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Everything posted by e-tarded

  1. I felt like being nice here it all is. Read thoroughly please. HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) 5-HTP is a metabolite of the amino acid tryptophan. it is the direct precursor of the inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin, the one associated with calmness; it soothes and comforts us from worry and stress. Stress causes the heightened release of serotonin, and if the stress lasts too long, it leads to serotonin depletion. Research strongly implies that boosted brain serotonin serves as a "stress immunizer." Serotonin seems to play the role of regulator to the ups and downs of mood disorders. Low serotonin levels are associated with irritability, aggression, impatience, and anxiety. Evidence suggests serotonin inhibits aggressive behavior in experimental animals and humans. Abundant laboratory research suggests there is a deficiency of serotonin or serotonin activity in the brains of most depressed persons., Suicidal patients show a significant decrease in serotonin levels. Most antidepressant drugs, including tricyclics, lithium, MAO inhibitors, and SSRI's (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Luvox), have this in common: they boost serotonin levels. 5-HTP differs from tryptophan in that it slightly increases the activity of an energizing neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, as well as the calming one, serotonin. in some clinical trials, 5-HTP outperformed tryptophan in treating mood disorders. it has also proved therapeutic for some who failed to respond to standard antidepressant drugs. The greater the agitation associated with depression, the more likely the response to 5-HTP. The usual dosage range of 5-HTP is 150-300 mg. per day in divided doses. A conservative starting dose is 50 mg., then boosting by 50 mg. every five days. A majority of responders notice a favorable mood effect within three days of beginning supplementation. in one study, of those who did respond, 80% did so within one week of therapy. Side effects are rare but may include mania, anxiety, and dermatitis. For some people, 5-HTP has a very narrow therapeutic window; the proper dosage may lie within a range as small as 10-25 mg. per day. if its antidepressant effects fade after a few weeks, it may be necessary to supplement 5-HTP at a different time of the day with a low dose of the complementary amino acid L-Tyrosine, to further raise the norepinephrine level or to eat more meat or other Tyrosine-rich foods. 5-HTP is able to pass the blood-brain barrier more easily than tryptophan, but to maximize its effectiveness it should not be taken along with protein food. one product manufacturer suggests taking it 45 minutes before or three hours after a protein meal. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  2. 4 pills before bed is good. if you do a search in this forum I have posted tons of info on 5-htp ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  3. i would of rather of been sick, then flat broke. At least if i was sick I wouldnt of been able to go out. Instead I got to sit home and play with my turntables which isnt so bad actually. It would of been nice to be out though. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  4. Actually the season has been starting in May. The weather definitely starts to get much nicer towards the end of May and into June and the season runs through about Sept. 15 or so. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  5. if you need that many pills, you need a long break. thats all i can say ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  6. 200k pills is nothing, come on seriously. do you really think the big dealers are dumb enough to get caught. i know people in the finance and banking industry that are dealers and they have alot more then 200k thats what they sell in a wkend. all these people you see getting busted are the middle men who arent smart enough. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  7. I see glass everywhere, its not hard to find at all thats fo sure. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  8. HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) 5-HTP is a metabolite of the amino acid tryptophan. it is the direct precursor of the inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin, the one associated with calmness; it soothes and comforts us from worry and stress. Stress causes the heightened release of serotonin, and if the stress lasts too long, it leads to serotonin depletion. Research strongly implies that boosted brain serotonin serves as a "stress immunizer." Serotonin seems to play the role of regulator to the ups and downs of mood disorders. Low serotonin levels are associated with irritability, aggression, impatience, and anxiety. Evidence suggests serotonin inhibits aggressive behavior in experimental animals and humans. Abundant laboratory research suggests there is a deficiency of serotonin or serotonin activity in the brains of most depressed persons., Suicidal patients show a significant decrease in serotonin levels. Most antidepressant drugs, including tricyclics, lithium, MAO inhibitors, and SSRI's (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Luvox), have this in common: they boost serotonin levels. 