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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. i couldn't agree more!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. go naomi! she RULES, hence there are no rules for her, the BITCH! it's insane to prohibit people wearing already dead animals. it's the fashion designers who should be restricted using real fur!!! i'm disappointed that spa has such a rule..... :laugh:
  3. swen vath rules....say yes to drugs LOL:laugh: :laugh:
  4. this is so funny.....i was told ages ago that most of the clubbers work in retail....i wonder whether it's true! anyway, i'm a GRADUATE STUDENT and i don't intend to graduate soon, because i love it this way...i can travel and enjoy life, living off my parents.....but i do respect people who work, as long as i don't have to do it for them :bounce:
  5. b>>> i have no doubts that your chromosome-atic grace will outshine the superficial glitter of the spa crowd! i hope i'll get to hear which is the particular genetic inscription that governs the ocurrance of 'grace' as such. it's out of pure curiosity that i ask this, because i need to know more about myself and to learn what made me such a graceful person. so what are the clubs you frequent rather than going to spa? oh, come on, let's make more drama!!!! whhat about those bimbos who don't check in their bags?
  6. hey b>>> finally a nice post, so that we can all agree on something (though that concept of genetically determined grace is a bit problematic, but i'll stop bitching, lol) and thus the drama is Gone .....*sigh* i also like vodka, especially with red bull. and it's good that you don't need C because it's quite expensive, LOL. so when are you going to visit spa? au revoir z
  8. gawd you are a big drama queen one needs experience for buttoning the shirt, right? so one needs experience to have a certain kind of look, which implies certain fashion consciousness. i hope you are not going to claim that men/women are Born with a sense for colours, cuts and fashion in general. i don't need labels, yet they are here, so why not use them? and yes, when i make a certain combination of vintage and label clothes (if i decide to put on any labels) i make them my own, because that particular combo is Mine. + i own them YES, champagne (especially krug, veuve or moet) and C are a part of my experience. is there something wrong with that? what about you? natural high, heh? (btw there is a *substances* thread if you feel like criticising drugs) enjoy! z
  9. hehe you are funny as well. however, here's a quote from your previous post: "3rd Eurotrash are those that wear Armani suits and Gucci loafers not Alexander McQueen or Vivienne or Jean Colonna, just so you know; since it seems that I know a lot more about people-labels than you do, especially since I've come to this country. " so you claim you're not into people-labels, yet you use fashion labels them to define eurotrash. isn't that a form of discrimination? if you make accounts like that, then you can't say you're not making fashion evaluations. and lastly, i wasn't aiming to impress you - i merely states some facts which serve to show i have enough experience to make my own fashion choices. ok, back to champagne and :-===---------- check the "i hate bimbos who..." thread ciao z :shades2:
  10. we got very nasty now, and personal as well. 1 - go ahead and use any jargon you want - all i said is that you are getting close to the jargon the americans use (see my post on 'pseudo-democracy' and please read it carefully) 2 - i couldn't agree more 3 - i doubt i need a fashion advice (i hate doing this, but i was provoked: i modelled in europe and in nyc; i also wrote for fashion magazines and edited a fashion-week bulletin + a close friend of mine is a famous journalist who covers NYFW and whose articles are published in NYT, so had i been in need for a fashion advice, i would have gone to him rather than reading posts on CP) you restated things i already said + i don't think that wearing gucci loafers makes one automatically a eurotrash. now this IS drama! i hope you'll eventually stop bitching and realise we are on the same side of the fashion wall! :D
  11. there you go - DA MAN replied! these girls are rather han-like - they do their dance, get drunk, (possibly get laid) and go to bed...in fact, they don't like to/know how to party at all!!! by the time us, normal clubbers get in the clubs, they are already fast asleep in their bimboid nests in astoria...
  12. ask madrusso, LOL. i'm here only for the drama!!! :D :D
  13. chill misk...you're obviously not a bimbo...and we said 'fake LV' lol! it's just cuz of the drama - i've never seen those piled bags since early 1990s, LOL:laugh: :laugh:
  14. no, no, don't misinterpret what i said! ravers do express themselves and thus they deserve to be let in certain (ie raver's) clubs where the glowing sticks that they chew are Big! that their aesthetic in not the one i prefer doesn't make it less respectable. and, *he-llo*, didn't i mention h&m (and NOT gucci) in my post? a brandname/label doesn't make the style - hence the stupid bimbos or guidos who have no style when wearing labelled clothes. i know you aren't american. but then please stop using the jargon they do, for example 'equality for all in the clubs' etc. one other thing - americans hate labels that they don't know/ fashion that they don't understand - like mcqueen, gucci, colonna etc. by attacking people who wear those brands and who are usually called 'eurotrash', you're attacking some of the creative foreign guys/girls who found their niche in nyc and who make this country a better/more diverse one! and needless to add, who make nyc a more stylish city!!! :D
  15. ..because it's real drama....what we need is a Bimbo to stand up (cyberly) and defend her kind....any big-boobs-women with yellow hair, fake fingernails and bad makeup around? we NEED you... to tell as more about those bags! :shades2:
  16. it's usually that guys who arre as homophobic as you are turn out to be gay! :D
  17. gawd i hate that kind of friends...i mean i understand their concerns for me, but on the other hand there's something humiliating in someone's doubting you all the time...especially when you like e&c.
  18. i'm getting sick&tired of this american pseudo-democracy. "clubs were created by the people and for the people" - what is that supposed to mean? you HAVE TO PAY TO GET IN, right? i mean if you were to question everything from this political point of view, then you could also say that there are some people who can't afford to go to clubs, and that's even worse than not being let in because of the clothes. + you don't have to wear 200$ suit to get to clubs - you could just as well buy clothes at h&m, cut them and look better than the armani crew. i believe in clothes as mean of self-expression and it is exactly because of it that i think people who show their imagination in dressing up should have priviledges of a kind.... :D
  19. haha, this is way too funny...go ahea, blow those nellies, and there'll be more hot a&f *bi* guys who prefer guys in nyc! you don't know that you'd be doing a biga favour to the non-bitchy gay community if you did that, LOL. :laugh: (i hope this was all said just to create drama)
  20. *lights, models, guestlist...just do your best dahrling* *oh he was just a male model, square-head and cK underwear, wanted to show me his portfolio.....":D :D
  21. hmmm, i don't care about the after-effects....i believe in the after-life instead - so die yiung and be a beutiful corpse works for me;)
  22. 5'5" and 115 is soooo good...forget about the colonic babe....step into your high-heels and hit the clubs.....(you can still DO the pills)
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