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  1. lol - that was great!!!! it's almost like we can all rest assured now...homer got stoned!
  2. damn there are just too many, i'm known for bad luck though so.... loosing my grandmother getting in a car accident on E getting caught with 8 bombs getting mugged with a shotgun ...theres more but ...i'd have to think
  3. I was bored at work and after reading this I took a stroll thru the archives...HOLY SHIT we were such tools. I guess we still are though:confused:
  4. haha that's awesome! i totally remember that. Hey Myrlin - long time no talk - hope your doing well!
  5. HEY HEY Nathen!!! yes, it's exodust....i just go by neydogs when I'm feeling spicey! hehe OF COURSE - I wouldn't miss it for the world!! et toi?
  6. it's been a while! what's up everyone? They actually took the eggplant out of my ass over here at work - so I have a minute of free-time (knock on wood). My cube mate is soooo pissing me off. I mean I obviously love all kinds of music but he has been playing this one song OVER AND OVER AND OVER .... the whole week. I'm singing it and I don't even know what the real words are - grrrrrrr! And the worst part is the song just strait up sucks! so what's up - random thought? bring em' here
  7. Limelight has better line-ups.... SF has better energy but in my opinion I don't really prefer either one!
  8. BIZZZZZZZUMP.. awww sit....some H!!!
  9. Hey it's Exodust.... this was my first name on CP...but then when I got a new job I felt like I needed a new begginging so I came up with Exo.... but Neydogs pops in from time to time:D
  10. Lindsey!!!! whoo hoo! I'm so happy to see you here! are you going with us this weekend to Jeff Mills - won't take no for an answer!
  11. whoops forgot to answer your question 8th ave & 15th st.
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