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Posts posted by markus23

  1. i HATE having to hide! LOL. that's why i don't go to the gym too often. (excuses excuses, i know..but it's a good one, no?)

  2. actually...there have been documented cases of hiv transmision through oral sex. not common..but there is a chance. condomania - here i come to get me some of those flavored babies.

    and yeah...the lubed condoms and non-9 ones make things taste pretty nasty.

    std's freak the shit out of me.

  3. blow jobs with condoms?

    agreed it is the safe way to go...but has anyone ever done this? just wondering. i guess that's why they started making condoms flavored!

    and the sheets are called 'dental dams'...gotta love having friends that give safe sex seminars!

  4. this is sad..i've actually been giving this some thought...

    i think that at clubs in co-ed bathrooms...it is SAFER for everyone to leave the seats up and for the women to put the seat down when they need it and up after they are done.

    cause we all know that lots of men won't even bother to lift the seat when it's down and then, before you know it, NO ONE is touching that damn wet seat and things just get messy. so...to be safe people...let's just store the seat in the 'up' position ALL THE TIME.

    only thinking of the ladies...

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