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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by edpostal

  1. Gotta love this....she has such attitude that when shes asked to move her vehicle at a popular spot in Southhampton..she verbally abuses the security guy that asked her to move her vehicle then in a rage she backs up into a crowd of people and knocking down the awning of the place,permanantly maiming several of the innocent clubgoers...nobody in her vehicle at the time remembers a thing(how convienient)and all that really happened is that her popularity is larger then ever(as well as her ass)

    You would think with all her parents money she could make herself look a little better.

    I wish I was cool enough to be on her a list!

  2. first of all the scene is an abomination,probably because of narrow minded people like you.If David was that bad there wouldnt be 4-6 thousand people flowing through Crobars doors every Saturday night.Where did you compile this "consensis" of yours? Prob simply and singularily from this trite message board.

    David is working at the flagship space in NY because he deserves to be there and he also steadfastly works behind the scene to keep dance music alive.

    God forbid he spreads his repotoire into areas most of the other pablum feeding dj's could never conceive to dwell.

    You are simply another big mouth with nothing to back up his transparent and nearly invisible words.

    Another motormouth that never took a turn behind a set of turntables but has every comment on how it should be done,but has no guts to step up and try....preferring to take cheap shots from the cheap seats.With clubgoers like you around its no wonder the whole scene is indivisible from the fall of Rome.

    The scene is doomed because of elitist attitudes like yours with no consideration to putting up or shutting up.Shut up and dance.

  3. I cant believe the lack of taste of quite a few of the peeps who post here..

    David has paid his dues and deserves to be exactly where he is........

    Ive been listening to him for years and still havent heard him play a bad record...even I cant say that about my shows!

    Crobar may lack a little vibe but its because of he lame attitudes of the patrons rather than the dj....

    David does the job and does it right.....I guess he doesnt play the 2 hour drumrolls most of you seem to pine for.Id love to see some of you get on the decks and see what you can do...

    David Waxman a man before his time

  4. All of the greatest parties had one thing in common...UNITY and non Judgement.I was lucky enough to get to Arena and then Twilo....for me they were both more than just nightclubs but closer to church.

    All things run in cycles and unfortuneatly the cycle is at its low ebb.....

    I feel sorry for the new party people because they have nothing to experience like what we had.Unity is a joke because everybody is trying to get over.

    The truth is...when you are clubbing..make fun happen instead of expecting the fun to be supplied.But then again the preemies out there today wouldnt have the attention span for that.

    Flowers at the door of twilo...great idea.

    Palladium was my first church.

    Remember the Saint!

    Oh yeah for those who dont seem to remember David Wax played at twilo many many times.

  5. Yeah I was a disciple of mr vasquez untill he got too full of himself.I think the smaller room is a good thing to bring him down to Earth(pardon the pun)

    His antics were adorable at first but became trite as time went on.

    I hope it goes well for him and I pray his tribe keeps their drama back in the closet.Thanks for the heads up.

  6. First things first....

    kick the hip hop to the curb.....

    use different styles of house...like more upbeat in the main and a deeper groove d/stairs.Esp since you are talking about a brooklyn venue.

    If you need help with the deep scene let me know I got the guys you can talk too, with followings.

    Dont try to mix the the different genres of music,the crowds dont mix.

    A good rule of thumb to follow :

    When you set out to please everybody you end up pleasing no-one.

    the best exmple is the state of most parties in the NY area.

    Good luck...

    also..Promotion is the KEY

  7. Clubbing has reached an all time low.

    Ive been Djing since the early 80's ad the new jacks have simply forgotten a few key facts.Clubbing is about unity and support,not showing up and expecting the show to be laid out and fed to you like pablum.

    In days past I guess the attention spans were quite bit lengthier and me and my people would head out into the night and CONTRIBUTE to the party.

    The new scene is like being at a house party back in high school and there were always people showing up with no beer and still heading to the fridge and grabbing all they can drink.

    Think about it and wonder why the scene is wack.Then turn your high powered music intellect and figure out where the problem lies---if its not corrected you are never going to have the toy we had to play with.

    Im not going to go on but next time I am going to discuss current "name" dj's and their INTEGRITY.

  8. After beating myself up for way too long I came to


    We have been brought up in a world which tells us 'we

    will be ok if or we will be ok when...and so we

    begin to list

    all of the different things we think we need to be

    ok.......such as:

    a certain relationship,a certain person,a certain

    amount of money,a certain title,a certain persons

    approval or recognition,etc etc

    Try now to think that these thoughts burden us and

    weigh us down, not promoting our good certainly

    keeping it at bay....

    In this New year as whack as it is tending to be try

    to remember that there is within us all,a being so

    great and so abundant and so complete

    that there is nothing that this world could give which

    can in any way augment this being within.

    Recognize that this being within is who we are ......

    Recognize that there is nothing that can possibly make

    us better

    Understand that there is nothing which can happen in

    this world that can make us less

    There is no mistake we can make there is no anything

    that can happen outside of us that can take

    anything away from the glory that we already are.

    When you open your eyes try to see the world

    differently...not from a perspective of "lack" but

    from a perception of abundance

    Look to others not for what they can give to us but

    for all we can give to them.

    Let go our clutching,grasping our clinging to anyone

    or anything and ask instead

    for the joy of a pure and relaxed and peaceful

    acceptance of who we are and

    what we are right now.

    For years I let the mundane hold me down to their

    level,possibly in their fear of true grace- true


    while seeking my personal state of grace, which is my

    destiny .This destiny is within everyone of us

    You just have to believe and not let the

    fear,loathing,jealousness,misery loving company type


    un-evolved people hold you back because ultimatly your

    grace is within already.

    I share this because basically I am a teacher at

    heart.I have let many "know it alls" retard my growth

    as an artist and sojourner.my hope is to save at least

    one soul from the pain and self doubt that has

    plagued my world up to this point.

    Never again to be anything but what I am and hopeing

    and most especially not needing anyones

    blessing while I blossom in full,only to share it

    with the world.

    and yes i am a DJ.

  9. There was a time when this board was called clubnyc.

    all of the "top" dj's that have come and gone used to post here.The drama level was quite hefty to say the least.Now that 15 year olds with 10 year old sensibilities and taste are "running "things

    the educated have run for cover.

    Trance is dead,Tech house was done in the 80's

    The wheel does turn

    Grow up

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