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Everything posted by planklet

  1. Got a couple of friends from accross the pond here to visit next week, so I'm wondering where to take them. Do we have any big events happening in the city between Saturday 3rd and Friday 9th Feb inclusive? I heard a mention of some geezer from Boston - I hope it's true
  2. In absolute agreement with u - apart from, possibly, 1 minor thing - about people who don't dance. I mean, there are people who are still part of the scene, and add to it, but don't spend as much time on the floor.. The bad people are the ones who are drinking round the sides, mostly men trying to grab girls and insult guys... the whole mouthing off, being agressive kind of thing.. i don't like that at all... People not dancing doesn't bother me though.... but there are good people and bad people whatever.... shame..
  3. ------ A card with TUNE written on it, so you can hold it up when you like what the DJ is playing. ------ LMFAO! I could hear 'em say it when I read that..
  4. i saw a post about 2 dykes on the ceiling not long ago - is this board being deliberately manipulated, or was someone just repeating themself?
  5. went to 'culture club' - it was a very bizarre mix between 80s drink & 90s drug music. if u're into each other that much, that kind of place is almost a worthwhile compromise...
  6. Almost forgot 'The Graduate' which it most excellent... Which is also showing in bryant park on monday week (i think).... not to be missed...
  7. Citizen Kane Dark Star (all time classic) And I will agree wholeheartedly with joeserra's mention of movies for guys who like movies - although even thinking that phrase sends a shivver down my spine, they show some of the best stuff.... Oh, not sure if it counts, but I love the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 as well..
  8. Time to install AIM me thinks - although i only used ICQ before - 5646338 AIM: planklet rob@zpin.com Yes, it was a good idea kitty...
  9. alcohol poisoning my arse. alcohol poisoning is not throwing up. it is not having a monster hangover.... alchol poisoning is serious when it happens, which is rare. talking about that is like saying 'ecstasy kills' sure, the behavioural effects are very different, there's no argument there, obviously. so a husband on E is more complimentary. of course, that's the effect of the drug. if the wife were on one too, there would be no cooking..... put them both on heroin, u've got an equally happy story.... it's just a different story. so what? that's like saying 'put the whole world on prozac and everything will be peaceful' This shouldn't even be an argument, cos we're on the same side - try to take my post in it's entirety instead of picking on insignificant details.`
  10. goes to show - smoke, drink, take whatever.. it makes no odds - there are too many pollutents in the atmosphere these days to make cigarette smoking and alcohol a significant risk. (i'm talking as a scientist, not a hippy - it is a proven fact)... (depending on what u read, that is
  11. >Kate Moss - C obviously.. >Boy George (culture club)- with a pile of C years after he had "given it up". obviously- and he gave up being gay as well? >ZZ Sputnik - you may not know them. no comment.. >Scarey Spice - A long time ago but, it must have been E. sporty does more coke than the rest... >Untold amounts of DJ's keep up the groove >Take that's (robbie williams) - E (at the very least). hmm.. intersing one - he messed up and had that big rehab eposide, and came back and is doing damn well for himself... rehab in this case probably means just cutting the alphabet in half..... take that? i forgot about them..... robbie does okay, gary sucks.....
  12. ye ole prozak E combination causes such things..... paranoi attacks are a strange thing - if u get them, there's probably not a lot u can do about it unless you can trace it to some medication that u can stop taking. personally, i'm not on any such medication 0 the only way out of the paranoia is to identify it when it happens, and try to enjoy it cos u know what's coming..... (except there are times when it goes wrong, but u have to expect such times and deal with them appropriately)
  13. you're talking a new level now. my old landlord introduced me to the original fantasia folks - plus a large collection of seb..... it's worthy of respect... i miss that fucker.
  14. world peace, a stop to animal crulety, cures for aids & cancer etc are all good wishes, but they're inevitable... Don't waste your wish on something that is on it's way! Also, don't wish for more wishes - i saw some guy do that on fantasy island the other day, and he ended up in the bottle..
  15. I'd like to be reborn in 3 billion years, in time to watch the sun burn out, and last of earth's civilisation fly off into space to go and start a new community in some other far-away galaxy... Apart from me and a few mates who would be partying it up in God's Kitchen....
  16. I'm sure it was only back in the 20s when having a healthy heroin habit was quite socially acceptable. As for amsterdam, locals do tend to smoke more than drink - not just the tourists. different social circles have different attitudes - people in the UK drink a hell of a lot more than folks in new york - and drink to a totally different plain of drunkenness. (except for them paper bag weilding bourbon snorting folks in the street that is). Prohibiting something that is, basically, socially acceptable and unstoppable is futile. napster, smoke, E. Plus there was a massive probelm at the Glastonbury Festival with people selling industrial strengh tranqulizers as E. A couple of people died. It it were legal and controlled, this type of shit wouldn't happen (and it does happen all the time).....
  17. Went to limelight for the first time last weekend - somebody actually found a use for a church! Mebbee twilo tonite - I've lived like 3 blocks from it for 4 months and still haven't visited - did somebody mention a meet up?
  18. u'd probably get death.. or maybe i took fantasy island too seriously and you might actually get what you expect
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