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Posts posted by hixwithdix

  1. well i personally didn't mean to be a racist i have known many asians and my cousin is dating a korean woman. the reason i mentioned 'asian' is to emphasize the weirdness of the blueangel character. she said she's 29 which means she's about 31. and she parties at twilo on fridays with glow sticks on her hands? picture a 30year old asian woman partying with glowsticks doesn't that seem a bit pathetic and weird? wouldn't that make u wonder what happened to her childhood or lack there of?

    Originally posted by kitty19:

    ~asians represent~ and be prideful of your culture and background- don't let fools like this get you down. ::koreans, big ups!::

    we get enough shit as it is day to day in this world. how many more "chink" jokes can i hear in a lifetime? ignorance. pure ignorance. get to know an asian person. don't stereotype an entire race due to your own personal misjudgements.



  2. well i personally didn't mean to be a racist i have known many asians and my cousin is dating a korean woman. the reason i mentioned 'asian' is to emphasize the weirdness of the blueangel character. she said she's 29 which means she's about 31. and she parties at twilo on fridays with glow sticks on her hands? picture a 30year old asian woman partying with glowsticks doesn't that seem a bit pathetic and weird? wouldn't that make u wonder what happened to her childhood or lack there of?

    Originally posted by kitty19:

    ~asians represent~ and be prideful of your culture and background- don't let fools like this get you down. ::koreans, big ups!::

    we get enough shit as it is day to day in this world. how many more "chink" jokes can i hear in a lifetime? ignorance. pure ignorance. get to know an asian person. don't stereotype an entire race due to your own personal misjudgements.



  3. well i personally didn't mean to be a racist i have known many asians and my cousin is dating a korean woman. the reason i mentioned 'asian' is to emphasize the weirdness of the blueangel character. she said she's 29 which means she's about 31. and she parties at twilo on fridays with glow sticks on her hands? picture a 30year old asian woman partying with glowsticks doesn't that seem a bit pathetic and weird?

    Originally posted by kitty19:

    ~asians represent~ and be prideful of your culture and background- don't let fools like this get you down. ::koreans, big ups!::

    we get enough shit as it is day to day in this world. how many more "chink" jokes can i hear in a lifetime? ignorance. pure ignorance. get to know an asian person. don't stereotype an entire race due to your own personal misjudgements.



  4. look at you, you have posted about 130 posts on this forum yet you still can't find a person to goto a club with. you are like 30 but still party at a kiddie club like twilo and you play with glowsticks.. and you are asian. that says something about your life. you don't have one.

    Originally posted by blueangel:

    Oooohhhhh . . . now you've done it!! eek.gif

    Let the "put-downs" and the "insults" BEGIN!!


    P.S. OH! And I believe Saul said it best . . . FUCK YOU! You lil' kiddie!! tongue.gif


  5. look at you, you have posted about 130 posts on this forum yet you still can't find a person to goto a club with. you are like 30 but still party at a kiddie club like twilo and you play with glowsticks.. and you are asian. that says something about your life. you don't have one.

    Originally posted by blueangel:

    Oooohhhhh . . . now you've done it!! eek.gif

    Let the "put-downs" and the "insults" BEGIN!!


    P.S. OH! And I believe Saul said it best . . . FUCK YOU! You lil' kiddie!! tongue.gif


  6. i just checked a post that had the most replies here(60 repilies) .. turned out it was for meeting people to goto club with because you don't have any club friends. thats pretty sad. you might as well go by yourself.

    oh the humanity...


  7. you are a 29 year old asian woman looking for people to party with at kiddie club like twilo? get a life.. geez..

    you said you were 29 but my guess is you are over 30.

    Originally posted by blueangel:

    I planned on going to both, so which ever it really doesn't matter to me.

    However, CrystalMethod said it best about location. I suggest that you don't do the meet-up location anywhere on the first floor around the lobby or the ramp to the bathroom cause security likes to keep that area to the minimum. I suggest upstairs in front of the coat check area . . . it really is less crowded there and more quiet -- easier to id people. I believe CrystalMethod suggested 1:30 this Friday for Seaman & Deep Dish.



  8. webster hall does suck but You, Robbiecastanos, seem like you are either confused or exaggerating. yes the crowd sucks and all BUT there aren't 'kids' at webster hall. the crowd is mostly over 25. their drinks are not 'decent price' they are most expensive in terms of drinks and check coats.

    Originally posted by robbiecastanos:

    To that cocksucker julian, why the fuck would I lie about going to a shithole like Web Hall, I'd rather lie about not going there, and their so called "trapeze act" sucks, the crowd is B&T sleeze, like you most likely. The fact that you actually go there shows that you need to get a life...PRICK.


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