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Posts posted by saynotodrama

  1. Originally posted by exgroove

    how was the reopening of exit2 with jason and denny? did anyone go and if so did anyone stay for afterhours with jr?

    I was there from about 2:30am until about 11:00 Sunday and I had a great time. I thought the music was incredible from the time I got there until I left! I personally thought the vibe was great, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Must mention that the thriller track that was on when Jason and Denny were playing was sick! "Feel This" for some reason I cannot get tired of hearing this and on that System it sounded awesome! And I am totally feeling Junior's remix of Keep Control. Too much to mention right now, but I think the party is going to do really well, it was great hearing Denny at Exit again!

  2. Originally posted by Addaboy1

    Just to let you know, according to JVM, this weekend starts the beginning of Junior's Morning Parties at Earth. That means, the club is open until 4am and then closes. It empties and will reopen (yes, another admission) at 6am for Junior's party.

    That's funny, cause that didn't happen THIS weekend!

  3. Originally posted by cesarleo

    I thought the music was good and had no desire to hear vocals or popular stuff.....I know I can hear that shit anywhere else. Best part of the night IMO was when Ojeda threw down that "Thriller" sample....I was really feelin it. I don't understand why they don't use the lights in that place the way could.....even when Junior came on it was like that. They have all this great equip. to mess with.....but you see none of it.:worry:

    I agree with you on EVERY point you made. I thought the music was great, I hate hearing the same "popular" shit week after week, it was nice to hear some new tracks! That thriller thing they did was awesome! Lights? WTF??? They need to utilize the equipment in that room to it's capacity! That's the ONLY complaint that I would make about the night, I think it's going to be a great party!

  4. Originally posted by ch0sen0ne




    LATOR GATORS :cool:

    :zzz2: You're jealousy is tired! :zzz2:

  5. Originally posted by ladybijan22

    I love it how a message board that preaches PLUR can never seem to practice what it preaches. There are all kinds of people in this world with different likes and dislikes - can't you all just reallize that FOR ONE SECOND!!! Must you always put down people for just DOIN WHAT THEY DO!!! You people are NEVER satisfied WITH ANYTHING!! You DIS every singel DJ - NO ONE is sacred here. These DJ's work there ass off to try and give you people a good night out - and all you do is criticize them. When you have come to be recognized as these DJ's have who you all put down, THEN you can talk. UNTIL THEN, just appreciate that you have what you have. You are able to LISTEN to music, you are able TO GO TO CLUBS, you are able to PURSUE WHATEVER YOU WANT!! Many people in this world don't have it as good as we do - stop taking it for granted and be thankful. If you don't like a DJ's style - don't go to his parties, don't buy his records, and don't support him period. HOWEVER, don't just sit there and BITCH about them and take cheap shots at person who is just making a living doing what they love. I doubt Denny would be working at Strictly Rhythm if he didn't have respect in the industry from his peers. And I doubt Jason would be working on remixes and producing with the caliber of artists that he has worked with. When any of you have done half of what these 2 have done - then you can stand in judgement - until then and until you have walked in their shoes and knwo how hard it is to do what they do - SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! :rolleyes:

    AMEN SISAH!!!!!! You would think people in this area would have a more positive outlook on such small things as this considering what is going on in our world right now. We are very lucky to have Danny at Vinyl on Friday and Junior at Exit on Saturday or Jonathan at SF on Saturday, whatever your taste is...NYC is all about Variety! But I guess there are those selfish people that just can't appreciate ANYTHING!!!

  6. Originally posted by bionic

    My thoughts exactly!!

    Denny Cheese-tos should stick to playing small, Jersey trash, crack dens for 3 months a year, then go back to his his regular job bagging groceries at at Shop-Rite during the rest of the year.

    I guess if he's gonna be in NYC he might as well be at Exit, that place smokes it anyway...

    WOW!! :eek: What did he ever do to you?

    Hey, quick question... Can YOU spin records?

  7. If you were any part of what Denny and Eddie Baez made of Exit when the club first opened, you KNOW that it's the closest comparison that can be made to Tempts (only difference is it's a bit chillier up here!). Incredible vibe, energy and music. However, this time Denny will be joined by his good friend, Jason Ojeda. And trust me, whenever these two play together, it's guaranteed to be a great night musically!!

    I personally cannot wait until Saturday. Good Luck to Denny and Jason with the new party and I hope to see all the familiar faces on Saturday!!

    OH, and I am NOT a promoter!:D

  8. Who's goin'?

    If you were any part of what Denny and Eddie Baez made of Exit when the club first opened, you KNOW that it's the closest comparison that can be made to Tempts (only difference is it's a bit chillier up here!). Incredible vibe, energy and music. However, this time Denny will be joined by his good friend, Jason Ojeda. And trust me, whenever these two play together, it's guaranteed to be a great night musically!!

    I personally cannot wait until Saturday. Good Luck to Denny and Jason with the new party and I hope to see all the familiar faces on Saturday!!

    OH, and I am NOT a promoter! :D

  9. Originally posted by laurie619

    Hey guys, I know you all LOVE me but really GET A FUCKEN LIFE!

    LoL....Thanks for taking the time and thinking of it I LOVE IT johnnyblackroc .


