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Everything posted by b-side

  1. I wuz just Lookin'For ya..... Where have ya' been ?!?!? I even went to your site... (who's that holding up that bottle?) Is the schoolgirl bit working for you ??? ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  2. Looks like you ladies will be needing plenty of Batteries I hate to say it but I always want and need emotional over physical... :sniff : sniff: That's why I just broke up with my Fiance'... (like 2 dayz ago) The sex was great, but other than that.... she was a completely spoiled little bitch who only loved herself. Hey glowgirl... Starcapone... ClubKat.... ImNikki... & LikMyLipz (BTW where has she been?)... I'm Now Available.... ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  3. DAMN Goddess..... What Happened? Was that SEX post 2 quiet 4 U ?!?!?! I bet you're a real ScReAmEr aren't ya' ? ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  4. Hey I didn't write it I got it in an e-mail 10. Man, you look so much like your mom! Now, unless her mother is a yummy mummy and everyone knows it, you are better off not saying this to a gal. For one thing, she does not want to associate herself with her mom, and second, you are saying that she looks old. Instead, ask her whether she thinks she looks more like her mom or her dad, but even then you're opening a can of worms. Just leave this topic alone. 9. I would have invited you, but you're no fun You're gonna die, it is that simple. Tell her what you will, lie to her if you must; this is when white lies and fibs are practically mandatory. I agree that if your lady will not have fun somewhere, like at your buddy's house to watch the game, do not force the issue by inviting her only to be polite. Instead, spin it as if you knew she was busy or would just be uninterested. It could save your life. 8. Anything related to marriage or children While many, many women would love to meet a man mature enough to discuss life's, you know, small intricacies, some couldn't care less. Others are out for a good time, and you talking children and kids may sound nice on Disney's after-school specials, but for the most part, it will either give women false hopes or just get you in trouble one way or another. 7. Would have, could have, should have Feel free to engage in philosophical hogwash after drunken sessions with your friends, but when it comes to women, avoid getting all sentimental and philosophical because again, you are simply opening up avenues of torturous rhetoric. Keep it simple and shut your mouth; you will thank me later. 6. You don't need another pair of shoes This is when Imelda Marcos bursts out of the wall and shreds your arm off. You see, it is not a rumor or stereotype that women have too many shoes. It is a reality. It is insanity and defies all logic, laws of nature or science. I have stopped questioning this. In fact, use the different shoes to your advantage to spice it up in the bedroom. 5. Any story about your private life Sure it's cool for your gal to know about your past adventures, exploits and legendary feats, but it's no good. In fact, it's very bad because she will assume that you are still up to your old tricks every time you say "goodbye, see you later." And if this is not bad enough, if you ever do slip up, then she will know ASAP. 4. Come on, a few little cramps never hurt anybody Okay, we may all think it, but does she make fun of you when you get bruises and bumps after your games? Probably not... at least not out loud, so you should be just as courteous. Rumor has it that women like a drink or two when they have their period, so suggest a nice glass of wine to soothe the cramps. 3. What's the big deal? You have another birthday next year Run -- that is really all the instruction you need for this one. Actually, forgetting a loved one's birthday is bad, but forgetting your girlfriend's birthday is grounds for a break up. Even Ike Turner got Tina something, no? In any case, use reminders, ask your friends, have your parents inform you... hell, get her friends to remind you. It's her birthday; she wants to feel like she is the center of your universe, where she belongs. 2. Are you sure the dress shrunk? "How much do you weigh?" is not the only question to be avoided. One of women's greatest insecurities is cellulite, so watch out for that as well. Instead of saying, "sorry dear, your dress hasn't shrunk, you just enlarged," be positive and suggest healthy eating, working out together, and anything that will not hurt her but rather have her appreciate your caring and loving side. 1. That's not the way my ex did it Even if your new girl is miles better than any of your exes, do not compare notes. Why? This is bound to take you down No Man's Land Avenue and lead you to the doghouse. She is smarter than that, and she will find something incriminating, like "Oh really, well how many exes did you sleep with?" Don't compare breast size, skin softness, leg factor, or the bass' rhythm, just enjoy the buffet. And if you happen to be walking down the street, keep your head straight and check your vision. Although I have heard better this list is pretty accurate. ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™ [This message has been edited by b-side (edited 06-06-2001).]
  5. Generally women who don't alter their hormones biologically (i.e. the pill... the shot... Etc...) get EXTREMELY HOT when beginning their period. Usually one or two days before and one or two days after you start. My suggestion is either ; "Boink like a bunny" a day or two before... Not only does this satisfy your appetite you also stimulate the vaginal walls to release the period much faster. Or you can use a condom and towel technique. Either way "Get Some.... Get Some" Often it has been the most aggressive satisfying sex I have ever had!!!!! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  6. b-side


