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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. positive! ony @ SPA you see chix with dix wearing high/h. i once saw a guy who was totally dressed up as a businessman, and yet he had stiletto sandals (@ spa)....insane!
  2. ok big boy, you think your abs kick ass? nah, i'd rather insult that silly a/american guy who's posting on the SPa thread......GET AN ATTITUDE DUDE!!!!
  3. LOL i like quoting myself.....all i wanted to say is that my reply is totally out of place because this messageboard (as many other ones) is turned into a verbal battlefield...however, it's supposed to be Drama....
  4. so true. and even if one proclaims he/she is not interested in the looks, that usually means that deep down in that person a trauma about apearance is burried. on the other hand, there is something really rude about exposing one's good looks in a manner that is meant to frustrate the others. that very self-awareness that someone has when he/she is positioning him/herself as above the others makes that person ugly in a strange way.....
  5. clever as ever! i totally agree! i tried to warn some of the activists on the *politics threads* that this messageboard is not supposed to be serious and that it's meant for clubbing, but i suppose that they can't find something like www.chinaandmiddleeast.com www.askbinladen.org online, so they post here!
  6. umm, not just the shoes.....the *chicks* were hot as well and they had beautiful gowns....
  7. now we know that there is at least one wannabe guido! the "guido march" - hmm - why does it always has to be something militarisitc about the guidos?
  8. well there was no champagne, but the shoes the ladies wore were *fabulous*. i thought that the audience was very interesting; the exhibition itself is great, especially the 3rd floor - you should see it after you finish the portfolio...good luck!!!
  9. i think you just lack a certain sense of humour.....does that make you NJersyan then? i think so......
  10. isn't that also called "blonde ambition"?
  11. once again: you don't have to respond...and this thread is not going to disappear just because you want it! keep posting bit*h, and it will last forever!
  12. hmm i sense a lot of hatred towards europeans here! i wonder why...? + you are terribly homophobic - you keep making presumptions about my sexuality and my sexual role. insults like that usually betray WEAK persons who cannot solve their own problems regarding race/sexuality/(style) etc. as for the gucci sunglasses which you keep bothering me with: i wrote a description of the people who go to SPA; that doesn't necessarily mean that i wear gucci! (us is at least 3 years late fashion-wise, so it's 1999 here!) trust me, i don't like their new grungy look at all! and finally, how did you get into those fancy clubs? i bet that your boys from the hood/bouncers let you in.....
  13. not to let this *bomb* guy spoil our own fun here - how was your weekend? i went to roxy&earth and it was ok....before that an opening at MOMA - nice clothes and no champagne....how are you?
  14. why are you still here then darling? BUZZ OFF! see there is something contradictory in what you say and what you do....
  15. haha and then you say you are not reading my posts? get out of here!!! :D
  16. hmmm, and the second they notice - what? they beat you up? "yooo, watcha doin man, imiting* me or wat? i'm gonna take you down dude man.....~punch punch~" * it stands for imitating of course, some guidos would never realise they are imitated, because they are so_______(you know what) good luck:blank:
  17. not at all, i'm always willing to help, LOL: kabuki is traditional japanese theatre.....the make-up they use is usually over-emphasised, which reminded me of your comment. it was meant to be a joke... www.embjapan.dk/images/ fotos/kabuki.jpg
  18. it's called 'kabuki' makeup sweetie....it's very trendy
  19. excellent! i mean, it's just as well that you shop at structure (by the way, i never heard of it - is it a blue-collar label?) , because then i doubt i'll never meet you in person, ie. you won't be allowed in the clubs where i go! ouch, you got hurt by that NJ crap, let me guess....you are from NJ, right? + i can see that you are following my posts on the other threads, so let's face it - you are far from being disinterested in what i say here! and finally - euroelitist - what is that supposed to mean? most of the white waspy americans declare themselves as euros as well....and there is a thing or two to be said about the people who came here from europe and about the ones who stayed there, LOL. think about it! gobble that! z:D :D
  20. yes i did...lol, if that the cupid - this painting is still not decyphered in terms of who are all the figures.....for example (look at it carefully): the girl in the right who has a green dress, has a reptilian tail and a leg of a lion. :laugh:
  21. this reply makes me both happy and sad. happy, because now i am positive you must be from some remote farm or from an industrial complex in NJ, because most of your fellow-citizens (NYorkers) like europeans, welcome them as promoters of avant-garde style and do not use the block-head stereotypes to judge them. sad - for all the people that YOU advise what to do and where to go, if there are any! there are many silly threads on here, and the fact that this particular one became a message board for my cyber-friend boreese and moi should not bother you. there is however a NJ room and maybe there you'll find people who relate to your frame of mind and style (or rather absense of both). so, do as all a favour and crawl back where you came from..... ciao
  22. hey you little un-stylish piece of gap-wear, if you read the initial post on SPA you'll see that it was cleverly written in order to create drama...i was hoping that all guido-esque and bibmo-id beings are going to be ofended....however, i suppose they don't even know what SPA is....city in belgium? no, babe, go back to jersey and study CP more.....
  23. yes, with those guidos and wannabe-guidos, one never knows...perhaps he was just being ironic?
  24. the problem really is that we all may start dancing like that....and then we'd be like guidos....however, one also has to LOOK LIKE a guido to BE one.....so we are safe!
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