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Posts posted by tepfenhardth

  1. in between mother jokes and gay jokes, we really have the epitome of New Jersey commentary, if you could dig a little deeper with your comebacks that would be great. Second Kosta going to Italy a few times to see family is not seeing europe try going to another country. General consensus, from what another well educated comrade of yours, I hasten to think that this does not make consensus, here or for the majority of the population. In terms of wits, I don't think using mother jokes is very witful considering every child at 7 is already making those jokes and then progress to gay jokes at 10, so I guess that's where your education left off, never to increase. By the way taking into consideration the way you spelled "whitty", i must admit that i doubt such witful comments would come out of your mouth.

    Finally i'll give you credit for your supposed drinking habits, since I am european and know the proper manner to handle it.

    In terms of throwing me in the water, gee guys you are real smart unfortunately for you, I have better things then to hang at Sandbar (been there 3 times this year), getting out of the country for the weekend, In addition to the fact that I would not step foot to SSH, it was fine when you are a senior in high school, but times have changed, i have better things to do then hang out with mangled up kids. the places i've seen fights are Metro, Joey's, Soundgarden, almost every time, so hopefully that answers your response, in terms of seaside, of course there is no fights, their all banged up on K or something of the sort, they don't even know where they are, that's the same as saying there is no fights at Sound Factory, man you guys are just not that bright. Finally dyonisus maybe I can go back to LA and pretend i am an actor, and you can continue here pretending you have an education puts us in the same boat.

    Anyway after this I am not responding, so you can keep working your gay and mother jokes, and your ability to lift people up in the water and how cool you think that may be.

  2. with rebuttals like that I prove myself. True there is fights everywhere, but on a routine basis in New Jersey which is the case that I cannot see, don't give me Europe been there all my life, and never seen a one.

    Once again, someone uses a derogatory remark, if you had a clue, the first one that uses those statements as a counter attack for an argument always proves his point is baseless and worthless. You have to love someone who uses mother jokes as a response to an argument...needless to say I will not even bother replying to those allegations. In terms of my social life, I go out enough to fill my desire for the long work week, no need to get inebriated to the point where i can't see, it's called growing up. You are a product of a society that has grown up on drinking heavily because of the drinking age, aka getting too damn drunk too damn fast.

    I am having fun with this, because consequently no one is really proving a worthwhile point for me not to pass judgment, and overall it makes my day go faster

  3. dyonisus.

    First off don't pass judgment on my musical ear if you do not know, second i don't listen to louie, in addition i've heard your rydells, manny's, denny's, and the rest of that crew, and guess what they all sound the same. If you wanna know what i listen to here, Tom Stephan, Christopher Lawrence, Tony Devit, Fontaine, Bishop, Picotto, Farina, Graham and the likes, which by the way would never show in Jersey because the crowd just doesn't get it here.

    Look instead of trying to get derogatory and ill mannered as is expected, why don't you learn some manners, hold an argumentative discussion in a proper manner and then I will continue to argue this point, but until then I hasten to argue with someone with an absurdly juvenile response. I have gone to all your Jersey clubs, metro, sandbar, Joey's, Drama back in the day, Hunka, Abyss, all of them, and unfortunately none of them hold a grain of salt. If you can prove otherwise so be it. Ultimately though it is whom i go out with and how i have a good time with them, but in terms of scene solely, hardly can i make it without some buzz.

  4. the two o'clock part does suck, but then you go to afterhours which you have to find. On the other hand, true NYC does have the better clubs which i never doubted, but New Jersey which was the point of argument does not, be it 2 or 3 oclock same difference. In terms of girls, I hasten to say but this area is just as bad, its a nationwide thing at this time, be it between lipo, collagen, or enhancements, this area has it just as much. Unfortunately people cannot be themselves and work hard to look good.. Damn shame

  5. cheers on that..

    Otherwise it is a vicious cycle, guys in Jersey are just as uppety as the girls for the most part, they worry more than the girls before they go out, which makes the girls even more conscious about themselves, and round and round it goes. For me i am more of a jeans and a calvin klein t kind of guy, but unfortunately you cannot get in many places like that, even though in Miami i was getting in everywhere like that, Ocean Drive magazine party at Loews, mad fun there..a while ago haven't gone there in a couple years...

  6. if you are the exception, we need some that are the exceptions to the redundancy of this area. My point ultimately is not to knock on people, but to confer that people can pass judgment with knowledge of other things, which I tend to see there is quite a lack thereof. Not that I don't believe you, but do you have pictures for proof? If you don't, no worries, i'll see you at Sandbar, LOL, the only place i keep going to because I am friends with Billy and Adam..thank god because i would not wait on that line

  7. but realist, that is so absurdly incorrect, not saying cali girls are real, but I hasten to say, that jersey has probably more attitude and unfortunately cali girls were more attractive. Real girls do not wear the same outfits, they become one in their own body, cut off jeans, Coach Bag or Louis, and some sort of cheesey hat be it gucci or coach once again, to me is ridic, not only that, jersey girls have to cut down on the makeup. Obviously like all places there are some very attractive, but they have an attitude to boot. I am a very very picky person, so i can be a very good judge on this, not many guys are unfortunately, which is where the attitude comes from, guys in Jersey pick up anything that moves which makes girls feel extremely desired, and then there head gets blown up as big as the dome in Sandbar. Anyway you can backlash all you want, I have my opinion from being in this area, and having partied in a lot of places, and unfortunately this area is for me the worst. On top of it all, there are always fights, too much damn testosterone or steroids in this area, anywhere else i have been to, never even seen one fight

  8. and I am assuming none of you have been in Cali at all. First off, was there listened to DJ Micro, Sander K, Dave Aude, and missed out on Christopher Lawrence all in one weekend. In terms of girls, there is no doubt that Cali is better, all you have to do is go to A.D., the most amazing women ever in that place...Jersey pales in comparison in music, and the girls are strobe light honeys..I go out enough here to pass judgment, I know people will make their comments and all, but fact is I am trying to get out of this area.

  9. they are losing market share in all the products they offer..Telecom has a few Chapter 10's more to go, and JDSU, could be one of them, look at their EPS for the last quarter, I still don't comprehend that aspect of American business. Quick plays in the telecom market would be Nextel and PCS, I think they were oversold the other day on the news. PCS at 4 and Nextel at 3 I believe to be good buys. Don't quote me on anything, because I don't want any backlash if something goes sour...

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