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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. well i partly agree - one can also have only one destination and strive to get *there* throughout one's life. then the roads*/joyrneys may be different but they all may lead to a unique end. on the other hand, i'm not sure whether the joyrney really shapes us rather than the goal, because it's the goal (ugly word because it implies a kind of competition attitude) or rather the destination that got us to start the joyrney...ugh i suppose it's the difference between one final destination and many day-to-day ones....but hey maybe the daily ones are just motels on the highway of life ( eww what a cheesy phrase - i needed to trash-it-up a bit)
  2. i might go to c/fly...but i'm not sure yet...i know a/viva from europe and i liked him back there in 1999 i think...what kinda music is he spinning now?
  3. indeed christian rock is a bizarre genre...i wonder who invented it? yuck.....
  4. really? i thought it was the DRAMA messageboard...
  5. well it's difficult to take a break...i'm forced to when going to college (during the week) and i think that's actually good. but i know that if i were offered i wouldn't be able to resist...
  6. just when i thought i was the only one who prefers the destination....yes it's not good to get lost, but there are some who actually enjoy it..destination is a difficult thing to have...
  7. yes well...one takes a nap or one does e and c...endlessly...alcochol is not good for your skin after all...
  8. oh gawd, you are always in your 'let's get theoretical for a sec' mode..it just blows my mind, in a very positive way....well i'm all about the Destination, because i made it impossible to reach...so i can't say i'm goal oriented, it's rather that i want to achieve what cannot be achieved...ugh, this is getting too personal. anyway, this can be reduced to your question about luck, because: luck is a shortcut to the destination (without a journey) and that's why i think luck is the most perfect way to reach the destination...as if you are teleported there!
  9. well this is very confusing....it is curious that people post these emotional messages on the drama board and then say something like "mind your own business".... i'm confused...
  10. it seems strange that noone else mentioned this one....nokia3360
  11. you rule! viva la eurotrash!
  12. :laugh: i don't know who you were referring to....about the coke&K...
  13. i forgot : givenchy pour homme
  14. haha...euro...what are royal elastics?
  15. i don't think they were right...
  16. i was hoping it'll be a new drug, like yaba was 3 yrs ago:(
  17. is this a joke? no it can't harm him/her (unless he/her already has a medical condition); it'll even help in loosing those extra lbs...
  18. :laugh: i was a bit chubby, very well-mannered and i liked ABBA...dressed up as if i'm going to kindergarten 54...
  19. what a rebel you are...lol..yes i was in my philosophical mode that night....+ i'm reading about these wretched umanisti for school...
  20. hmm i miss this thread as well.....god=luck? as i said not in the christina doctrine, alas. the way of the virtue is always painful in christianity (hence a certain s&m elements in it). as for the beliefs in the far east, i'm not competent to estimate. however, what you say is not unknown to muslim religion i believe, because they believe in destiny (if i remember well)....
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