5-HTP differs from tryptophan in that it slightly increases the activity of an energizing neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, as well as the calming one, serotonin. in some clinical trials, 5-HTP outperformed tryptophan in treating mood disorders. it has also proved therapeutic for some who failed to respond to standard antidepressant drugs. The greater the agitation associated with depression, the more likely the response to 5-HTP. The usual dosage range of 5-HTP is 150-300 mg. per day in divided doses. A conservative starting dose is 50 mg., then boosting by 50 mg. every five days. A majority of responders notice a favorable mood effect within three days of beginning supplementation. in one study, of those who did respond, 80% did so within one week of therapy. Side effects are rare but may include mania, anxiety, and dermatitis. For some people, 5-HTP has a very narrow therapeutic window; the proper dosage may lie within a range as small as 10-25 mg. per day. if its antidepressant effects fade after a few weeks, it may be necessary to supplement 5-HTP at a different time of the day with a low dose of the complementary amino acid L-Tyrosine, to further raise the norepinephrine level or to eat more meat or other Tyrosine-rich foods. 5-HTP is able to pass the blood-brain barrier more easily than tryptophan, but to maximize its effectiveness it should not be taken along with protein food. one product manufacturer suggests taking it 45 minutes before or three hours after a protein meal. DRUG : Ketamine Hydrochloride STREET NAMES : K, Ket, Ketamine, Special K, Vitamin K BRIEF : Ketamine is an anaesthetic used primarily for veterinary purposes. Ketamine blocks nerve paths without depressing respiratory and circulatory functions, and therefore acts as a safe and reliable anaesthetic. It is commonly injected intramuscularly, but can also be taken orally and nasal pharyngealically. Ketamine is only available to physicians, and is not commonly sold as an illicit drug, and is scheduled in several states. [Erowid Note: Ketamine was placed in Schedule III in August, 1999 making it illegal to possess in the United States without a license or prescription.] The most common trade name for Ketamine are Ketaset and Ketalar, which are intramuscular veterinary Ketamine HCls. CHEMISTRY : 2-(2-Chlorophenyl1)-(methylamino)-cyclohexanone hydrochloride M.W. - 274.2 C13H16CINO-HCL LD50 (IPR-MUS): 400 mg/kg, LD50 (IVN-MUS): 77 mg/kg. white solid - melting point 266*C - non-flammable. Solubility: water 20g/100ml REFERENCES : Merck Index, 11th Ed., No. 5174 Anis, N.A., Berry, S.C., Burton, N.R., Lodge, D. "The dissociative anaesthetics, ketmine and phencyclidine, selevtively reduce excitation of central mammalian neurones by N-methyl aspartate." Br. J. Pharmacol 79, 565 (1983). PSYCHEDELIC INDICATIONS : Ketamine does not treat music so well. Expect a narrowing of your auditory bandwidth. Music will sound neat but not correct and not transcending. You will selectively lose frequencies. Use mellow music with a psychedelic flavor, and keep the volume less than loud because your perception of overall volume will increase. Visual hallucinations are most notable in low light. Touch is exceptional. Smells and tastes will be nulled. Do not expect to talk, although you may. Expect general reflection but not exceptional emotionality. DOSAGE : Due to its anaesthetic nature, K can produce wide ranging effects from different amounts. There seems to be a crucial line where the patient will lose grasp of his/her primary senses, and this will be termed a Line Dose. A further line exists where the patient will lose complete consciousness. In general, boosting is not adequate and it does not seem worthwhile to boost the original dose more than ten minutes after initial dose. General tolerance is appreciable and several weeks between uses are required to return to original tolerance. For most types, effects are linear with dose, and good experience can be had at low dosages. ORAL DOSE : A Line Dose is about 1.0 mg/lb. body mass. Anaesthetic doses are above 4.0 mg/lb. A maximum oral dose of 3 mg/lb. should be set for adequate recovery. Above line dose, increasing doses yield little psychedelic advantage except for greater temporary memory loss. A good first dose is 300-350 mg for average weight woman, and 350-375 mg for average weight men. A minimum dose of 150-175 mg will give a good psychedelic experience. IM DOSE : Intramuscular doses begin at perhaps .4 mg/lb. for a Line Dose. Anaesthetic doses to IM are about 1 mg/lb. Two injections should be made instead of one. Sterility of the bottle and needle are imperative. 