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Everything posted by momadance

  1. Happy Birthday Baby!!!!! you rock girl, keep on grooving
  2. I actualy know one of the owners very well (since way before centro-fly even existed) but I didnt even want to start with all that. have you ever seen anyone argue their way in somewhere? It could be done, but its just not my stlye. I'd rather just stop giving them my business altogether. its not like its last years centro that i'll be missing, and at least I wont have anymore defending of the place to do.
  3. add this to my list of addictions. what do you all think of the sport cans? I think they are to hard to drink out of, yet alone to open without spilling, they really fill those suckers up
  4. why dont you just give the terrorists a trophy and have it ingraved 'Victory vs. the US'
  5. the website doesnt say to much.... any ideas on DJ's or anytthing else you can tell us? IVe been to the one in Miami and am psyched for a NY one. and wasnt there some kinda new years groovejet opening?
  6. anyone know where to find who's spinning at roxy anytime soon?
  7. how come so many people who have nasty mouths on CP have SF logos on their sigs???
  8. its a real shame when a place goes from being cool, to a place where you wouldnt ever want to go back to. I have been going to centro for almost 2 years now (since opening night) and i am officially done with it forever. I hate to say it, because i have had many many fun nights there, but when you get treated like shit consistantly by the staff (door, bar, and security) its just compleatly ruins the vibe of the place. Even people who didnt like to go clubbing so much, i would tell them about centro-fly and convince them to check it out. I would have parties there, and more often than not, buy bottles at rediculous prices. I gave and brought them so much business there its a joke. so on saturday night, my girlfriend and I get there around 2 o'clock. this new orange suit guy (not a door guy, but security or whatever) must have thought we were to drunk to come in or something , and signaled for them to not let us in. then Suzane, the door girl who knows who I am says "you should come here first next time" Hello, isnt this a club???? first of all, we were more sober than 90% of the times we have walked up there, second of all, dont you , being the door girl for about a year, have any authority to be like, no, its ok, i knw him, they can come in? not one other person was on the whole line outside, and my friends sayed it was dead inside, so whats the dilly? I think either that this new guy was just trying to exercise his power on the next people who camed to the door, or he took one look at me and my girlfriend and resented us for some kinda of socioeconomic reasons. they not only have lost my 'bottle buying' business forever, but a lot of other peoples whom i know too (both by prior instances, and this). but you know what, It was going so far downhill, more and more every time i was there, its for the best anyway. peope tried to tell me, but i kept on giving them the benefit of the doubt. A year ago, you had the perfect mix of all kinds a people there, now its a kiddie drug den, waiting to be busted, i'm just glad there are 100s of other places to go!!!
  9. anyonw who works at the door of a club is obviously a loser. what kind of underskilled moron works outdoors from midnight until dawn putting up with people pretending to be nice to them? Anyone who works a door was deffinatly the 'that girl' of their highschool.
  10. I will be there Monday night. Gotta love MSG for any concert, there are no bad seats (except the 400's, if you dont know how to do it right)
  11. I already did, but you should to, all you have to do is click on the 'report to moderator' link. and people, dont feed this troll, he is obviously an ignorant racist asshole. press the search button on one of his posts to see all the hate he has spread around this board.
  12. if you care ONLY about nightlife, and night life only, you should vote for green (right after you get a life). If you want a city that is run like a profitable company, vote for bloomberg. i am a democrat, but rather have a man who can handle the job, and not run our city back into the ground.
  13. their website has been there for well over a year. It hasn't made any changes recently, except for adding the pinky room to the main page. In fact, the tapicoa menu says fall 2000. they usualy are pretty good about at least updating the events page though. Peace
  14. dont froget about the bottle service and the tapioca room
  15. i asw this yesterday morning, at like 5 o'clock, then heard nothing of it all day, then again at 630 this morning CNN days it again. Is mainstream amarica not ready to hear that, or do they just thing that those of us up at crazy hours are more interested in this kinda info?
  16. this is yet another internet hoax, Q33 is not a flight #, or anything even related to the flight. way to spread false information people, real responible. a few days late too.
  17. WE CANT AFFORD TO IGNORE OUR COUNTRIES #1 CASH CROP ANYMORE!!! How else are we gonna pay for these Multi-billion dollar bills which get passed daily. Also, people would be a lot cooler with giving up privacy rights if they are allowed to smoke their herb, not to mention the mentaly calming benefits needed in times like this
  18. the first 5 complete shows of 'live phish' will be availible in record stores on tuesday. i pre-ordered them and got them last week and its the only music ive been listening to since last tuesday.
  19. first of all, you have to understand that if 2000 pictures arew taken of a cloud of smoke from 2000 angles, some of them will have immages which appear. Second off all, have you people ever heard of an ink blot test? how it works is you see what is on your mind.
  20. momadance


    that used to happen every time until about 5 years ago when shaving became widespred (no pun intended)
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