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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. but the problem is: the club music is meant to be consumed with drugs.....to drop the drugs is to drop part of the pleasure of going out, while the state still distributes e-based anti-depressants
  2. there are two issues: 1. is twilo responsible for the death (and i believe that legally they aren't, because there is probably somewhere in their contract a disclaimer about drugs; also the drug-police was very efficient in twilo (at least i felt that way)) 2. is asking for money as a compensation for your childs life a genuinely ethical gesture, or pure greed if we mix the cause and consequence we will get nowhere
  3. to be famous is soooooo niiice.... frank, frank sinatra... i LOVE that song... VIP area
  4. welcome...wilkommen...have fun...it's getting warm (outside and in here)
  5. thanx! well i shall stay here untill i'm asked to leave i think it's fun especially tye DRAMA board....people do get confused sometimes and post drama here (and i also did it in my frist post in this thread)...so what kind of music do you like? what do you like to spin? and what are you favourite clubs? (i go to SPA, *twilo* (past tense), roxy, vinyl, b-bar on tue etc)
  6. felix da housecat: h/wood dj dimirti from paris (fr): night at the playboy... colette #2
  7. well, i somehow got the feeling that i'm not wanted here.... :D i never said that i wasted my time here. as long as there are some minds which are not formed by a mass-producing mould, there is still hope....maybe they'll absorb a bit of my wisdom and progress into a higher state of existence...so, you see, i have a mission..... my remark was a half-joke; i do believe that the mass culture destroyed the standards of art...same in music - with the birth of opera and operetta, which then turned into musical, the classical music was damaged and it never recovered. in this already mediocre genre of pop-music there were some levels of quality, and that's what i'm looking for...it can't all be cheesy happy hardcore and wretched goa and trance (forgot to mention progressive).... and finally i was hoping you'll disclose your info, and not keep it as a top secret....after all this is a messageboard and noone will sue...at least i hope so....
  8. well it can certainly buy a new house for the family + a new BMW for the lawer
  9. indeed...thgere are other things they Do know though...
  10. please tell me where the snots&snobs post... i'm sick of cheesy democracy, which legitimises the opinion and taste of the crowd, and elevates it to what once was called 'style.' are there any messageboards for the sophisticated audience? do tell please...
  11. LOL but at least i can complain about you guys here....i hope.....
  12. zlatang

    spanking the....

    LOL i got 214 once....it's all in the hand...
  13. i'm proud too...soon i'll reach 500...perhaps....
  14. zlatang

    Gay Wit...

    well we must all be str8!!! (hence not witty) :D
  15. i believe we'll all agree on that...who wants to have sex with someone who doesn't want to do it with him/her? someone who has a serious problem.....and who can't deal with it......ugh.....why is this drama at all?
  16. indeed...straight men are NOT supposed to mind their looks, not nearly as much as girls HAVE to take care of themselves....it's a social *construct* of *gendered identity* LOL....i personally hate it....the moment one puts on nice clothes and has a nice body one is seen as gay....i am gay but still...it's irritating
  17. :laugh: you are SO right...there's no hope...face it...
  18. zlatang

    Gay Wit...

    you are right about blue/c men...they are tough and therefore gay men adore them (and i find that to be extremely masochistic). anyway, wit as a gay frame of mind is usual; i think it mostly comes from the typical need of gay men to 'outsmart' each other - it's very close to their obsession about gossiping....it's showing their frustration in a weird way...gawd i hate the gay community...and please don't tell me i'm homophobic because i'm gay myself.....(of course, self-loathing is one of gay traits as well) yuck!
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