100 mg seems to be a good IM dose for everyone. Expect soreness in the injection region for several days or weeks. IV DOSE : I do not recommend IV doses but have read reports of successful IV dosing. In the IV case you will probably lose motor control before you finish injecting so beware. NASAL DOSE : Nasal doses are highly unlinear next to oral and IM doses. The effects are quite different as well at low doses. At Line Doses, oral consumption is probably a better bet than nasal doses. A Line Dose nasally would again be about 1.0 mg/lb. A minimum dose nasally would be about .25 mg/lb, but will be short and much different from a comparable oral dose. 75-100 mg would be a good starter for most weights. Ketamine is relatively comfortable in the nasal region. PREP : IV and IM require fully sterile Ket bottle and needle. Powder for nasal use can be gotten from gentle boiling off of solution. To prepare an oral dose from a powder, place powder in a cup and pour about 1 cm of hot water (tap should be ok) in it and stir to solution. Fill remainder of cup with an acid such as orange juice. SETTING : As with all anaesthetics, Ketamine will make the patient nauseaous to varying degrees, directly related to dosage. Therefore, the patient should find him/herself in a place where he/she can stay for several hours, with most ammenities close at hand (any movement will compound nauseau). A non-Ketting person is a great help, and will be fun to talk to, and convenient for changing music, etc. Darkness will eliminate some very strange visual experiences. Music is very powerful. Warmth can also be important, as although your respiratory system will not be depressed, you may become cold from inactivity. A blanket is a good idea. Dope should be handy for nauseau, and a bucket should be available as a precaution. Vomitting should be rare, but in the case, it is not a good idea to have to travel to the bathroom. You should try to make sure that your co-trippers start when you do, as it is a rapid starting drug. Nasal doses can usually accomodate real scenes, i.e. clubs or company, but expect things to be very strange. TIMING : Taken intramuscularly, Ketamine will bring you up quickly in less than two minutes. Orally, with a medium-full stomach, expect 15-20 minutes, and as little as five minutes on an empty stomach. Nasal doses allow 5-10 minutes. The acceleration is great but not alarming. Expect to be semi-unconscious on a Line-Dose for about an hour intramuscualrly, and slightly longer when taken orally. You will come down quickly as well past the first line, and will begin to assimilate senses over about an half-hour. When taken orally, a soft trip will linger for approximately 2-3 hours after that and can be lots of fun. You will feel light, lanky, and queasy for several hours, and may be somewhat light-headed, though not incapacable the following day. Nitrous has had success in bringing Ketamine down quickly, despite its anaesthetic nature. THE TRIP : Before reaching the first line, fragmentation will occur- the world will begin to spin, but it won't be dizzying. Music will become fragmented. Chaos will ensue. At some point, you will find yourself complete removed from your surroundings and your body. Descriptions of the post-line experience vary substantially, but most include talk of alternate planes of existence, oneness, past and future revelations, and strange fabrics of all sorts. It will be very difficult to communicate at this point, and you probably will not be able to see or hear others in the room. Some revelations will be extremely heavy and some scary, but that fear does not seem to come back with you and is therefore difficult to describe as scary. You will probably find yourself coming back across the line again visibly, attempting to put an object in focus or define it. It is at this point that you will likely want to get in touch with your co-trippers. This is the "Wow" period. It is very important here that you do not try to move for awhile. The trip will continue mildly for an hour or so after this, with more conventional focuses. PRECAUTIONS : An overdose of Ketamine will knock you out as if in an operating room. This would prove to be a waste of a tripping experience, and will probably make you ill to your stomach. The danger dosage is much higher however, at 10 mg/lb. Interactively, Ketamine should not be used with respiratory depressants, primarily alcohol, barbituates, and Valium. Ketamine has been used with no ill interactive effects with dope, acid, nitrous, dextromethorphan, and MDMA, although no combinations are recommended and are highly unnecessary given the totality of ketamine. It does not have a build-on effect with halucinagins and will generally overpower other drugs. Nitrous in the up and down periods can be effective. Unpracticed trippers may be overpowered by the awesome revelations of Ketamine and may be somewhat overwhelmed, although in general fear seems to be unable to compound here (such as in an LSD trip or with other drug paranoias) and will probably be only episodic. Food should not be consumed within an hour and one-half before the trip, and should be avoided for longer periods of time if possible. A peculiar sort of loneliness can occur over the line, so it is a good idea to stay in close quarters with people you are close with, and best to have a sober monitor or experienced Ketter at hand. TRIPS BY DOSE : Doses that do not push one over the consciousness line can be very fun if you get close. In general, a 150 mg minimum would be required to realize an effect. Under that amount, you will only feel a very operable up and down over