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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. riiiiight....whatever...i even remember when i first saw you replicating thoase lines of mine...i know they're mine because of the ***...however, it's all good, because it's internet and things like this happen...i was just hoping for more originality here...However, at least you listen to Good Music....
  2. hmm but then all stations that deal with trash and celebrities and *gay/drama* topics are potential GET channels...what is really sad is that it won't do anything for the *gay cause* (if there's such a thing) but: 1. represent the gay community in a manner which justifies all that str8 people think about it (as in queer as folk for example; and sadly that's what most of the gay guys are really about) 2. profit on individual misfortunes of battered/abused gays ewww:eek:
  3. LOL well then all you need to do is become fat and talk 'small talk' on tv...next step is to buy the spot where limelight was and turn it into your *loft*
  4. sounds rather sad to me...it's now the place where martha stewart lives....
  5. workenonlife = someone who has no life because of excessive work? or________________ (fill in)
  6. your signature uis fu*king not fair.....that's called post-modernism...*sigh* i thought of it first... i'll sue for originality!
  7. indeed - we need more drama here....
  8. sure - showtime and HBO are competing to become GET.....
  9. what about the post count...as in count of paris?
  10. hey this is such an interesting thread...i know, i said before i dislike people discussing politics here, because this is clubplanet, but TV is a pop-culture medium... about the blurring of the line in the sand: do you really believe that we will live to see the day when all the communities will truly integrate? and is blurring of that 'harsh' line that divides the cultures the way to do it? being a foreigner in this country, i realised that the different cultures that coexist here rarely mingle. moreover, that it's very difficult to do it, because of the different cultural bagagge we all carry...so, what are we to do? to abstain from cultural segregation (ie not to have black/hispanic/whatever tv programme) and play out (on tv if not in real life) the idea that we are all alike (and yet have the WASP-y all-american-suburban-preppy-american-dream-like visions on TV as our daily brain-food?)? or is it better to underline the differences which then can be seen as creating new obstacles for the integration? you answer!!!! :D
  11. well i was single for about 1 yr and now i'm coupled, yet still lonely....lol....it's because my better half is not here, and not because we don't relate to each other....anyway, i sympathise
  12. true indeed. that is why americans ought to learn english again, and this time, it should be proper British English!!!!
  13. brilliant! i agree. i mean if you want to *post a message* you simply need to know how to spell words, right?
  14. you must be insane to believe a website like ********...it is an extremists' website!!! one of their 'breaking news' is that lawrence of arabia was gay. wow! i think that such a website can produce more damage than profit to the jewish people....
  15. was the kid you mention your movado-donor as well? btw what's wrong with gold-digging
  16. this is pathetic (or rather pathetique in its own provincial way)....do people like this really exist? gawd, i thought they all disappeared in the 20th century....
  17. that was the nices reply i read here! no attitude at all! thank you for introducing yourself!
  18. good idea! (though i'm hardly new here - i'm a member since 1999) 25 europe electronica, disco-house, trip-hop (NOT hip-hop), liquid house, 40's jazz, retro in general.... spa, radost,twilo (yestercentury), industria,dtpm, roxy, abaya (past perfect), soul food, angello azzuro, centro-, pushka, heaven, space untitled...... martini - removes the stains....
  19. what's wrong with you *dude*? bump THIS...
  20. if i were this guy i'd think twice (or more) before posting my pic on the web....it may end up @ fugly.net.....
  21. well i'm on the guestlist...make up your mind...
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