    Later Gators,


    HEY... How many miles have you got the SAAB up to?? OH....just in case you weren't counting ... Only 201 days left until your 22nd birthday!!!! LIKE, OH MY GOD, CAN I PLEASE COME PARTY WITH YOU FOR THIS ONE, EVEN THOUGH I MISSED THE LAST ONE??? :worry::puke: Sorry about that but I decided that I rather volunteer at my local nursing home, changing the elderly's bedpans.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed your comment about the party at Exit being "ONLY 18 to get in"!!!! :rolleyes: GEE.. and to think that only FIVE months ago, that's the ONLY party you could legally get into! :eek:

    Later Gators, Gonna go get a FUCKEN life now, see ya at Exit! :finger:

  10. Ok... It has become obvious to many that you have some sort of psycho/stalker thing going for Denny. 5 Posts in two months, all having to do with him! Get over him already, your shit is tired.

    You should try paying attention to some of the replies you get back to your messages. You're not succeeding AT ALL in what you are TRYING to do... you are influencing NO ONE, if anything you're making YOURSELF look like a complete asshole!:finger:

    Try to find some other way to occupy the time in your miserable life ...Leave Denny out of it. :worry:

  11. Originally posted by saleen351

    Ive been telling ppl, AC will be the the nyc of NJ soon, just give it time...There is an article in this months Cigar AFicianado mag. 24 hour drinking, sick djs, big time club owners, beach, trains, parkway, no fucking 10 dollar bridges or tunnels and plus what dj would turn down a job at the taj where they give him 2k and a free room...Mark my words, AC will rule NJ someday and it will dent NYC, South NJ and pHilly are starting to get out of the dark ages when it comes to fashion and music and clubs. NYC is played, exit or factory or a 50 cover.....thats it...Seadside is going no where, when Asbury park opens next year it will dent seaside again. 2 club owners is not good for clubbers down there. Only hurts the consumer when there is little or no competition. Whitetrash have ruined SSH so ppl are gonna look further south for fun! 5 huge casions are in the works for AC next years....that ghetto trash is being forced out.......

    For those of us that live in North Jersey... AC is about three hours away, I much rather take the 15 minute drive into NYC!

  12. Originally posted by glowdancer

    i havent responded because this was part of a truth or dare game we have going on in teh sex board

    so i was dared to come here and say that

    Well, thank you for clarifying the level of maturity we have on this board...THAT explains everything!!!! :rolleyes:

  13. Originally posted by bumparella

    Yep! You got me!! I'm a big SNORTER and Denny's #1 GROUPIE. :rolleyes:

    And YOU are a WHORE.

    Now that we're all squared away..I feel much better. ;)

    Please...you said it all...next time...Don't be so easy!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    yeah yeah yeah...you got a boyfriend and I'm Osama Bin Ladin...:D


  14. Originally posted by beyourself420

    Just to add my 2cents in.......World was horrible.....they did not spend 30g's on Danny(it was only 25,000)...........and the reason there was no VIBE when he played World was because the corn balls that go to World dont know true house music.......As for King I heard it wasnt that crowded......how many people does that place hold anyway?? I heard 2000, and I know for a fact they only did 1100.....is this true??? Just for the record I AM NOT BASHING THE KING PARTY. I am asking what it holds and saying they only did 1100. That is a fact jack

    Who said anything about Danny? World HAS had other guest DJ's in the past few weeks. HE is not who I was making reference to, but thanks for your 2cents.

    I believe King's holds approx. 1500 people. ONLY 1100? I don't think 1100 is so bad, considering it was the first night of the party, the party was hardly promoted at all AND there were god knows how many costume parties going on that night. How many people do you think Vinyl holds Mr. "beyourself420"?

  15. Originally posted by mzevolution

    The truth shall set u free. Someone here sounds like a promoter to me or possibly a girlfriend.

    You're wrong on BOTH of your guesses! But just for kicks...if I were to judge YOU by your 10 posts about Metro and Merge, I would guess that you are either

    1) The girl who is known for her "job" in the ladies room at Metro or..

    2) Trying to get into Rich Rydell's Pants

    Gotta be one of the two!

  16. Originally posted by tempkid

    Sayno since you been to Kings already, can you please tell me what time does it close, and any other info about it please!

    It is open until 5:00am, I don't think they'll be as strict at the door as World was last year, but it is more of an upscale place so "dress to impress" as they say!!

  17. Originally posted by promo1

    World was awsome!!!!!

    World was awesome? I guess that's why some of World's employees were hanging out at King's. Because World had to "let some people off early." ... Cause it was sooooo busy! That's why you didn't need half the bartending staff you needed last year!!! Oh... what was that you said about failure? and "VIBE"? You want to talk about "VIBE"??? World can't even produce a half way decent "VIBE" when they spend $30K on a DJ. :laugh: :laugh:

  18. Originally posted by mzevolution

    First off i never bashed kings last week I went honestly b/c i loved denny at tempts. It's ludicrious to even say the place rivals tempts or ill even go as far as to say when denny was at abyss before the party died. Lets be real people the place was empty with no vibe. I find it very dishonest that the same people who keep on posting great things about denny will go to any length to make him look good. Honestly i enjoy denny's music and I was hoping for the best when i went to kings its just not happening.

    Yeah I KNOW!!! You "enjoy denny's music and were hoping for the best" That must be why every post you have talks about MERGE not Tempts! WHATEVER! :rolleyes: You want to talk about dishonesty????

    FYI...Denny doesn't need anybody to post on THIS stupid messageboard to "make him look good" trust me! His following does not consist of the HANDFULL of his fans that post on ClubPlanet!! Someone asked how the Club was I happened to go, I happened to think the place was VERY nice and MUCH more like a club-setting than World and I said I think the party would do well... ALL because someone asked the question.

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