about an half-hour that will give you no insight into Ketamine. At higher doses, the up will last longer, but in less than linear fashion. In general it seems that oral doses last longer. Trips over 450 mg. can be severe on the stomach and have rapidly diminishing returns over lower doses, and are therefore not recommended, although 450 mg. itself is a very sound and powerful trip. REPORTS : A number of sources claim Vitamin K to be a boring drug. Some complain that it removes you so completely from your body that it is difficult to even work with. Others have found Vit K to be very potent and shapable, an experience that can be tailormade by dosage and setting. There is little question that there is no comparable experience on any other drugs. Most agree that it has a good to very good recovery with little negative effect on the following day and mild hangover. Setting is agreed to be crucial. Most agree that Ketamin not be used by inexperienced trippers unless they want a complete out-of-body experience that is sure to change their life. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  9. amyl nitrate definitely sounds like it. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  10. To each his own everyone has to know there limits when they do K. Some people just go and start doing rails of it, when you need to start out small.. I like the feeling of being disassociated with my body personally. its not for everyone though. K-holes are fine for me ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  11. that was easy. its easy to see where it can trick you up though ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  12. Yes, it works. Yes, it hits you quicker, and much harder. Yes, it's a little uncomfortable, burns slightly and feels 'weird' for usually around ten minutes. No, it doesn't hurt anything 'down there'. It works well because when you swallow it much of the MDMA gets filtered out. You make use of about 80%-90% of the chemical when you plug it, as opposed to 40%-60% swallowing and 70%-80% railing it. The further you push it up there, the less it will bother you. If you are a wuss about it and don't push it up far enough, it will burn like a sonuvabitch. If you crush it and put it in a capsule, it hurts less and hits quicker, but use a small capsule with a slippery surface. If you plug it whole, and you dance and move around, the sting is more intense but it breaks up quicker and will not bother you as long as it might if you sit still. You may very well feel the need to 'go' afterwards. Don't. Not for at least forty minutes to an hour, if you can help it. If you're peaking, go ahead, it's been dissolved by that point. If the roll is plugged, nausea is much less likely, and it doesn't matter if you've had a big meal before hand. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  13. Pluggin does last longer. I have rolled for over 12 hrs after plugging a pill. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-18-2000).]
  14. I remember when I use to go there, there was a room like that. I dont know if it's still there. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-18-2000).]
  15. GNC sells it, that guy is a moron. Any health food store or drugstore. Make sure there are no fillers, Tri-Medica is a good brand. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  16. First of all, both SSRI's (Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors )(This includes Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and the like, and no, there really isn't any difference between them for our purposes here) and Ecstasy both have affinity (Meaning they will interact with and affect) the brain's seratonin reuptake transporters. Seratonin has an extremely important role in brain chemistry, as we all know, and regulates all sorts of things. SSRI's work by stopping the seratonin reuptake in the brain. The idea is for those that are depressed is that by reducing the amount of seratonin reabsorbed back into one's neurochemical system (and thereby increasing the amount of seratonin present), an increased amount of seratonin will help people feel better (With the help of therapy, of course. Very rarely will SSRI's work without the will and help of both the user and his/her doctor.) Okay, now for the role of Ecstasy. Ecstasy works by flooding the synapse in the brain with seratonin. (again, as we all know.) Because Ecstasy uses the actual reputake transporter mechanism to cause serotonin release, obviously any sort of chemical (Like an SSRI) blocking that mechanism (Which SSRI's do,) with a higher affinity for it (Like Ecstasy) will severely reduce or completely eliminate the affects of the Ecstasy. Ecstasy (beyond the threshold dose of ~40-60mg) without the presence of SSRI's generally drains a large amount of the brain's seratonin for 12-24 hours, and the brain has generally not reached full seratonin levels for up to a week afterwards. SSRI's "downregulate" (inhibit the efficiency & the ability) of seratonin reuptake transporters. This means SSRI's affect your brain's seratonin system in a negative way as well as a positive way; the idea is that the positive effects outweigh the negative i.e. higher seratonin levels