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Posts posted by saynotodrama

  1. 1. For Summer to be forever, therefore allowing TEMPTATIONS to be forever! :bounce:

    2. For Tommy Patton (spelling?) to open the front GLASS doors of Tempts with Lauire619's forehead :splat: right after Denny plays Tap The Bottle by Young Black Teenagers!

    and last but not least...

    3. To have Vinyl (the vinyl of 3 or 4 years ago) back! :D And if I can't have that...then my last wish would be to have Danny spin in my house for me and 30 of my friends ...for 7 days straight! IBIZA at SAYNO'S! :eek:

  2. Originally posted by laurie619

    ARE YOU GUYS FOR REAL. . . MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO BACK AND READ WHAT I WROTE* WHEN DENNY PLAYS up to PAR he is GOOD, but the last couple of week my friends and I dont think that he has been up to PAR* HE SHOULD OPEN UP HID BAG, AND PLAY SOME GOOD TRACKS I KNOW HE HAS THEM......



    "what is Denny planning on spinning crap again?"

    Don't worry Laurie, there are medications and institutions for people like you!

  3. Originally posted by sfqtipie


    Laurie is allowed to have an opinion also. She is not the only one who thinks Denny doesnt play up to par. Alot of my friends use to go from Temps to SF but stopped doing it because they feel he "sucks" I do not care if this starts drama because i just dont care what u people think. Laurie can have whatever opinion she wants. Dont get so uptight. People say JP is not what he use to be but I feel he is amazing. But I wont get into that. All im saying is I have heard many people that do not go on this board state the same opinion as Laurie. Everyone is intitlted to their own opinion. Just because you dont agree with here many others do. Thank you and have a fabolous day. BTW See you at the underwear party Laurie. I hope he clooses at midnight again



  4. Originally posted by laurie619


    With the way you put down Tempts/Denny, the comment above and this one you wrote in another post is my favorite, "just to let you if it's house its DEAD* I'm a tech whore.." I WOULD HOPE TO NEVER SEE YOUR SORRY ASS IN TEMPTS AGAIN!!! AND TRUST ME... YOU MAY GET IN, BUT YOU WON'T BE STAYING LONG IF YOU DO!!!

    I am glad you had so much fun at Merge, hopefully you won't be back at Tempts. Why you would TRY to go back to Tempts anyway is the question because you have not said ONE good thing about it since the summer began.

    TECH WHORE?? Now THAT's fucking hysterical!! You really need to get a mind of your own. You may as well MOVE TO FLORIDA to be closer to Saleen!!!!! You would learn more from him that way instead of trying to be educated by him via computers!!!

  5. Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

    Same boat here, but oh well, I had a great time and really enjoyed evry track that Denny dropped. The music was banging from the minute we walked in....... The crowd was nuts, but not too, too bad.

    I think you were the posterchild for "Ceeottered" at the end of the night on Saturday. You looked like you had a great time!

  6. Sorry about that, no offense to you at all meant there. I knew you were joking. I just get so amped whenever I read ANYTHING that idiot writes! She heard the music wasn't that great??? :rolleyes: Not only was Denny's track selection incredible but the way he mixed was insane too! Whoever told Laurie the music wasn't that great is just as stupid as she is when it comes to the scene. Honestly, I think the "reliable people" she talks about are the little people in her head because anyone who knows anything about classics would not make that comment if they heard what Denny did on Saturday night.

  7. Originally posted by jp18

    This poor laurie girl....Clubplanet should just add the Bashing Laurie board because everytime she posts she gets bashed....Im saying if she does or deosnt deserve it, just thought it would make it easier for everyone...:D

    POOR LAURIE??? You've got to be kidding! The reason she gets bashed every time she posts is because everytime she posts she puts her foot in her mouth! Instead of posting so much negativity, she should sit back READ...SHE MIGHT ACTUALLY LEARN A THING OR TWO so that someday when she knows enough she can write messages that may actually MEAN SOMETHING! :idea:

    One thing I can't stand is people talking like they know ..when the DON'T KNOW. If Laurie was actually in tempts and saw and heard the whole place go absolutely NUTS everytime Denny dropped a track INCLUDING, if not even moreso, MY LOVE IS YOUR LOVE she would never be making such comments. I would bet that anyone who was there would have no complaints about the music or the energy in that place this weekend. The only complaint I have heard (and could understand) was the fact that the place was PACKED and there was no room to move because every inch of space in tempts was taken up by people having a great time (many wearing white by the way!). Denny spun incredibly and it was obvious by the crowds reaction to each track he played, at times you could hear everyone OVER the music! The best was when Denny shut the sound off during My Love is Your Love and everyone sang the chorus!

