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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. you would take less offense if you knew what was going on
  2. you're in a k hole for the first time at a party where you don't know anyone you meet someone for the first time and they say, "yeah, i know you" someone posts in response to your threads and even posts your own threads, and you've never met him, nor even know for sure he exists. and then people think he's your alias all your jars are empty, except one, and by your calculations it should be coke, but it isn't God tells you you are going to die
  3. you've spoken with them many times, exactly like this: "hey! how's it going?" "hey! great, thanks! how are you?" "great, thanks! wow, i haven't seen you in a while" "yeah, that's because we only see each other in clubs and even if we were in the same one on the same night, we were probably too wacked out to see anyone!" "i love you" "i love you too. you are special; your parents are retarded"
  4. i don't like her trashy look (silly, considering she's a porn star)
  5. before you go bragging, realize that it's probably because you didn't turn them on enough before you shoved your dick in them. when a girl is aroused, she will produce vaginal fluid AND her vaginal canal will widen and be more elastic for penetration when i'm not turned on, a small dick can hurt
  6. coding: programming, specifically C and assembly "Gawd, if you listenin', HEYLP"
  7. sounds like a great guy, but he's not willing to wait around forever for you, which is exactly the right thing for him to do for both of you from my little bit of experience, i say go for it. the only things i ever look back and wonder about are relationship what-ifs. but then again, i had plenty of single time. but at least try, and if at worst it doesn't work out, you at least know
  8. must be associative; i'm coding and the last time i coded was close to when we both started posting
  9. what's an iud? bleeding is definitely a very bad sign. so is pain on the inside (different from being tight; she'll know). there are two common causes of bleeding during sex: torn tissues - can cause permanent damage, and cervical cancer. both can cause sterility, the latter can cause death please please make sure your girl goes to the doctor, not even just because you care about her, but because as a person you should worry that her health is at great risk
  10. just messed around a little with my bf and a gorgeous girl friend it was just an idea that came up in conversation. we couldn't really go far with it because we were in a semi-public place
  11. c'mon, man. post the pic! you want some pussy, don't you?
  12. i have them, but they're titled differently: Tranceport GU Oslo, NY, SF Another World Swordfish soundtrack
  13. put yourself on as many guestlists as possible. chances are, one of them has to work. it's a combination of bad promoting, bad management, and lazy guestlist people. don't apologize for the inadequacies of others by paying full price
  14. i don't trust journalists' translations of scientific research, particularly if those journalists are from republican (i.e. white, patriarchal, conservative) journals
  15. contrary to what many people want to believe, racism is not dead
  16. checking: 3+3 = 6 my god, we have a genius in our realm
  17. ya want the drugs, ya gotta give up some blood
  18. beach house 2 is the CD, or the track? thanks, you guys
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