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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. wow it must have been a really bad day or a bad f*ck you had to react in such a way! of course the amount of MDMA is relevant for this discussion! if we had better pills now, we wouldn't have to ask ourselves when to drop the 3rd or 4th one (my friends never go out without 5!!!)....and please do explain me mr. i'm-the-thread-moderator-wannabe what relevance does your reply have to this topic? and FYI the correct spelling is not "irrelavent" but "irrelevant". before you insult the others, perhaps you could take some time to check the dictionary or get your high-school degree!
  2. well if i were you i'd sell those as E, LOL...it's prolly going to work better than these new pills that don't contain MDMA whatsoever:laugh: :laugh:
  3. that's the best - home delivery...i envy you....
  4. that was such a polite reply...quite unexpetedly! ok then - i withdraw what i said about you being cheesy .. you seem much nicer than i expected (i mean in this message), so there's no need for additional bitching and animosity. if you are advocatiung for a party that you are not fond of, that puts a new perspective...and about SPA - it is true that the new parties always have that special elan that the old ones don't.....however, since i like a very particular crowd, spa is still ok for me....so give it a try ... ciao
  5. well one always dresses up when one goes out....it's not good if one HAS to do it in a certain way, especially if one is to wear something which is meainstream-cheesy-expensive to get in...but trendy doesn't meed to be expensive + one can set trends oneself...
  6. aww sweet..the prob is whether one cares and IS successful at it....
  7. if you don't mind vintage (which is still in) you can try antique boutique on broadway (near prince st i think) thay have a greta selection of adidas...
  8. indeed darling, you are a member of this board since january 2001, and i am since august 1999....which doesn't mean a thing though....it's i suppose crucial that you *frequent* exit, LOL....new party - does that necessarily mean a good party? not in my book....by the way, i have been there and i wasn't impressed...i dislike mass-gatherings....but to each his/her own. i didn't claim that those poeple who go there (and you obviously advocate for them) are either good or bad, i just looked at the cheesy pics of theirs (which aren't nearly as cheesy as your signature pics, which appear to me as a nightmare-ish visions of a candy-raver-turned-into-a-painter) and concluded something about their style...i made no referrence to you, when i used the word cheesy, but since you find yourself offended enough to inslut me in turn, it' seems clear that you feel cheesy yourself...so no need for me to restate that.... and thatnk you for complimenting me on my superficiality..... :D
  9. both are anti-depressants, and i doubt you'd have a great time if you took them..be careful about them though - if i were you i'd take two kinds separatelly...and BTW how much did you pay for those pills?
  10. yummy....i had a fried with a w/h connection, but his connection is not 'operative' any more....i miss co*e....sigh...maybe t/bandit will offer me his help?
  11. all these comments make me sad...the quality of E dropped; i remember the times (not like in 1980s, but 2 years ago) when i had only 1 (ONE) pill which had me rolling for 8-10 hours! it was though one of the best ones you can get - "playboy"....i wish i could get that bunny again.... :(
  12. this is insane....so funny....what are you afraid of? all they can do is remove your message....that's all......gawd!
  13. oh by the way..i went to exit's website and found tons of cheesy pics....again have a look and judge yourself - are these people going to save the scene?
  14. <<This place is the K-Mart of nightclubs. There is something for the Chelsea body boys, straight laced B&T`s, wanna be b-boys, the ass and tit crowd and the rest of the pack. Although the nights are varied at Exit, the crowd is pretty much the same throughout. >> is it then worth all the trouble?
  15. lol, that's Real Drama for you!!!! Keep up the good work! :D
  16. it must be the polen in the air....especially in the rural areas....
  17. if it's so dumb and boring, why did you bother to post your reply here? moreover, you replied to my reply....i think you secretly LOVE it...
  18. what does this mean???? nothing clever to say?
  19. ok dahhhhhhrling, at least you are honest about where you're from...btw, a question: is beer considered here a drink for str8 guys (as opposed to cosmo, for example, which would be a drink for women and sissies*, LOL)?
  20. hmm, my lines above missed the point - you guys are getting ready to fight (i hope you are) and i was still theorising....good luck with insults....
  21. hmm i totally understand what your claim is. and it's true - 'rave culture' is villified because of 'evil E' that those kids do, but noone regulates alcochol (ie the drink of the non-rave i.e. (in my terms) all-american&str8 audience) although it produces much more harm to the society.....needless to say that almost all anti-depressants (which can be legally obtained) affect the same brain synapse-function as E.... ughhhh...i suppose i'll have to live without twilo....
  22. i agree. + don't forget that insecurities can be handled in a less apparent way - if one is ugly and slim/fat, and was always bullied as a nerd, one may become an *intellectual* of that kind which uses his intelligence to show off and bully other less intelligent ones. this was seen even on this website many times....those people are just brain-thugs...so if we are to talk about frustrations/insecurities, and compensations, we have to take all the cases into consideration.... this, of course, doesn't mean that one should adore arrgant juice-heads...but also if one disapproves of them without having a single conflict with them, then it only shows one's frustration over 'beautiful bodies'.....and there are other ways to deal with that....
  23. well darling you need to make your mind up: either you want to be calssy or not....you can't have it both ways....as for the pinky, that's considered as displaying really Bad Manners in europe....however, wannabes do it all the time..... :D
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