    Laurie, as far as "some tracks skipped"???? For your information (and if you knew anything you would know this), a DJ doesn't cause a track to skip and when the does happen at Tempts, it is usually some drunk asshole bumping into the turntables, trust me I have seen it done many times. NEWSFLASH... this can happen to ANY DJ, I have heard it happen to Junior, Danny, the best of them. So, you can remove that from your little list of "things to bash Denny about Monday on Clubplanet..." Nice try though.

    It figures you weren't even AT Tempts, and you still continue to spew CRAP about Tempts and Denny not playing well. That just PROVES that you really don't know anything and just like to start drama.

  8. Originally posted by laurie619

    Just out of curiosity what are some of the tracks he played…My Love is Your Love…:laugh: I just dont see how that is a Classic when he plays it every couple of weeks...:confused: I heard other wise from some pretty reliable people that the music wasn’t that great, and some tracks skipped . . .is this true, or are they just messing with me :what:

    HOW ABOUT YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! You weren't there and your reliable sources don't know shit so ZIP IT!!

  9. Originally posted by tommyarmani

    BTW, someone pointed Laurie619 out to me at tempts. ladies, stop your hating & your jealousy. she is mad HOTTTT..

    tight toned body, abs, nice C cups, adoreable face, on & on.... guys are just mad because she wouldnt give them the time of day... ladies=jealousy


  10. Originally posted by laurie619

    Umm.. he Remixed with a lot of international artists including Harry "Choo Choo" Romero, Faithless, Felix Da Housecat, Soulsearcher, Darryl Pandy, Sybil, Moloko, Funky Green Dogs, Victoria Beckham, and Madonna to name but a few.

    SOME TRACKS.....'Night & Day' (Innocent), Illicit 'Sneaky Armada' (Azuli), Moloko 'Indigo' (Echo), Delacy 'Hideaway' (Slide N Slide), Samantha Mumba 'Body To Body' (Polydor), Subtronic 'Let's Get Horny' (Credence), Antoine Clamaran 'Get Up (It Doesn't Matter)' (Slip N Slide), Fused 'Saving Mary' (Columbia), Warrior 'Warrior' (Incentive) Madonna's 'Music' (Maverick, US), Max Linen 'Soulshaker' (Global Cuts) Rhonna's Billboard No. 1 Dance smash 'Satisfied' (Epic), Victoria Beckham's "Not Such An Innocent Girl" (Virgin), and more recently Pimp "The Light" on Mute Record's dance imprint Futuregroove, Funky Green Dogs' "Fired Up" (Universal), and Live Element "Be Free" (Gossip).


    This all coming from someone who says "DANNY" plays HIP HOP!

    Took ya two hours to respond!! I know Alex Trebek would be disappointed but honestly I thought it would have been longer.

  11. Originally posted by laurie619


    oh yeah and FUNKatron. . .TRESPASSER, THE SOUL SHAKER MIX...FEEL THIS...BANG IN TEH JUNGLE...THEY SAY....AND HIS NEW ONEs that I cant give out teh names yet...:D

    OOOOOOOH GEE.. UM, Can anyone say ...SALEEN???? :rolleyes: Nice Try Laurie!!!

  12. OK.. the only thing to get straight is that YOU ARE THE ONE TELLING YOUR OWN FRIENDS THAT THE ONLY REASON YOU ARE ON THIS BOARD IS TO START DRAMA so.............. Stop denying the fact that you are starting drama, because we all know that's your sole intention here...

    #1. "I have been going to hear Denny play @ tempts since my FAKE ID days" SURE!!!! That's why you can't even get his name right! DAnny, DEnny...It's all Relative!

    #2. "I never stated that I was an “expert” in the DJ/music field. . .I know when I hear a loop, and when music is cut up…but I have no idea for train wreaks…etc…"

    You said you're more experienced (which a dictionary would refer to as an EXPERT) than the average Club Girl. Same thing sweetie!! And by the way even the average club gril can spot a trainwreck!! That's probably the easiest thing to pick up!

