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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. well i know babe i would....but sniff is not aslways available in european citis one goes to over the summer....thanx for your advice anyway...
  2. face it *dude* -- the two of us have the worst results.... :cry:
  3. he makes my day...this post was insanely good...rizzo you should become a professional club-critic.... :laugh:
  4. i totally agree. and how can one be violent and maintain a preeching tone at the same time? a really strange combo....
  5. ...why *certain* ppl here have this age issue. i mean, what makes a person feel good when calling someone a 'kid'? 'age before beauty' -- indeed, when waiting in line at the hospital, but NOT when clubbing. it also makes the criticiser of the kids appear as super-conservative and old-fashioned. so yester-century! "these kids nowadays" -- as if that old, wise, (and probbaly by now -- big and fat) hermit-like person was never young him/herself. and i believe he wasn't! he was probably stuck in some kind of moralising world of his own....
  6. aww OK then..approved! LOL no need to be ironic about *style* all the time!
  7. i wish i could help LOL...i mena bad extc you can find everywhere...
  8. true....though you can take 1/2 of the pill and stay hard for only 2 hrs....and by the way, my partner liked being fuc*ed for hours....
  9. perhaps we should instead of complaining always have a couple of aspirins to sell them..
  10. any of those lasted for mor than 2-3 hours? just wondering....
  11. yes...we are all waiting to hear more from rizzo.....and less from you-know-who :laugh:
  12. and i thought i was the worst case here Disorder | Rating Paranoid: High Schizoid: Moderate Schizotypal: High Antisocial: High Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: Moderate Dependent: High Obsessive-Compulsive: High :cry:
  13. no tickets sweetie -- you need to be famous and on the guest list to get in....
  14. why do i always end up agreeing with you? it's such a myth, sex on e....and yes it happened to me -- i couldn't come, but the action feels good...+ if you mix it with viagra.... :D
  15. many times..it's irritating especially if one needs a bump...
  16. motorola red bull pit bull mercedes benz mitsubishi no name ghost 007 playboy ferarri versace chanel love dove V2 (as in the greman missle) hmmm i know more but i can't recall all of them the best was the playboy
  17. i know this was probably asked many times, but i can't actually ask my pill doctor for this kind of advice...so here it goes: i'm taking 'celexa' now and i was told it's similar to zoloft....does that mean that E won't work for me? if anyone of you ever took this particular medicine i'd appreciate your reply.... thnx
  18. well i was often asked to provide drugs, and i wondered why...than a fried of mine explained to me that because i look like a european, i'm always supposed to have drugs or know how to get them (if only that were the case). often when not even on drugs ppl would come up to me and asked me "hay man, where did yo get those?" and after relising i wasn't drugged thay'd just vanish....
  19. these are always useful to remember [from http://www.roxyguy.netfirms.com/main.html ] you can easily change 'roxy' to 'exit' guy.... We'll start with the basic moves, then progress. A reminder for these moves. During all dances: 1. Puck your lips forward and give an affirmative, yet arrogant, pucker. 2. Keep your arm muscles flexed. A Roxy Guy needs to show off his physique at ALL times. 3. Stare at every woman as you dance. 4. Never wipe the sweat from your face. Dance 1: Bobbing The easiest move. Bob back and forth. Make sure you do it in conjuction with the music, keep your lips pucked with the arrogant yet affirmative look, and muscles flexed. Dance 2: Side to Side A very simple motion. Do the bobbing, but now move to the left then to the right, back to the left, then to the right, etc. Get it? Dance 3: Tricep Pulldown or Pogo Stick As a Roxy Guy you need to show off your muscles. This dance allows you to do it. Like the Tricep Pulldown weight move, you pretend you are holding a bar parallel to your body, with your hands close together, both clenched in fists. Now keep your hands about 5 inches apart. Now go up and down like the Tricep Pulldown. Do it fast and flex your triceps. Now look to the left, middle, right, then middle, left, middle, right, etc. Now do the Side To Side. This is a GREAT dance move, one of my favorites. Dance 4: Face Pulldown Pretend you have a mask on. To remove it grab the top portion where your forehead is and pull straight down. Like this motion, you do the same for the face pulldown. But in this dance move you do one hand at a time. So, right hand pulldown, then left hand pulldown. Proceed doing this back and forth with both hands. Don't forget to flex.. Dance 5: Nordic Track This is the ultimate Roxy Guy dance move. When you've learned this dance, you are the top. This is pretty much a summation of the above. You've all seen the Nordic Track commercials, right? Remember the cross country ski machine? Well the motions are similar. Here's what you do. Like the Face PullDown, instead of pulling from your face, pull from further away from your face and pull from the opposite side of your arms. So if you are pulling with your right, outstretch your arm to the LEFT and pull down and inward from the left side. For the left arm, pull down from the right. Practice this first so you get the hang of it. Once that's mastered you need the footwork. When you outstretch your right arm, kick out your left leg. As you pull in, bring in your left leg. Now do the same for your left arm and right leg. This is a toughie so keep trying till you get it in a superfluous motion. Wow, the chicks will love you if you can do this dance move. The last advice I can give is mix up all these moves and start making your own routine. For example I like the Tri Pulldown, with side to side, and throwing in some full body circle spins. You will have reached Roxy Guy to the fullest.
  20. after reading this, i think i'm ever so lucky not to have gone there at all. exit always appeared to me as a place where everybody can get his/hers 15 mins of clubbing, at least what they suppose clubbing is (or what they fantasise about while driving through the tunnel). not all of the non-nyc clubbers hit studio 54, as seen in the movie...most of them i believe end up @ venues they think are *kewl*, but in fact profit from the touristy-style clubbing (ie, the visitors can say on their way back home "been there, done that" and assume they have tasted 'da real' clubbing). rizzo is as sarcastic as ever, and i love it. especially the depiction of the japanese and frat guys....gawd those glowsticks are dreadful...and candy ravers --->
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