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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. i didn't say you were not clever because you don't do coke....why would i say that? i merely commented on the lack of any interesting info in your last post. i won't marry and have kids, so please don't worry about that! am i sensing an online (as opposed to TV) evangelism here in the phrase 'abuse the body?' [LOL sage spragga!!] perhaps we can all join you and sing it along? having said this, i conclude that i indeed will never be on *your level*, whatever that level is. and i'm happy because of it. even if i were a waste of life, (and unlike you i have no problem with you saying that, because i couldn't care less what you think) that is only my problem, and nothing for you to get upset about dear. you have your own life to consider -- at least i hope so.
  2. look, here's mr. cleverness talking....wow what a post...how original!!! we are all so impressed by your wisdom!
  3. oh gawd rizzo you are SOOOO UN-PC!!!! :D i loved the h&m comment - indeed those t's of theirs are *a must* for 1 out of 10 visitors to mainstream gay venues (roxy for example). i hate aqua di gio!!! LOL. + you forgot to include little huanitas who will come and clean the clubs after the LI guys/gals* are thrown out...
  4. well thank you for a kind word .....however i won't OD -- i know how to control it
  5. al i know is that clinique is BAD...+ being tanned is not in any more
  6. helmut lang? hmm not cheap....try www.kleptomaniac.com (if you don't mind that it's gay-oriented)
  7. this girl knows her drugs......
  8. hmm do you have a prob with it? it's not because it's cool that miss kittin likes it :D
  9. on the other hand, one can't escape being judged, right?
  10. careless, charming, jockish, wannabe-a&f? i'd have to see that guy...wallet is not an issue for me.....
  11. shoes are The Best way to estimate a person. not in terms of the $$$, but in general, a lot of many aspects are revealed through the choice of shoes...it may sound weird, but it always works for me. this is NOT to say that i use it to discriminate people (that would be so un-PC, so i wouldn't dare do it, i'm soooo afraid of that concept), but only to get an insight into them.....
  12. yes special K would also do the trick..the get into the hole (da howl) and then they begin to enjoy the music....
  13. :laugh: you grasped *the lingo*....gawd that was funny...well give those friends of yours some E/co*e and they'll be ok...they'll get the ''tuesday after"...
  14. so true...however, at least that smell doesn't get into one's hair + one can leave a smelly club, whereas at work (i don't work but i symphatise with the ones who do) or at the movie theatre one cannot leave...ewww...i hate sweaty ppl....speaking of guidos and taking their shirts off...aww i miss that thread about guido dancestyles....
  15. no wonder we have the same signature sweetie....i.e. that you appropriated my sig, but that's ok, it's miss kittin anyway.... :-===-------------------
  16. not all CPers are nice....thak for example that iliana creature.....
  17. 1. going out by oneself is totally OK (there's always E to keep you company) 2. one needs to negotiate with one's friends on a daily basis anyway -- and if they dislike the music/scene you like, you could try introducing them to it. if this doesn't work, and if they seem very rigid about it, keep them as friends but be warned: clubbing is about lifestyle and preferrences -- your little a&f doods will soon become beergut-ex-jocks, stuck in their suburban homes with their wives and kids.... i never have a prob with going out -- there are always so many fab ppl out there -- last time i went out i met an eccentric british millionaire + a us-fashion-mag editor....so it's also about what you are and what kind of energy you have got....also it's about the clubs one goes to.....
  18. in vino veritas! though you were drunk, i'd say there's truth in what you concluded....i had sooo many friends who turned not to be worth it, so i would say in a more positive way, that one needs to filter* carefully and finally get to those who are (at that point in one's life, because change can also ruin friendships, and change is something we can't avoid) real friends...skepticism is the best...LOL
  19. that is gross...imagine all those smelly bits being 'electro-magnetically' excited? and the WORST is that one cannot get that smell out of one's clothes and hair...it's so rude!!!
  20. who is the person who starts the best/worst drama on this board? i say rizzo is provoking most of us to respond.....
  21. zlatang


    very good..very deconstructive*
  22. oh i know....sucks dry all the energy....one is just good-for-nothing after a f/show....then all one can do is sniff****
  23. awww..leave the poor guy alone...he's doing a fashion show:rolleyes:
  24. good. i was worried about you don't chase the dragon -- itr's not worth it....
  25. awww you are so harsh...poor rizzo, he'll have to ad this up to his online portfolio....
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