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Everything posted by momadance

  1. ive had a mickey or 2 i nm y day, and it sucks. the glue traps are the way to go, the trick is to make a strip of them blocking off the kitchen. then when they are caught, i just lift the trap and throw it out. ewww, yuck
  2. the intreped is an aircraft carrier, the odds of it leaving the port (which it hasnt dont in decades) is zero. History tidbit- the USS Intreped was taken out of service when it was hit in WWII by a japanese comacozy (sp?)
  3. if you graffitti on private property, may you rot in hell, you are the skum of the earth. if its done in an appropriate place, its ok
  4. I'm a mt snow kid myself, ill be up there for as much of the winter weekends & holidays as I can
  5. Mary prankster gone forever sad day for the old clown well miss you
  6. EXACTLY, thats just why I refuse to ever go to Centro-fly again. they have gone from a place i would go every weekend without even thinking aboiut it to a place i wouldnt even consider going.
  7. Sure, even a lot less than that, I ment most buildings are at least $1M. Just pointing out how rediculous that is. Peace
  9. I used to go to CF all the time (like at least once a week for about a year and a half) and I REFUSE to ever go back there again. the staff justs makes me realize that i dont want to put any money into a place that treats people like shit.welcome to the club
  10. i would buy 1/5th of a NYC election anf by the way, 1 million is not nearly enough to start inversting in Real Estate with (unless its a small outer borough property), and 10 million is not enough to start a fourtune 500 business
  11. i could underestand voting for bloomberg only if you were a rapeist
  12. I am glad I dont go to centro anymore
  13. its really hard, the waves come back at you when your trying to go back the other way, etc, etc, etc.... overated, just like the beach with all that dam sand up your ass!!
  14. Right on, its amazing to me how there is always a constant flow of newbies who must be told this
  15. If you live in manhattan and get time warner digi cable, put on channel 136, its vh1 classics. it brings back the serious old school
  16. It is one of the best places ive ever eaten in my life. it is deffinalty a place for special occasions, and not just any random night, as it is very expensive, but it is family style, so go with a big group and you only have to order a few things. the best thing there is the ostrech steak - off the hook! the docor is really cool to, just like all of Ian Shrager's other digs. you should definatly go. and hey pumavisor808, thats my disco stu icon!!!!
  17. i'll be skiing my ass off at Whistler, BC, Canada, with a one night stopover in Vancouver (puff puff)!! Ive been there 5 times , its the best skiing in N. America in one of the coolest towns in the world. fuck that cheesey cancun/acapoco bullshit.
  18. I dont understand why anyone would have a dog in the city, its so selfish; its unfair to the dog, and to your neighbors. how about dog pee? do you realize that every single square inch of city sidewalk has been peed on by a dog, its just a questin of how recently.
  19. I must ad to this thread my new reason for hating bloomberg. I get home from work, and i go to my anthrax box to get my mail. whats there, but 8 (thats right 8!) info packets that say 'mike for mayor'. STOP KILLING SO MANY TREES YOU DAM POLITICIAN.
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