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Posts posted by divalicious

  1. Alrighty, well, for those of you who've had bad experiences with inter-racial dating... I hope that you don't let those failed relationships sour you on inter-racial dating. Love is hard enough to find, without putting limitations on the types of people you date.


  2. Well, I guess I am one who has to reply to this, considering my moniker...

    As we all know, words oftentimes take on different meanings. And while I am fully aware of the true meaning of "diva", I am also aware of the new meaning the word is taking on... That being, someone who is quite fashionable, and knows how to work it. I also attribute one's ability to be "dangerous on the dance floor" to her "diva-ness".

    But, just because a girl is cute, and puts on a nice outfit that you probably saw on some other girl last week, doesn't mean she is a diva... Many of the girls who call themselves divas don't really have much fashion sense, they can't break it down on the dance floor, and they sure don't know how to work it. But, everyone is allowed to dream.


  3. I'm in an interracial relationship with a Polish man (born in Poland, came to the US when he was 17), and we have no problems due to the fact that we are from different races, nor from the fact that he comes from Europe, and I'm an American. The differences in the ways we grew up are something that we both feel are fascinating, and wonderful, because we bring 2 different perspectives to the table. We make for a more comprehensive couple, because we have a larger base of experience. It's a wonderful thing!

    Not to be argumentative, but... Using your argument, I could say that if I dated a man from Africa, we would have problems because of our cultural differences.... Yet, we are of the same race.

    My point is that there are going to be problems in any relationship, if the two people aren't right for eachother. "Not understanding where you are coming from" is something of which even someone who shares your ethnicity can be guilty. This is not necessarily going to be the case, just because you are dating someone outside of your race, or who does not share your culture.

  4. Originally posted by zlatang

    i tried it more than once (3 times to be more exact) and to my disappointment it never worked. i have a theory about it but it'd take a while to explain. it has everything to do with commodification of the idea of multiculturality....i think there's a bit about it in the BET thread....anyone interested - ask me, lol


    So, are you trying to say that the reason your interracial relationships didn't work was because they were interracial? So, what about the failed relationships with people of your race? What excuse do you have for those failures? Maybe relationships fail because the two people aren't right for eachother... Now isn't that a novel reason?

  5. I think I'll attribute the stupidity and naiveté of this thread to youth...

    It's not only black girls who yell when they talk to eachother... I hear white, spanish, asian, et al. yelling at eachother as well. It seems that the general rule of thumb is that when you get some preteens/teens together, they feel the need to yell. I see/hear it all the time. The only thing I'll agree with you all on is that it is very annoying.

  6. The messed up thing is that I saw something like this happen at SF. Some girl (whohappened to be real pretty with a nice body)was dancing on a speaker, and decided to take her bottoms off. She squatted down and the guys on the floor beneath her, lost their freakin' minds. They started groping her, lifting her shirt to suck her nipples, and took turns shoving their fingers in her... And she didn't seem to mind!!! She had to have been all kinds of f-ed up. It was appalling. After about 5 minutes, the bouncers came and took her away.

  7. Please, as if MTV and VH1 have that much variety in their programming... I don't think so. For the most part, I can't stand to watch those channels, because they cater to teeny boppers. They play to their demographic, just like BET does. Teens and 20-somethings want what they want (imo crap, but what can you do?), and these stations give them what they desire. But, BET has gospel, jazz, and r&b shows as well, and this type of programming, while not as abundant, is not aired on any other station as far as I know.

    BET also discusses issues that are important to the black community, from the black point of view, and that is something that you can not get on any other channel. This is important, imo, because black people should have a place that shows how black people feel, not how black people feel, filtered through white-dominated media (ie. channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, CNN, et. al. news). These stations always seem to find the most ghettofied person to briefly interview, who is supposed to represent the black community. And exactly what is wrong with BET 's focus on black issues?? How many other stations focus on issues of the black community, in a way that does not have an undertone of disparagement? How many stations give a damn?

