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Posts posted by mrblonde55

  1. This post is gonna be a little on the long side, but I am pissed about the shit I had to listen to on the radio all day:

    I was there....and there were 2 factors that contributed to me not rioting: 1. the fact that I saw Nas 2 weeks ago at Jones Beach, and althought it was only like 45 min, I don't think he would have gone much longer at Summer Jam. 2. I was so drunk and high I was set to pass out after Ja Rule's SHITTY performance, which gave me a massive headache.

    I had pretty good seats that I paid $90 for, and all in all Im not upset that I went. The rest of the show was fucking AMAZING. Got to see The Lox, Cam'ron, MOP & Eve. Flex, Enuff and Mr. Cee were all on point between sets, and the show had real good energy.

    As for the Nas issue, this is where I have some real problems with the people over at Hot 97. Since Nas was on 105.1 last night, and says he never even showed up at the coliseum, I have lost ALL respect I might have had for Angie Martinez. At the beginning of the show they had her on the video screen fronting like she was outside Nas's dressing room and had just walked in on him changing....fuck that, if hes not gonna be there at least say SOMETHING. I can understand if they didnt say anything at the beginning of the show cause people would have probably fucking rioted, but to front like he is there when you know he isnt gonna show up, then to just end the show without ANY comment of the issue is an insult to the people who paid for the tickets. After Ja Rules bitch ass finished, he said " I gotta get the fuck out of here before this place blows up", then he runs off the stage and the lights come on....thats it. Shit like that is fuckin amatuer, I dont expect the same promotional tactics from an established radio station like HOT 97 as I get from 17 year old club promoters.

    If Nas was really gonna lynch a Jay-Z dummy, they should have let him do it. Angie is bitchin that there were kids there, but in all reality, are they concerned with what kids are gonna think of a show that opened with a video of Prodigy shooting a prison guard in the face with a shotgun??????????? Give me a fucking break, they should protect free speech and expression at the most, and at the very leats they should have the decency to give their listeners and PAID ticket holders and explination.

    Maybe its time to make the Power Switch, lol.

    btw- NORE was aight, started off shitty then capone and foxy bron came out....and shit blew the fuck up

  2. The man was a killer and he made his money killing people. Regardless of who he did or didnt kill, the federal governement spent $75 million on investigating and prosecuting him and that is a fucking outrage. The amount of money spent, and the treatment that he recieved once imprisoned serves as a fine example of the fact that not even the federal governement of the United States is beneath personal vendettas, even when they come at an enourmous expense to taxpayers. The FBI has just been reorganized, and it amazes me that it went on so long as a drain on taxpayer money financing 'the war on drugs' and investigations as vindictive as Gotti's. The fact remains that organized crime was there before Gotti, while he was in jail, and will continue to exist after his death, all the FBI has to show for it is a $75,000,000 investigation (which would have gone on for anothe 75 mil if they had not employed a self professed killer as a star witness) and the room, board and hospital bills incurred while Gotti rotted to death.

  3. There is a very good reason that Israel did not let that UN fact-finding team investigate anything, and it is because the Security Council expaneded their mandate on an almost daily basis without putting anything to a debate or vote. Israel knew that the deck was being stacked against them and pulled from the agreement. Jenin has been since opened to both the press and humanitarian groups, and all reports say that there was no massacre. Human Rights Watch has issued a public statement that they have found NO evidence of any type of miscounduct of the behalf of the Isreali in regards to any massace in Jenin.

    BTW, the speechwriter for the Israeli council to the UN came to speak in one of my classes last week and had some interesting things to say about the working atmosphere of the UN. Keep in mind, there is only one Israel, and countless Arab and anti-Israeli states that each get their own voice and vote....so just by its democratic nature the playing field is not level.

  4. Originally posted by msoprano13

    yoooooooo thatd be such idea.....

    when it opens we could have a huge clubnyc party there and rent out the tunnel

    I didnt even think of renting it out....just crashing the party of whoever did. But now that you mention it, renting the place and just having all the old school tunnel rats come chill would be quite an idea, espically if they get the place looking real nice. Could you imagine.....a tunnel reunion (black tie only), lol.

  5. Originally posted by quoth

    And the funny fuckin thing is....is that...ALLLLLLLLLLL YOU PEOPLE knowwwww that, if and when this restaurant shit opens you will definitely think about checking it out, just to see the inside of Tunnel once again.

    Bro....when I saw the subject of this post that is the first thing I thought. Can you imagine.....every time they have an event, random kids just walking in to the place to see what it looks like. I know I would.

  6. Originally posted by ketaman

    18 and over parties don't work?! 21 and over parties at SF DON'T WORK.

    when factory reopened on fridays after they remodeled and made the 4th floor. fridays were 21 and over for a lil while. that pulled in no money so they changed it back to 18 and over.

    this party will be dope, a lot better than fuckin boring ass tony draper. shawn ink is the man.

