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Everything posted by wizard

  1. p00h is my fucking hero, schoolgirl uniform or not!! ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  2. getting?? ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  3. wizard your compliments, atleast i think they are, have me feeling like a schoolgirl... and i know what u're saying bout college football too, teams like nebraska and fsu who have to run up the scores to keep their rankings always cover huge spreads against inferior teams. g's up ho's down... nebraska and florida state in particular, exactly right. now, concerning this schoolgirl thang... are you wearing a shot plaid skirt with thigh highs? ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  4. Muahahahaha.... you must be high brotha, it aint gonna happen like that... ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  5. i happen to agree with iliana, you should be ashamed mister!! ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  6. ok, now taste and suprising intelligence both in the same day........i am impressed. my point is, that system works with college football, consistently, week in and week out if you choose the teams wisely. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  7. im with that, working on my picks right now for a serious pool, none of this chump change thang. p00h, i must commend you on perhaps the first instance i have noted that you actually have some taste. duke no dizzy... ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  8. i would recommend 'glass' aka crystal methamphetamine, it works faster and there is no need for sleep in between. makes for a highly productive 24 hour work day, and gives you that nice grey look to your complexion. not to mention what it does for you metabolism. the good old days.... ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  9. is that really the case? ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  10. while formulating my hypothesis, (that's hypothesis, not apothesis), the one thing im having a hard time grasping is that while the dominant ego being Cazz, is all up on Little Louie's jock, the submissive p00h actually thinks that he IS snoop dog, or one of those other fake arse, wanna be hip hop, west coasters. *pumpinthemusicikeepthemusiclikepumpinp00haintinitfornuthinhekeepstheaveragecrowdjumpin* ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  11. yo, that shit is too fucking funny, im dyin here. my only concern is this: do you seriously think this type of behavior is healthy? i will explain... im well aware that these two board names p00h and cazz976, are the same person, simply they are alter ego's, or multiple personalities, in the same seriously bamaged drain. (this drain bamage occuring mainly on weekend trips to the twilo hotel & spa, followed by 'handsome coach luxury ambulance rides'). do "y'all" really think it's a good idea to banter back and forth to your self under different screen names? i think it's time to consult a third party guys.... *deeplyconcernedabouttheramificationstowardsthistightknitcommunity* ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  12. el oh el. that was funny as hell, i commend you on that one. although you attempt to mock me here, i believe you understand the metaphor in it's entirety. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  13. are you feeling ok? i noticed that the brain trust that populates the DRAMA board, has given you a severe 'bitch slapping', over your little joke concerning mr. romero. i think in the future you should practice better judgement whilst starting rumors... you should be ashamed of yourself ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  14. Would she actually be your uncle? ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  15. thanks for everything, you have been as helpful as usual my friend. GFY ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  16. Jack, if my memory serves me correctly, you once told me you're living in Verona, is that still the case? im looking to move to montclair in the next month or so, any chance you can recommend one of the many realtors/brokers in that area? any help would be appreciated. be cool stephen ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  17. you sir, must have me confused with the instant-expert known as Twilogodess aka Miss Ghetto Boo-Tay. although if being an "expert" on PVD includes knowing the girth of his cock, then perhaps i am guilty. as for friday, the answer is no. contrary to popular belief, that music is the answer, in this case the answer is no. the reasons why will be held secret, as to cause no drama in the community. i do appreciate the tip off tho, a body cavity search is just what i needed this weekend. thank you for your concern. btw, stop skirting the issues in other posts. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  18. from what i understand, anyone who brings with them a handful of 13-17 year old boys, and a golf ball size rock of crack cocaine, will get a lifetime vip pass to Keoki's future parties. can anyone validate this for me please? ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  19. i KNOW you aint bullshitting about that! some people i know in montreal tried booking him.... it must have been 3-4 years ago, to play there, and he wanted a huge fee, on top of everything else you mentioned, except the entourage was 50 at that time, all to be put up in the most posh hotel available. note to cazz: get off the bandwagon... quit faking the funk. *cazzgoestovinylforthefirsttimeinsixmonthsandhasconcerns* ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens... [This message has been edited by wizard (edited 03-12-2001).]
  20. exactly right, never a line, never a crowd, best night at twilo consistently, when taking all matters into consideration. he should be on the decks by 2, he is not to be missed. the most crowded it's been in a little over a year that he has been there has been on the anniversary party, and it was an easily managable crowd. see you there ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  21. it's a Brave New World folks, no doubt. ancient- i don't know your friend, but best of wishes to him. resident- right on! mugwump- think for yourself man, thats all i can tell you. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  22. that is some of the funniest shit i have read all day, yet so sad in the same respect. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  23. first i would like to tell you that was very well said, and i have no choice but to agree with the logic behind the statement. to answer your question, i think you took what i said slightly out of context. what i said is fundamentally wrong, is an impending 'aftermarket parts industry for human beings', and i will stick by that. im certainly not an advocate of letting people simply die, whom are sick. im amazed at the advances science has brought us. a close friend received a complete dual lung transplant less than a year ago, thats amazing certainly but it came at the cost of anothers life. i have another very close friend who is wasting away with ALS, and there is seemingly nothing we can do for him, and that too is amazing. is cloning the answer though? do we NEED human guinea pigs? do we need to bring back the dead? should it be available if need be for people who have the means to buy a new heart if they need one? i dont think insurance will cover that... lol my point basically is that the evil side of cloning overshadows the the good at this point. sure maybe one day someone will make a brand new einstein, and then again perhaps someone else will make a new hitler. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  24. i think these Raelians could use a nice batch of 'Jonestown Kool Aid'.... that's it, im officially going to live my dream and start a cult of my own... that's the fucking biz to be in. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
  25. i can't see one positive aspect of this whole scenario. some people might make an arguement for organ donation, but i feel this too is wrong. humans are not supposed to live forever, period. opening an aftermarket parts industry for human beings is fundamentally wrong. there are far more important areas associated with medicine/science that deserve funding over such projects. ------------------ we must cultivate our gardens...
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