outweight the fact that your brain isn't using it as efficiently. Basically this means that even for MONTHS after one quits taking an SSRI, the brain is less efficient at using seratonin. Those who go off SSRI's and take E, even MONTHS later, will most likely have a REDUCED roll, regardless of the amount of E you take. Essentially, your brain's maximum of seratonin concentration (what makes rolling feel good) goes DOWN. So taking more only excacerbates the OTHER affects, like the dopaminergic (feeling speedy)and side-effects (like jaw-clenching). Because SSRI's (prescribed for depression, as opposed to premature ejaculation, for example, because, yes, SSRI's almost always reduce ability to reach orgasm) are prescribed to help people assumed to have seratonin imbalances, most people on SSRI's (prescribed for depression) DO HAVE some sort of seratonin imbalance, tapering one's SSRI's (regardless of the time period, from cold turkey to a month or so) to do Ecstasy is A VERY DANGEROUS THING. It will often lead to an incredible low of depression. I'm talking absolute hell. I'm NOT trying to be anti at all, but I am speaking from my experience and the experience of many people I've talked with. It's just so dangerous for those predisposed to clinical depression (I'm not talking about being sad because your dog got hit by a car, I'm talking diagnosed by a doctor), and those predisposed or suffering clinical depression are often on SSRI's. Quick Summary: 1. SSRI's (all of 'em) inhibit or prevent rolling 2. Those taking SSRI's for depression generally have seratonin imbalance issues 3. Taking E really fucks up your seratonin for a while. 4. For many, this isn't a problem 5. BUT, for those on SSRI's, it may very well be a VERY serious problem. 6. Rolling after being on SSRI's for any significant amount of time will most likely be reduced. 7. Think AT LEAST twice about it Some warning signs you may be more likely to have a problem when you take E after being on SSRI's (collected from experience) 1. After missing doses (1 day-several days-week-whenever) you go through a withdrawal (i.e. nauseau, "brain bounce"->electro-shock sensations in your head when you move suddenly, or vertigo->feeling like you don't have balance or are "falling up" or sideways. 2. You were/are on a relatively high dose of your med 3. You were/are prone to anxiety attacks associated with your depression ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  17. Recently...a postmortum study of a brain of am MDMA user showed 50%-80% decrease in 5HT markers....but "he" was a polydrug user.... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=10908909&dopt=Abstract "The authors found that striatal levels of serotonin and those of its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were severely depleted by 50 to 80% in brain of a chronic user of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) whereas concentrations of dopamine were within the normal control range. Our data suggest that MDMA exposure in the human can cause decreased tissue stores of serotonin and therefore some of the behavioral effects of this drug of abuse could be caused by massive release and depletion of brain serotonin". ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-14-2000).]
  18. I dont have any problems. Well actually the only problem I have is I can't reach an orgasm. Then again I guess that isnt a problem. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  19. Please Let Us Rave, Peace Love Unity Respect, Peace Love Unity Respect and Responsibility ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  20. Well if it's any consolation I like the cat also. He's cute doesn't look like every other single cat. . ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  21. Came home at like 2 in the morning I was fifteen years old at the time, and i decided to go watch tv, while i was rolling. so i am sitting there in front of the tv thinking it is on. when my mom comes in and asks whats so funny. i was like saturday night live is on. she goes to me the tv is off. i was like no its not, mom go back to bed. i realized when she said that that is was actually off. i am so glad i didnt get grounded ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  22. It is possible to roll the next day, but it wont be as nice as the night before. most of your serotonin will be depleted, and 5-HTP isnt going to help you really enough. Also by doing this you build up a tolerance to mdma. it takes anywhere from a wk to 2 wks for the serotonin to be completely replenished ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  23. MDA lasts about 12 hrs, and produces audio/visual hallucinations. the loved up feeling is not as powerful. its the trippier of the 3. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By.... [This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 09-13-2000).]
  24. Good Luck trying it at Twilo, they laughed at my friend went he got to the door. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
  25. I went to Brookdale in Lincroft NY, Then went to school overseas. ------------------ ~*P*L*U*R*~ Four Simple Words To Live By....
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