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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. there's nothing wrong about it...just that there are so many little wannabes like her, bibmoid blonds turned into star-lettes by the trashy gossip mags...she strikes me as a person with no mental content; just pure flesh..which as i said doesn't make me feel happy for her disease, but, hey, people get KILLED daily and just because they are not 'famous' cuz of their implants doesn't make their lives less worthy of a comment...and yet all this fuss about P.A....i mean then i can also strart a forum: "i have a headache" :D
  2. i agree.....and it's all about someone who has huge tits. hence we are now to worry whether she has h/C? i don't care.....she can get the best medical treatment i'm sure...and i wish her all the best! i hope she doesn't get her silicones pumped out by mistake......
  3. before i reply....magilicuti - you always have a great question waiting for us!!! (+ a new ab-pic for us to admire, LOL)
  4. it's so interesting that you quoted that - one usually thinks humanism in that 19th-century sense of the word was founded in the renaissance (italian, that is). however, some open minded people called themselves umanisti even before the renaissannce in italy; their focus was on the Man, as opposed to God, who they of course didn't reject, but they tried to divorce Man's destiny and God's mystrarious ways -- and, hence -- they liked Fortuna (who was also called Imperatrix Mundi - The Empress of the world), whic brings us at the beginning of this debate (page 1, LOL) i'm going to myself now:laugh:
  5. that is true..but consider this everyday situation/true story: i'm riding the subway, and i notice a black guy (in his 20s) staring at me with anger...i keep asking myself why - i am not american, and though i am obviously white and i look anglo-saxon, i am still NOT connected in any way to the people who shipped the slaves (+ i'm not a racist and i don't display any negative attitude to people belonging to other races)...so i wonder - would he look at me in a nicer way, had he known i am a european, or it doesn't really make a difference, since all white people are the same for him... talking about power...i think black people by now also have a power to distinguish between the kinds of white people they meet, and not hate indiscriminatelly...(i know i'll be labelled as KKK after saying this, but i felt the urge to *share*)
  6. this was great..where do you get that weed? ugh, i forgot, i only do c and e...
  7. i think he's clear about that - they are not here any more, or even if they are, they are a minority (ie not important)....what a strange world he lives in....
  8. as if k. marx himself is speaking through you LOL
  9. We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of OUR society, LEARN THE LANGUAGE! *** i must remind you that the british would have a problem with this claim of yours. it'd be better to say that americans speak american english....as for learning language, that should happen not under a threat but as a decission... *** This is OUR COUNTRY, our land, and our lifestyle. **** whose country, if i may ask? WASPS'? well babe face it (i'm white as well) - the hispanic people are now a majority in the US...what do you think about that? :laugh:
  10. excellent!!!! (if i am allowed to comment here, not being american!) :D
  11. LOL perhaps you are just not lucky today? lucky as us who discuss religion instead of having fun...doing drugs....lol..oh yes - it is also by being a sinner that one can reach God...remember that:D
  12. hmm the treasures of the irish folklore need to be distinguished from religious issues here i think
  13. wow...it's like two hours since i posted and there are 12 replies...are we really living in the age of atheism? speaking of religious families, my mother's geneaology is composed of 14 generations of priests (can be traced back to the 14th century, i needn't comment further on the aristocratic pretensions of such a geneaology) yes, i think you were right - one doesn't pray to christian god for luck; happiness in however another thing, because one can enjoy happiness and not be lucky, ie in looking at the natural beauties and contemplating them as creations fo God. is this really a clubbing website? i must be losing my mind, LOL. i think that this is the resulkt of the new anti-depressants i'm on....talking about compensation....
  14. hmm i can only reply from a christian perspective (that is the only one i know). i don't think that one can believe in God and in Luck at the same time. Fortuna is a Goddess from classical antiquity, and though it was often represented (as an allegory) in Renaissance art, Chritian beliefs collide with the concept of Fate and Luck. Everything that happens to us, according to Church, is the will of God; Even if we for example die in an accident, that is not to be taken as bad luck, because through such a death one earns salvation, if one is not sinful that is....ugh, wel i hope this helps a bit...it's amazing how one gets intellectual at late night...
  15. i couldn't agree more...and where did that cute guido thread go? lost in cyberspace or just reserved for the Gods of Clubplanet?
  16. this is way too funny....i need some fun as well...yeah right..anyone going to ibiza this summer? any impressions/comments/suggestions for someone (ie me) who's planning on going there?
  17. but is this really drama?
  18. on the other hand, this is exactly what i meant - that there are things one doesn't need to explain...moreover, the inter-racial undestanding makes it much easier....anyway...
  19. what can i say? i'm very happy for the two of you:) overcoming the problems that arise from multicultural background is what the idea of multiculture is all about....
  20. it's such a funny website he referred to...everyone should visit....******** i think:D :D
  21. that's all very nice and charming, but i still think it'd be better for all of us as well as for yourself, had i (and not only i) been able to understand more from what you wrote here. and that is exactly the point - if you decide to use your *lingo*, you make your text understandable to the guys who *speak your language* and not to all of us...it's your choice. and also, it's always useful to use the dictionary...... :D
  22. all i wanted to say is that it makes it more difficult. the interracial thing, that is. the prob is that the cultural background one brings to the relationship depends on her/his race, in part of course. i found it difficult to understand, despite of my best intention, the background of the significant 'other.' there's of course a book written on this by derrida, LOL. sure i agree, it may have been that we didn't get along, but...there was more to it than that. and i'm not happy that i conclude this!
  23. i tried it more than once (3 times to be more exact) and to my disappointment it never worked. i have a theory about it but it'd take a while to explain. it has everything to do with commodification of the idea of multiculturality....i think there's a bit about it in the BET thread....anyone interested - ask me, lol
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