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Everything posted by unclebuc

  1. Will you shut the hell up..... Liquids closed cause the owner was in the mafia you fucking tool. That story is old as hell. The owners name was Chris and he is from staten island, which is where I am from. He was convicted of murdering a millionaires wife on staten island and is now in jail. Thats why liquid is closed. Not because the club wasn't packed or that they were doing the wrong thing. and another thing...I believe that club closed long before you moved down there so stop acting like you are in the know
  2. Will you two fags please shut the fuck up....
  3. nice meeting you.... you dance like I drink........FIERCE!!!!!! LMAO
  4. Was insane on Saturday night. That was the best set of Music that i have heard this summer and that includes Robbie Rivera's set at Brazil in the Hamptons! Way to go Richie!!!!!!!! "Do you know where you are?" "Do you know who you are listening too"
  5. Robyn, Its not too late to leave Dribbling3......lol How are you....tell chris I said what up. good Luck on the big day!!!! buck
  6. Always have a bottle of water in your car...... Why you ask...... If you get pulled over for speeding, throw the water on your lap and tell the cop that you really had to go to the bathroom....lol
  7. Well looky here.......Hey hump.....you better call me at work today....I can't believe that your posting here...... First the fat boys break up and now this!!!!!!!!!
  8. Will the 3 of you shut the fuck up already!!!!!!!
  9. I'm going to Kosta's sister's house!!!!!!
  10. You definitely can't bring shit in......You can buy beer there.
  11. We will be partying in the parking lot starting at 2.... kegs, BBQing, wiffle ball, and loud ass music!!!!!!!! Lawn seats are the best!!!!!!!!!
  12. I'LL OUT DRINK ANYONE FROM ANY BOARD....AND ITS A KNOWN FACT!!!!!! DanFury goes out every night of the week!!!!! he gets my vote!!!!!
  13. LMAO.....funny.......considering its coming from a coors light drinker......Grow some balls and drink liquor or a real beer!!!!!!!
  14. Sandman and Kosta or Brian1500 and Splash or Ml2k1 and DJdanfury You Decide??????
  15. Kosta- be serious......your a minute man.........I run marathons!!!!!! I have dinner plans at a friends house in old bridge but I think I am gonna head down straight from there and walk into merge and put a beating on you simular to one Ivan Drago laid on Apollo Creed!!! Sandman- John Edwards........Good God you watch way too much TV......I'm falling off the wagon cause my medical is tomorrow morning for FDNY...after that i can put whatever poisons into my body that I wish for another 2 and 1/2 months!!!!!!!!
  16. Fuck it.......i'm falling off the wagon...... Buck + 6
  17. But i put on the best stage shows hands down...... Sunday morings in the Dungeon of Death to nation 2000!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh Come on!!!!!!!!
  18. Thanks Einstein....I was being sarcastic!!!!!!
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