    The top portion was taken from an old Horoscope article ... After is My Opinion... (I take this topic very seriously) ********************************************************************** I Want a Soulmate, Not My Husband Q.: I am 29 years old, married to a wonderful man, yet I feel lost. I'm interested in finding out who my soulmate is. I don't think my husband is my soulmate. Finding my soulmate is very important to me and it has always been something I feel I have needed to know for as long as I can remember. Can you help me in any way in helping me figure out who this person is? Any details at all will help me -- age, gender, sign, anything. A.: I often wonder what has caused people to think that there is one "soulmate" and that they must search to locate this person out of the vast hordes on this earth, as in finding some holy grail. We have many soulmates in our lives. We don't have to hunt for them. They come in and out of our lives with ease and without searching. We don't necessarily marry our soulmates. A soulmate is anyone who has contracted to help you on your path. You made these contracts before you incarnated here. These persons enter your life with a specific purpose. Some soulmates stay for a lifetime and others for a brief moment, but they all have a dramatic impact on us. They all are treasures to us. We don't even like some of the soulmates in our lives. However, everyone whom you learn a lesson from is one of your soulmates. Regarding your feeling of wanting someone more, I see that it is less a search for a soulmate than it is a desire for a different level of fulfillment in your relationship. Your husband represents safety to you, and you find that this safety impedes your growth right now. You may wish to consider finding yourself before you begin to search for someone else to make your life better and happier. It has to come from you first. ******************************************** My Own Testimony: >Recently, I was talking to a good friend who had a bit of the same insight. Until then, I too thought there was only ONE(soulmate). After talking to her(my friend)& reading this article did the picture finally make sense. It really changed my perception of the definition of "Soulmate"....... >Throughout my life I have had many blistering relationships until I found happiness being alone /(within myself)..... Thereafter it seems that the relationships that followed were not only better but each one taught me how to Love Better without "loosing myself"... Since my-ex as some of you may know I went on the N.L.T. (No Love Tour). It was almost a year & a half before I allowed myself to feel again.. Believing that there's only one of anything in life is ridiculous.. that belief almost killed me...I thought my-ex was my soulmate (until it all went to hell). As different & unique each one of us is there's someone, somewhere that is a mirror image. Therefore there has to be more than one soulmate. And no matter how special that (current) person is ...someday they will leave you. It may be death.. it may be a separation, or someone moving... No matter what happens / happened just keep the positive with you because the negative will tear you down... and eventually break you! >>>P >>>E >>>A >>>C >>>E ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  7. b-side

    Anal Virgin!!!!

    GlowGirl, Looks like you are having a little trouble Should the S_U_P_E_R_M_A_N_L_O_V_E_R fly into action!?!?! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  8. O.K. Folks I C some of you have totally missed the boat on this one...... Think about what would be worse... Dating someone of the opposite sex, where you pretty much know exactly WHO they Fu(ked and WHERE ?!?!?! Or Taking your chances with someone else who has probably seen more action and more STD's but they LIE about it ?!?!? A wise man once said ~ It is far better to have an Honest Whore... .... Than a Sacrilegious Nun ~ ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  9. b-side