    Btw, the other language channels do, in fact, report on issues that concern those communities, including issues and news from thier respective mother countries. Why is it that Spanish, Japanese, Russian, et. al. channels are justified because there is a language difference?? I can use the argument that they are in America, and as such, they should be speaking English and assimilating, and they shouldn't have their own channels. But, if I did, that would make me narrow-minded, something I am certainly not.

  8. Something you people are not realizing is that most channels are WET channels. BET was formed because black entertainers are not as prominently featured on other stations, and BET is a place that will feature all that black entertainment has to offer... Not only "crossover" entertainment. Also remember, there are Spanish channels, Russian, Polish, Korean, and Japanese channels as well, for much the same reasons.

  9. Originally posted by kingartur

    I'm not trying to sound like an asshole.. but you mentioned brighton beach, Bensonhurst being prejudice. But what about Flatbush. I don't think any white person would be able to live there, that person will be killed or kicked out.

    I specifically mentioned Bensonhurst because someone was trying to say that it has changed a lot, when in reality, it hasn't changed that much, it's just less obvious. Btw, if you notice, I did say that "most neighborhoods in Brooklyn have the same mentality...". Brighton Beach is not a neighborhood I would classify as "prejudice", as I would Bensonhurst, though. I grew up in BB, and it was and still is a very mixed neighborhood, where black, white, hispanic, asian, et. al. can walk down the street without a shred of fear.

    What you say about Flatbush is not entirely true. I know of white people who live there, with no problems at all, but they live in parts where the people are middle class, upstanding citizens. A neighborhood like Brownsville or Bed Stuy would be more along the lines of which you speak.

  10. Why is it that people don't realize that the use of the word nigger, is hurtful, no matter how you claim to mean it? That the word has a history of hatred and prejudice, that will not be expunged because black people say nigga in greetings to their friends, or because white people say nigger to supposedly mean an ignorant person?

    No, I don't like when people speak ghetto, but I would never say that they are speaking like niggers. I would say that they are "talking ghetto". Why couldn't you say that, instead of using a term for which you had to give an explanation, so that no one would be offended?

  11. The examples I used were only two of the many racial incindents, and my mentioning them was not in any way to ignore what may have happened to white, spanish, asian or any other nationality. They were just two highly publicized incidents.

    I know Brooklyn, and yes, I know Bensonhurst. And sorry to burst your bubble, but Bensonhurst is still prejudice, it's just not as openly so nowadays. If I tried to get an apartment there, it would be very difficult, unless it were in an apartment building, where the landlord cares only that I can pay my rent. I know lots of people from that neighborhood, who hate the fact that Russians (especially) and others are moving into "their" neighborhood. And don't even try to deny that the old school folks aren't upset by this as well. I'm not putting down any one neighborhood or people. Most neighborhoods in Brooklyn have the same kind of mentality, that it is "their" neighborhood, and others should stay out.

    Granted, and thankfully, many in the younger generation are definitely more tolerant and accepting of differences, but many in the older generations, and even some young folk are not. I find this quite sad, because we all have the opportunity to learn about and explore our differences.

  12. Growing up in Brighton Beach, and hanging out in Sheepshead Bay, Coney Island, Gravesend and Bensonhurst, I came across many people who were quite intolerant of different people.

    Yes, I agree that Brooklyn has a very diverse ethnic mix, but most neighborhoods are predominantly one ethnicity, and if you tried to move into a neighborhood that was not of your ethnicity, you would be met with resistance (I know, because I've tried). And if you were a guy trying to hang out in a neighborhood that was not of your ethnicity, you might have to watch your back (girls weren't bothered, that's why I was able to hang in white neighborhoods). Does Yusuf Hawkins ring a bell? How about that black family who bought a home in Canarsie, only to have it burned to keep them out? There's also rampant anti-semitism.

    I'm not trying to shoot down what you all are agreeing about, but just trying to bring a bit of reality. I very much wish that being brought up with all this diversity would make people more understanding and tolerant of our differences, but, unfortunately, that is just not the case.

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