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Everything posted by b-side

  1. Sorry I'm COLOR BLIND... as long as you're FINE! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  2. As usual I come back from a Hiatus to find out some of my favorite peeps suffering again. Attn: Starcapone Glowgirl Nikki etc.... Let Dr. B give a little advice.... Reading Star's post about men totally pisses me off but since I'm not that man I don't take it personal... However I do feel the need to clarify a few things up about Men & Women... 1) Most women say they want the compassionate caring type... then they step all over them and call them a little punk! 2) Most women seem to love the abusive relationships (not physical), i.e. when a man doesn't care.... the woman does! I know far too many women who get cheated on and still stick around. 3) Most women never say what they mean and mean what they say...... (read #'s 1 & 2 for ex.) Honesty is the best policy for both parties... but when I'm totally honest women get offended and misinterpret my words. All I can say is Never Stop Loving Yourself More Than Your Significant Other. People are people, and humans will always let you down. Prepare for the worst.. and expect the best. ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  3. ONLY if YOU Asked G.G. I'd ONLY show you... and I wouldn't even charge Ya' ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  4. I must have posted this same answer about a year ago but, here it goes again: After you have done the basic licking and teasing, etc...etc... you really want her dripping wet then repeat the following three times. Insert both fingers in a criss cross manner just inside the lip wall and gently close her clit between your tounge and top lip, gently whistle (blow air), then nibble and suck..... and begin to rotate your fingers in a circular motion towards each other. Don't forget LAAA,LAAA,LAAAA,LAAAA,LAALAALAHH...... .....LAAA,LAAA,LAAA,LAAA,LAALAAAAAA....... The only alphabets that are really worth the trouble are; B, F, L, M, P, T, & V ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  5. Darling Nikki...... The best relationship you can have is with yourself...(and NO not THAT) I mean to only Fall in Love with yourself, whenever you rely on someone else to love you thay ALWAYS let you down... Even if it is not their fault, they may care but it won't last forever.... I have a very simple rule, and most women think its cruel. But, I don't show all of my affection at first, I hold back and then gradually get deeper in the relationship... I don't even say I love you before 90 days... No matter how much I really do.... It's crazy but I works.. and it keeps my heart from being broken.... and it seperates the Real form the Fake. And U R 2 Real..... 4 that ShIt WhatGoesAroundComesAround..... ONE LOVE, ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  6. OMG.........LMAO ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  7. O.K. but the question is ; How can you tell the difference between "Make-Up Sex" and an "Angry Fuck" Lately I guess I have had personal issues where I have confused the two... I broke off an engagement and was pretty pissed about the whole ordeal... we didn't see each other for a while and when we did it was straight sex... ALL SEX! Now that's the only thing we have in common anymore... I feel UsEd ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  8. Thank you ALL for your support, ...... Now I can climb down from this bridge (I was about to jump off) Now I finally feel Loved :Sniff: Sniff: ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  9. Wondering id there is a difference between men & women on this subject ???? Comments Anyone ? ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  10. W T F ????? Only one reply.... No Respect I tell Ya'.... KIDZ these Dayz.... ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  11. The... ......CLIT The... ......Nips The... ......Lips ............& Every hormonal woman's favorite the NAPE (of the neck) ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  12. Sorry that word does not exist im my vocabulary.... Or my family tree for that matter. I suffer from the opposite!!!! What's do you call this type of problem for men??? It shortest time EVER was at least 30 - 45 min before I EXPLODED..... And that was afer a 4 month dry spell. "If ya fu(kin' wit Me, you better plan for a few hours"..... 3:1 Ratio Ladies ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  13. I'm sure most of you have already seen this one but........ WHAT HALLMARK DOESN'T PRINT... 1. So your daughter's a hooker, and it spoiled your day. Look at the bright side, it's really good pay. 2. My tire was thumping. I thought it was flat. When I looked at the tire. I noticed your cat. Sorry! 3. You had your bladder removed and you're on the mend. Here's a bouquet of flowers and a box of Depends. 4. You've announced that you're gay, won't that be a laugh, when they find out you're one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 5. Happy Vasectomy! Hope you feel zippy! Cause when I had mine I got real snippy. 6. Heard your wife left you. How upset you must be. But don't fret about it. She moved in with me 7. You totaled your car. And can't remember why. Could it have been. That whole case of Bud Dry? 8. "Looking back over the years that we've been together, I can't help but wonder: What the f*** was I thinking?" 9. "Congratulations on your wedding day! Too bad no one likes your wife." 10. "How could two people as beautiful as you have such an ugly baby?" 11. "I've always wanted to have someone to hold, someone to love. After having met you, I've changed my mind." 12. "I must admit, you brought Religion in my life. I never believed in Hell til I met you." 13. "As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am that you're not here to ruin it for me." 14. "If I get only one thing for Christmas, I hope it's your sister." 15. "As you grow older, Mum, I think of all the gifts you've given me. Like the need for therapy..." 16. "Congratulations on your promotion. Before you go, would you like to take this knife out of my back. You'll probably need it again." 17. "Happy Birthday! You look great for your age... Almost Lifelike! 18. "When we were together, you always said you'd die for me. Now that we've broke up, I think it's time you kept your promise." 19. "We have been friends for a very long time, what do you say we call it quits." 20. "I'm so miserable without you, it's almost like you're here." 21. "Your friends and I wanted to do something special for your birthday-so we're having you put to sleep." 22. "Happy Birthday, Uncle Dad!!" (available only in Alabama & Mississippi) ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  14. b-side

    question guys...