    #3. "You guys are all pathetic & I’ll see you all at TEMPTS" We'll see about THAT!!! :laugh: Oh and Who are YOU calling pathetic???

  13. Originally posted by BRIAN1500

    Gotta love queenbitch and saynotodrama, jumping on the chance to bash Laurie. ;)

    :D :D :D

    SHE SETS HERSELF UP FOR IT!!!! Like QueenBitch said in another post... Laurie was still signing yearbooks when the classics were being born! Who the hell is she kidding? Laurie probably thinks "Waiting for Tonight" is a classic.

  14. Originally posted by laurie619

    Sat = Tempts normally, its has the best crowd NO MATTER WHO IS PLAYING!!! But this sat is the Classics night and I'm not in the mood to hear that... So, I'll be at MERGE for RYDELL & The WHITE party. . .I LOVE TO WEAR WHITE, JUST HOPE IT DOESNT RAIN :D

    Please Laurie, we all know that it's not that you're not in the mood to hear classics... YOU JUST WON'T KNOW ANYTHING THAT IS PLAYED!!!

  15. Originally posted by queenbitch

    Here is some truth!! You are ugly and a complete hipocrite!!! You trash Denny yet your ass is in tempts every week. We can only hope that one day you will disappear!!!

    Yeah, she really has a clue.... she's SOOOOOO consistent. She's excited for Robbie Rivera at Surf, yet she says Denny sucks half the time... but Denny plays alot of Rivera Tracks?? Who knows, maybe I am the clueless one!!! :D

  16. Originally posted by laurie619

    Robbie Rivera @ surf. . .:eek:

    Wouldn't you be so exited if he was.... You trashy little fake wannabe everybody else, no clue having, lying shit talking little bitch? Now, WITHOUT ASKING SOMEONE WHO HAS A CLUE, name FOUR tracks that Robbie Rivera has done!!!

    Let's see how long this takes to get a response... (jeopardy theme begins now...)

  17. Originally posted by jarmenio

    There will be a swimming pool in the middle of the dancefloor tonight at Club Abyss. Should be a crazy night. DJ Manny The Greek on the main floor and DJ Unique in the Vibe Lounge. Ask for Joe A's list at the table or PM me for info/comps.

    PERFECT!!! So I am sure the girl with the beach balls on her chest will be floating around, huh?

    :jar: Let's Get Soakin' Wet! :jar:

  18. Originally posted by Kermzy

    Yeah so how does that work? "Hi, Dr. Shady? I was thinking of a new career, porn. So I was thinking volleyballs, make them like volleyballs. Mom will be so proud! She can brag to all her neighbors in the trailor park!"

    :sperm: :sperm: :sperm: :sperm:

    LOL!!!! Looked like Kobe Bryant just Slam Dunked two right onto her chest!!! Those were HORRIBLE!!! She could serve Big Gulps (two on each) off of those monstrosities... Not to mention the gut she had to go with 'em!

    WHORE! :whip2:

    Twitty... couldn't have had a better time!! :kiss2: Sunday's gonna get ugly!!! Surf Club beach at 8am?? ...gotta be an early riser to catch those dolphins!

  19. Originally posted by unclebuc

    This fucking board is so Pro-Tempts and Anti-Everything Else that it is a joke.......

    MDW Merge was packed. Richie was killing the place like he does everyweek at Metro and Merge. I wasn't there last weekend but the weekend before EVERY club....I'll say it again......EVERY CLUB was EMPTY on saturday. Say what you want about the set up at merge, but i happen to love it. George is the best bartender in the tri-state area. Petey is cool and down to earth.

    I am so sick of this Tempts vs. Merge bullshit. Some of you complain about Richie playing madonna everyweek.....How bout the fact that Denny has been playing Relentless for the past 4 years non-stop. Jesus Christ if I hear those damn horns one more time, I think I am gonna explode. Every Juice head from Brooklyn to Cape May is in tempts with no shirts on. Assholes throwing water on each other to another song that was played out three summers ago.....

    Now go ahead and say what you want.....Everyone has different tastes in music and clubs....Just fucking go out this weekend and have a good time.....Wheter its at Merge, Tempts, XS, bamboo, Djais, Bar A....Have fun and be safe!!!!!

    If you're so sick of the Tempts vs. Merge bullshit then why contribute to it? :rolleyes:

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