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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. i need to see the pics to decide on this...please post them!!!
  2. i miss your posts....i'll be going to spa on thu in march, not sure which one yet, so let me know if you want to meet up (finally) ciao z
  3. hmmm it certainly takes you a loong time *thug-boy* to reply to my last post....it's all about the little grey cells you know...or maybe you don't...perhaps you finally realised that this thread is way tooo classy for you? good! l8r *dude*
  4. :laugh: it's great that we both know the song and like it...btw, do you know a club in nyc where they play that kind of music?
  5. well, yes, she is laughing there, LOL...but after the second dead... so it should be he's dead......dead!!!!
  6. i lost my friends (on purpose) one morning @ roxy when a shady guy asked me to give me a gift...i said Yes and he was my Santa....how did he know that i needed it (::sniff: ? anyway, that's how i lost my friends....
  7. nothing sick about that at all. it's just dali....
  8. that's philly for you. that's why i go out to nyc, LOL
  9. everynight with my star friends we eat caviar and drink champagne snif*ing in the VIP area we talk about frank sinatra <<you know frank sinatra?>> <<he's dead...dead...>>
  10. VIP areaaaaaa...frank, frank sinatra......
  11. since all of this makes little sense to me.....here we go again: to be famous is so niiiiice...
  12. since all of this makes little sense to me.....here we go again: to be famous is so niiiiice....
  13. a new pic? can i see a larger version?
  14. who is that nation which is trying to be like the americans? i suppose the nations that the us colonised via economy like to imitate us pop-culture because that gives those poor people the illusion they are a part of the power that's in fact exploiting them! (lol, now i'll be accused of being a commie, and i hate commies!). take any european country with a significant cultural background (italy, france, uk, germany), and you'll see that they are not imitating you....unfortunatellly, americans are not much liked in europe. i said 'unfortunatelly' because that is the same kind of attitude europeans get here, but based on different presumptions. while europeans are usually considered "dirty, smelly, trashy, devious" in the usa, the americans are considered "vulgar, common, naive, without taste" in europe. but this is not drama, *sigh* i was getting too serious. another thing - pop culture is not the only aspect of culture one could consider. there still is ART as well (or high art)! enjoy your osama-weekend:laugh:
  15. hehe, no, i'd much rather chat with you babe!
  16. columbus was not a gun man, you know that! he was a serious explorer. what the spaniards did later in the americas is another issue, but even that is debateable (there is evidence now that the so-called 'black legend' is a pure fabrication of the anglo-saxon historians) and NO, i'm not a spaniard well there is a thing or two to be said about love&hate relationship between the new and the old continent! but this IS NOT a thread about politics. as a european, i find it difficult to understand the *american culture*. enough said! haha, i think you're actually a very nice guy..oops, lady! well honey, put on your high-heels and join me @ spa
  17. i didn't COME to this thread in order to bash you...who were you?...oh, yes, rosario, the turtle-neck(ed) housewife? i am not french btw! and if you read my post carefully you'll see i wasn't hitting on magli.... you are making presumptions about his sexuality as well btw. what is it with sex and you???? :laugh:
  18. we are most thankful to you for informing us about it! :D
  19. hey but you are getting nicer and nicer - that's called manners!! haha, i never said americans were UNEDUCATED. you really like to ascribe to me these words of hatred, don't you? i'm a guest here, i repeat, and i act accordingly (that is with respect)! however, if you consider yourself an uneducated american ass, i won't argue! as for the discoveries: are you referring to the vikings? or to the fact that columbus was not a spaniard? the former is not a widely accepted fact, the latter is true, but he was still employed by Ferdinand and Isabela. (Gawd, do i need to teach american history here?) fashion board: well, i abstained because i realised there isn't much to say on a board which discusses turtlenecks.....
  20. this is where the soap story comes from.....
  21. tsk tsk, that was quite silly! it really seems i gave you too much credit. don't you realise that the internet is THE ideal place to forge identities? i may just as well be a 45 yo str8 businessman who enjoys teasing obnoxious people on this message board. you could be, for example, a latino housewife who gets turned on by bitchy comments. and there's NO WAY we can test whether these are true or not! voila! and please when did i make fun of the americans? :D
  22. hmm that was a very polite reply! it must be that you are being thaught some manners since you read these posts so frequently. i am not here to criticise the americans, because i do spend considerable time here, and i think it would have been very impolite to do so! however, to remark is not the same thing as to criticise, and, yes, i said that americans don't understand irony, but also i'm not the first to claim this....this country is based in belief, and irony would be a destabilising force to it.... as for PRESUMPTIONS - do i Know you? did we play b/ball in da hood? NO. so you can't tell whether i'm gay/bi/str8 etc. as for going to europe, sure, bring more than just 3 soaps - you should actually distribute them to the poor people there who need a guy from US to show them how to take a bath/shower. PS had it not been for the Spaniards, this continent would probably still be a white spot on the map of the world. without the brits, it wouldn't have been taimed and colonised. think about it *dude*!
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