victory by korea.

    im sorry italians but shit happens when you are in a hostile terrotory. we korean americans experience that all the time in the U.S.

  4. boys and girls. mail order doesn't mean you order a woman through catalog and she gets delivered to your door by UPS. The term isn't accurate since you go to russia meet hundreds of women and you pick one woman, you wait 3 months for her visas and when she comes to america. you have upto 3 months to marry her or she has to return to Russia. If we dont get along in 3 months she will just leave me. simple as that.

    having said that its not much different than match.com or blind dates. you can call me loser or whatever because im not. i am successful and independent and good looking i do have some social problems but we all are entitled to some fun.

    can't wait for my 18yr old russian wife... ;)

  5. ah nevermind.. you people are too young to understand my post. sorry about it please ignore my post. i will try to find a decent woman from russia who speaks some english i will bring her over and if we fall in love we will get married otherwise she will go back . i have no intentions of controlling my wife. so don't jump to conclusion. but i can understand why some of you russians were upset. adios.

  6. well the 2 previous posters are russians and they don't seemed pleased with the whole russian 'mail order bride' thing. i m sorry if i offended your country. i really do. but i m not saying i wil tie her up in the basement, i will show her how to use the metro systems and buy her a car so she move go out on her own. what im basically saying is that, she might become spoiled by living in NYC area since there are russians in every block. i know couple of guys who married women from russia but they both live in middle of nowhere... i don't know.. yeah im insecure in some ways like most people are but im not a bad person. i just need a wife who is 10yrs younger than me and i think i have a good chance of meeting her in russia.

    if you are russians, more power to you and don't get offended by men in america going to Russia to find brides. the russians women seem to be more enthusiastic than american marriage and the supply is great. for every 20 american men there are 200 russian women..

  7. i have no intentions of controlling my future wife. however one thing i like about russian women is that they are more traditional and less spoiled(so i heard). and i guess deep inside i want her to be dependent upon me but when she lives near russian towns with all these russians and russian mobs, good news is she will make friends but the bad news is she will begin to think she can live without me eventually. .. she might as well live in Russia. i am even thinking of moving out of NYC after i get married.

    btw i hope i didn't offend any russians or anybody who is offended by my method of marriage, frankly i think this is the right choice for me. and i've always been interested in Eastern European women and the Russian Culture, from Tchaikovsky to Tolstoy..

    im going st petersburg, russia in APril for 2 weeks( i was gonna go Ukriane but i canceled) . i will met 200 hundreds single russian women.. i hope i find one that interests me.

  8. I know there are many russians in Brooklyn and Forest Hills. WHere else do many russian immigrants live in the tristate area??

    if you are a russian lilving in NY or know any russians. share your views on Russians.

    i ask because i might end or marrying a woman from Russia. and i don't want her to be too close to Russian towns in NY because that might prevent her from learning english and american culture. i know this is totall off topic, so please excuse me and reply if my post relates to your experience with Russians.

  9. oh happy bday to you too.. i wish i was your age.. lol oh boy this feeling hasnj't sunked in yet but we all age and i just have to accept the fact that im no longer twenty somthing.. maybe something positive will come ouf of my new age.

    thank u all. all of your replies were the sweetest thing i read here on CP.

    Originally posted by pk1



  10. It's very overwhelming to accept the fact that im no longer twenty something .. i turn 30 today.. time flies..it feels like yesterday when i was so excited to turn 21.. now im 30! UGH!!!

    well it's time for me to settle down a bit.. it's been a wild crazy and sometimes lonely ride last 10 years.

  11. well younglady, thanks for your lenghty input. but im 29. i m sick of dating. sick of the singles scene, sick of pretected sex .. i just want a young beautiful caucasican wife who will sleep and live with me everyday.. i wanna shoot my sperm deep inside a womans vagina without worrying about the consequences.... i can't stand living alone anymore. i see these people in their mid 30s who are still single, thats a tragedy i don't wanna end up like them.. they remain single because they are picky,conceited and still trying to find the one.. forget it. that won't work.

    Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

    I didn't make fun, I just warned. But my car catalog analogy still holds. Doesn't matter if it's a catalog or correspondence, you can't possibly really know someone that way. Also, you say that it's okay if it doesn't last cause 50% of marriages end in divorce? Maybe no one told you, but here's a clue now: FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE, FOR RICHER OR POORER, TILL DEATH DO US PART means FOREVER and divorce should not be something you just use an escape hatch when things aren't going right. That's why you try to marry the best person for you, so that you can work through all the hard times because you truly love each other. It's attitudes like yours that are responsible for all those divorces. Don't do it till you mean it and it's real - marriage isn't just something you do, it's a life-long commitment. If you're not ready for it, just date someone.

  12. well boy, since you are naive and clueless i won't attack you again. me a loser? you wil have to see me in person. donald trump once had a wife from Czech.. does he make him a loser??