    Best Drinks Prior To Sex

    YeaH BabY !?!?!?!?! Now Ya' Talkin' !!!!!! Give Me 3 and I'm Outta There. ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  10. O.K. ..... C.K. So what U R saying Iz... that I don't have to worry about .... last night ?!?!? J.K. I know I don't have to worry about anything... I not human anyway ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  11. Happy B-Day... To BOTH of You.... Damn Gemini's.... I can't ever tell which one likes me ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  12. Pretty Phat DJ Manufacturer For Club & Scratch DJ's Alike http://www.stantonmagnetics.com/stingray/rsRegister/register.asp ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  13. Ladies May I introduce Myself..... Dirk Rammer (under new rule) Or Caeser Lafon (under old rule) Either way the women who really know me call me... OH... OH... OH GOD !!! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™ [This message has been edited by b-side (edited 05-24-2001).]
  14. For the price of a used one get it new.. www.marsmusic.com or call the store in upper N.Y. and ask for the used gear dept. Good Luck. ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  15. Plz. take a second to click for me.... (A Free Audio Download) I'm finally ready to DO IT! Plz. let me know your opinions on this remix. Keep in mind that I still have not rec'd the mastered vocals and the final product to be released (pending approval) will sound even better... But this should give you the idea.. Plz. click here: www.mp3.com/djbside http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/1550/1550075.html or here: http://www.djcentral.com/djs/originaldetail.cfm?id=2083&originalid=1256&linkid=10 http://www.djcentral.com/djs/djdownloads.cfm?id=2083&linkid=10 The remix will be avail in underground music stores from FL to TX and a few in NY & LA... It will be featured on my mixed CD compilation entitled... ..... "HardCore SoundBwoy" This CD had a live un-rehearsed mix of the best D&B in 5 years, plus 4 bonus tracks all original productions (one of which is this remix) List-N & N-Joi Don't forget to vote for me plz. http://www.thedjlist.com/vote.php3?djName=B-SIDE ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  16. No.... BUT.... If ClubKat , LikMyLipZ, & ImNikki, ever want to CUM in/to SOFL... The invitation's open! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  17. b-side

    Attn: LikmyLipZ

    I just checked an old post to see a reply(s) I find it extremely HARD to believe that U don't have any toyz... Per your suggestion I bought one for "my girl"... If you do get/need one get the "Bird Of Paradise". that way you can use it solo or with a partner! and to Goddess Thank You! :sniff, sniff: at least someone appreciates where I'm... ...Cumin' From ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  18. 2 Words Shower Massage !?!?!?!? I usually insert myself (or toys) into my significant other, while pulverizing her clit with the shower massage on FULL BLAST... Last time she almost fainted What can I say... "I really like it WET" Now Lipz if that dosen't make you cum longer than 30 sec. come see me...DR. Fuckenstein ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  19. Awww.... How Cute!!!! Nick & Dick.... or is it Dick & Nik ?!?!?!?!? ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  20. Damn Nik.... If I knew it wuz like Dat... I would have offered ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  21. Damn Nik.... If I knew it wuz like Dat... I would have offered ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  22. Tasty... What U know 'bout New Orleans ???? That's my home town... I miss it so (sniff: sniff) but Miami's not far behind when it comes to fun!!! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  23. CK I've been waitin' and anticipating! I AM THE RULER OF THE HOUSE OF SEX!!!! AND I TAKE MY JOB VERRRRRRY SERIOUSLY!!!! I'm looking for applicants who wish to partake in a sexualogical study (LOL) Remember satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back! 3:1 Ratio... Nuff Said! ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  24. Kittie... Yes I am A MALE I just thought that most of you whom suffer from "sorry sex mates" or lack thereof could benifit. The best thing about this particular toy is that it leaves plenty of room for "penis penetration". I get what I enjoy (a dripping wet cunt) and she gets double her pleasure. ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
  25. First of All Sorry Miss Kittie... on your purchase of a "not so sex-ual" toy. I could have informed the only ones with pearls that work are the EX-tra long ones with the "clit tickler" attachment. Now for a GD TOY suggestion... per some information shared by My favorie SEX Fiend "LICK MY LIPZ" I checked out a site whose nam I cannot remember.. but better yet the store is literally around the corner from my house... called Something Sexy Planet. Now the toy I purchased was definately not for me to use but I did enjoy the benifits... I more than doubled my Orgasim Quota of 3/1 (her three to my one) The name of the toy is "Bird Of Paridise" made by NASSTOYS (NYC) Only $42.99/49.99 (I forgot but whatever the price is its worth it)... The unit looks like a butterfly or a hummingbird... and boy does this bird hum. It was designed for use by women with a partner or fly solo.... In other words you strap this "bird" on place between your legs place the long humming bird's beak on your clit and use the variable speed control to cum...cum....cum.... and cum again . Let me know if you need personal instruction. ------------------ The DJ From Another Planet ™
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