    21+ parties don't work at SF???????? WTF are you smoking? Ho wdo you think the place is still in business without having a Friday party in months. Saturadys are paying the rent, the salaries and still maing Richard money....and they are 21+. Sound Factory Saturdays are the longest running "big" party that I can think of, and they probably have the most loyal following.

  7. Just a few quick questions about whats goin on at Limelight for the "last dance"

    1.Ive been hearing 2 different dates,the 14th and the 16th, which is the real party?

    2. I know John Blair has bought Limelight and is doing this last party, but is the "last dance" going to be an all gay night? I dont mind at all, but me and my friends that I go out with are straight and its gonna be tough to bring a bunch of girls if they are gonna have the same door policy as his sunday night party.

    3.Whats the age?

    4.Is the new club, if there is a new club, when is it going to open?

  8. Originally posted by phuturephunk

    The ONE exception that I can see on this is the Opium trade . . . Opium comes from that part of the world (and other places like China) through the use of the poppy plant . . . Heroin can also be tied into this . . . I CAN see how drug money from that could be used to fund terrorism, but one must keep in mind that Opium in this country is a niche market . . . The usage of E and Yay are much more prevalent . . .

    The statement that e and coke are prevelant drugs....and opium/herion beng a niche market are compleately off base. The fact is that many people in the drug sub-culture hang out with people who do the same drugs that they do. The club scene that I assume you are part of is rife with drug use, the drugs of choice just happen to be e, coke, k ,etc. The market for herion and opium in this country and across the world is ENOURMOUS. The same size, if not larger, than that of esctacy. Pre-Taliban, 95% percent of the herion in America came from poppy grown in Afganastan, and for anyone to think that the Taliban banned the public growth of poppy for any other reason than to be able to set the market themselves is being naive. Drugs have/are/will fund terrorist activities in that part of the world, just maybe not the drugs you are doing. The fact that the government chooses to blame the adddict/consumer of drugs that THEY (the Govt) let get sumggled into this country is just another poor example of people using the horriable events of 9-11 to draw attention to their cause and message. Evereyone has an agenda...always have, always will.

  9. Actually....I hope this is true. Think about it, 3000 people showing up at Exit for a party being held in a small portion of the club that holds 1000 max. Now all of these people have paid to get in already....and are forced to be crowded out of seeing Paul Van Dyk, and are forced to spend the night listening to Draper. The all out riot that would insue would put a Mike Tyson press confrence to shame, Marvisi would be sued out of the club, and maybe someone who could do somthing productive with the space would buy it.

    So in conclusion.....YAY!!!! I cant wait for PVD in the white/red room :D

  10. I know what your talking about...it used to be just sportscenter and the occasional flip over to cnn, then I began watching cnn/fox/msnbc...but mostly just the war/international stuff. Now with the Enron scandal, Ive been sucking down business news also. At work, all i do is read cnn.com...and after a while all Im reading is analysis of analysis. Sports, politics, business, international....Ill take any of it. But I guess its good to be informed huh???

    PS- Bill Orielly is a self rightous prick

  11. Originally posted by djmoonshine

    you're right.. it isn't that bad... its just when i come home to normal civilization and normal people i just cant think iof being there, but when i get back it shouldnt be too bad...

    shit... tonys after a while gets freakin repetative as all hell and after going to roxy every friday of this vacation, who can look at skyline and icehouse??? :laugh2: you know what im talkin about.. lololol

    I know, but hey......one night out in the city is the same price as a week of partying up at school.

    Im dreading going back because as of now Im registered for a whopping 0 credits...and every class i need is gonna have to be petitioned. As much as social life may suck up there, the school administration is 10X worse.

  12. C'mon....its not that bad. As with pretty much everything in life, its what you make of it.(but ill admit, you cant make much of Tonys EVERY SINGLE NIGHT). And the bearcats arent that bad for a 1st year division 1 team, hey they almost beat unc in nc.

  13. I really don't see whats so tough about Paris...I know she likes to make a specticle of herself and the clueless people on line, but the point that was made is a good one, you cant be picky with such a big club. And as many people I have seen get thrown off the line, Ive seen double the amount inside who were much worse dressed. Angel was a funny motherfucker, and never forgot a face....he kept a good door. For today....I dont really think that any one place can keep that strict a door anymore because the crowds are so fickle. If I had to pick Id say Lotus and suite 16 have the toughest door, but you can buy your way into both places with a table.

  14. Originally posted by platinumkeithg

    I just love when sole proprietors embezzle money, I mean I would steal money from myself, why not:confused:

    He wouldnt be stealing money from himself.....just a small group of people known as the US Government. Thats what put Gatein in jail and cost him Tunnel and Limelight.

  15. Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

    Tunnel was probably one of the darkest clubs I've ever been in but when the strobe lights came on in there you just went nuts....:eek:

    I know bro...thats why I love this pic so much. You'd never see tunnel so lit up with just the naked eye. She took this pic at the PERFECT time. The light at the end makes it look like the place goes on forever.

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