    Originally posted by roha3000

    Yeah you are right. I am a moron. And you, my friend, are a stud. A stud with a fucking MAIL ORDER BRIDE!!! Call it whatever you want you fucking loser, its a mail order bride by definition. Whether you admit it or not, I bet you are paying some sort of doughry to the parents of this jail bait gold digger. Whether they advertise on the net, or in a catalog, the concept is the same. A sad fucking loser buying a wife. Good luck, I am sure you will have a long happy marriage.

  13. well dear i have a different taste in women, 99% of korean men prefer korean women but i only prefer younger white women with light skin and hair.

    Originally posted by dub16

    I don't know if this is of ANY relevance, but one of my past times is to read the wedding announcements in the Sunday NY Times. And apparently, there IS a percentage of people out there who marry or meet their spouse at a relatively "older" age (to me, that's over 30) and tons of people who marry young and regret it. So why are you in such a hurry? Take your time, find the right person for you, and best of luck. I'm sorry, but I can't see that getting a mail order bride would necessarily mean happiness for you and I am suspicious of the reasons why an 18-20 year old would want a 29 year old that lives in a totally different country and culture from them (plus you are a totally different ethnicity). Sorry to burst your bubble, but things like the responses you've been getting should be expected from posting at a public message board.

  14. i met these girls from match.com not mail order bride catalog these mail order catalogs don't exist , if they exist they are fraud run by mafia.. jesus people why don't you READ my statement carefully.. it wasn't a mail order bride~! just because im 'coresponding' with a woman from overseas that dosn't mean im buying a wife through a catalog , this isn't ebay.

  15. frankly im not looking for a wife to spend rest of my life with. 50%of marriage in US ends up in divorce.. i am just sick of being single.. and women i meet don't last more than 2 months.. i need a young bride that will be with me for at least 3 years.. they can have the green card.

    you might think im desperate, yes im and i m one of millions of singles in NY who are also desperate.

    Originally posted by flying_high

    Well, I'm sorry entrepreneur but that's exactly my point. Do you really thing that a marriage that is based on one partner paying and the other one only entering into the marriage in order to come to the US is going to lead into a "loving relationship"??? I might be wrong but I, for my part, don't think that a 18-year old girl that is solely interesting in getting a green card is going to share her life with you for the rest of her life. I'm sorry, but I rather think that she is going to persue her dreams once she has settled in and gotten the legal rights to stay in the country.

    Sorry, but this argument doesn't hold either. I'm very soon turning 28 so I do kind of know how we, "people in that age group" feel ;) Believe me, I understand that you might feel like panicing as all your friends are getting engaged or are living in happy relationships. But do you truly believe that this fear of staying alone is justifying that action? I've been alone for periods of time too...but one thing I always believed in....never compromise your love life... don't just enter into a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship...if there is one thing that I never want to feel...is having missed out the chance of true love cause I "settled for less".

    Anyway, I wish you good luck...whatever you decide.

  16. im also corresponding women from the south and midwest .

    you are right that women outside northeast are better looking.

    Originally posted by turpentyine

    if the women in NY r not that good y don u just try other states instead another country.

    try down south the women there r much better looking then the ones up north

  17. this isn't a mail ordre bride you moron. it's not like you can just click and buy a wife. i am coresponding women from ukraine directly. read carefully.

    Originally posted by roha3000

    I may regret posting on this one, but good fucking lord man. You are telling ppl on this board to get a life when you have to go out and buy a mail order bride? What kind of logic is that buddy? I think you need to rethink your situation. Take a look inside, you may not like what you see. Obviously the women around here don't.

  18. you can make fun of me all you want but we all need to settle down and marry when the time comes.. i have had wild time for past 4 years living in ny and it's time for me to settle down. i've date many women and i am just fed up with NY women.

    you guys don't know what you are talking about all you know is what you see on tv. when was the last time you were in a loving relationship? when was the last time you got laid? when was the last time you had a life? if you have a life why post here so often??

    i am not trying to attack some of you but i am replying because some of your replies are very ignorant and unrealistic. well then again many of you are about 10yrs younger than me so i understand but when you get to be my age you will understand.

  19. im very serious. i've met and dated several women from eastern europe i find them to be more intersting, more submissive and much more beautiful than NY women. but thats just me im not saying ny women are bad. ny women are very picky and as a 29 yr old it's hard to find a 18-20 yr old white girlfriend here anyway. at least im being honest when you kids become my age, 29. you learn to be honest about yourself and make the right decision. lets face it, its hard to meet a woman in NY. a recent study showed that NY area is the toughest place for singles. so you can make fun of it all you want im just being realistic. as for my looks im 5'9 180lbs korean and good looking even though my hairline begins to recede a bit :)

    Originally posted by crobra

    this is some funny shit - you cant be serious?

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