    Yes /... "I" would, but don't try to sell me a bunch of Shit!?! J/K : But seriously, If I'm in a store and the sales girl is hot... I check her out, If Im single, I may throw some "vibez" and wait for a responce. Often I don't want to bother them at work... So if I feel something I'll come back later. If he's the REAL ONE he'll come back and talk. Or he just might like to window-shop If I were you I would approach Him, some guys like that (I LOVE it!!) walk up to him verry slowly looking him in the eyes and ask; "See something you like?" or "Do you ever plan on buying anything? ...because checking out my ass is not FREE" (LOL) <I'm sorry, I just can't help myself sometimes> ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  15. Wassup GG!?!?! ... Not Drama I hope... If you feel he's capable of doing what he says get a restraining order... But if he was a REAL MAN he would not make idle threats. ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  16. Where was this when I needed it ?!?!?! Ladies Answer This: Now Why is it that women can post these things and its O.K. but when a man posts the same thing... He's sexist ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  17. b-side

    All Men Are...

    Honestly, when you look at it most women (I SAID MOST NOT ALL) Are borderline prostitutes anyway.... O.K. So, they don't OFICALLY fuck a guy for cash, but they won't even look at a guy who doesn't have more than them... Most of the women (esp. in SO FL) only want a man with MONEY. All thay look for is Luxury Cars, Designer Shit, MO' MONEY & MO' MONEY!! But don't get it twisted I would NEVER pay someone cash for sex.... They would have to pay ME! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  18. It's simple, The more controllers attempt to control, the LESS they are in control. Snowball Effect #218 If You LOVE some-body..... .......If you Love Some-one.... FREE... FREE.... ... Set Them Free!!! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  19. b-side

    LIGHTS: on / off

    No Lights Needed Except.......... Blacklights, ......Moonlight, .........Candlelight, And the ocassional FLASH from my camera Did You Know???? "Hot Wax On a Nice Ass "Really" Close Up.. is a Work Of ART !!!!!! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  20. b-side

    Just curious

    For years I was just DJ-ing and doing my own "thing"(promotions)... Until more & more people wanted me to help them and I wound up with contracts.. Although I work for Stanton as a 9-6... I still have my owm Label & still do outside promotions.... Just hang in there and it will come to you! Bytheway: What ever happened to that book on Sexual Terms? Remember Quiff / Kweef ??? (LOL) You never sent me the book or info.... ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  21. X Good Lookin' Out Man I need to get YOU to help me with a Private community I am starting... Which has archives of some of these Pix... Pro / Am, but classy or funny (Not like that Open Ass pic) ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™ [This message has been edited by b-side (edited 06-07-2001).]
  22. Damn That WaZ You ?!?!? ....It Waz Kind of Dark Yo' Sandman: I can't do the sex before work thing.... I'm ALWAYS late for work when That happens! Honestly It's Sad 2 Say, BUT..... It Has Been Far TOOOO long for me to remember...? "I Just Broke Up With My "X" , And Ain't Tryin' 2 Have SEX" ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™ [This message has been edited by b-side (edited 06-07-2001).]
  23. It's Probably bcz. I'm NOT in most of the little ClicKs 'round here.... Even though I've been here LONGER.. It' O.K. D77, Most women cannot stop to look at themselves WITHOUT a mirror... But I can easily see the people who posted a reply are not SHALLOW. I Appreciacate the ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  24. b-side

    Just curious

    Everything except windows... and ironing O.K. really ? Besides (no pun intended) DJ-ing and Production (insert plug here...) << www.bsideproductions.com >> I just left Marsmusic.... I now work for Stanton. I do a lil' bit of 'dis... I do a lil' bit of 'dat...and the rest is classified information.... If i tell you, I'd have to kill you ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  25. I'll tell you where they all went... they went Hollywood... And now they're holding out for a DOLLA' !!! Out of the few that are left... well they are still doing it... but now they call it LOVE (so they think) And after 90 dayz...... It'z Over!!! So, I guess we have to coin a new phrase How about... Extended Casual Sex.... Psuedo Casual Sex.... Not-So Casual Sex.... Come on people help me out here!?!?! ......Claire???? ....Goddess??? ...ClubKat??? ..Nikki??? ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
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