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Everything posted by planklet

  1. do both, (if twilo turn u away, go elsewhere)
  2. it's more controlled because it's 'easier' heroin isn't your weekend club drug that everyone is going to take .... coke isn't as instantly enjoyable as E. Anyway, if it was made legal, it would become a commercial product, and I just can't see that happening. Imagine - different companies would be producing different E, all saying that their E is better - there'd be billboards everywhere saying 'buy Virgin E - it's the bomb'.. And that damn pepsi advertisement that has einstein trying to choose between coke & pepsi - it would be that, but for two different E's that would basically be the same.... It would certianly make the pepsi challenge more interesting though.. Actually, it would fit well into the 'something for the weekend' section of virgin.com...
  3. Worste thing is when people sell something as something else, or cut stuff with nasty chemicals.... too common these days, which is sad.... godslze - totally with you on the other people looking sketchy bit - it's so nasty when that happens.....
  4. Worste thing is when people sell something as something else, or cut stuff with nasty chemicals.... too common these days, which is sad.... godslze - totally with you on the other people looking sketchy bit - it's so nasty when that happens.....
  5. It's a very different kettle of fish to alcohol. Drinking takes effort - if you drink too much, you're gonna bail out and go home early. It's difficult to over-use, except over long periods of time (ie years) As for E - what does happen if some idiot kid decides to knock back 20 pills in one mouthful? (might be interesting to watch from a distance) So in it's current strength that we (ahem) I mean people are used to, it would be hard to make legal - too much risk of serious abuse. They would probably release something a fraction of the strenght, and mixed with other substances that cause nausia after taking a certain amount... It's a common thing to do to prevent over-use.. Still no reason to have big punishments for it - Is Jaywalking still illegal in this country? Put it in the same class as that offence and I'll be happy....
  6. Presented by Heinekin? I thought drinking in public places was illegal in this country (state even)?
  7. English born and raised. But I'm 50% Indian.... I'm white, but when I get a sun-tan it lasts 6 months Oh, and Athiest, which is more relevant
  8. I've often thought about this. K just kills you brain for a few hours, seems like the exact opposite effect of acid. E puts your mood up. Acid pushes your mood in pretty much every direction at the same time.... It's has a much higher possibility of 'going wrong' than E, but deserves much more respect, and it can actually take effort.... Worst case scenario is 12 hours of hell, which many people can't cope with,..
  9. it's strange - there only seems to be a select few girls who don't have any of these problems (in that they know how to deal with such situations when they occur) The problems described here have as much to do with men being dicks as it does about women not know how to deal with men.. I mean, saying your a lesbian to a bloke who is hitting on you is foolish.. just say you're not interested and deal with his reaction, if it's bad, tell his friends to get him away from you (you'd be suprised how well that can work).... tell the bouncers, tell some random guy near you and someone will help you..... jeees and remember... http://zpin.com/mp3/%5bInspiral%20Carpets%5d%2009%20Beast%20Inside.mp3
  10. Every girl I know will complain about being grabbed until some cute guy grabs them, and then they fall in love on the spot... Personally, I don't grab, but it is true that it 'works', which is why it happens so much... Blame your peers girls
  11. I find 2 rules are enough. Be nice & behave I'm sure the rest is just common sense.....
  12. what if smashing mirrors makes you happy? Is that so wrong?
  13. what utter drivel. 'I for one, am not ugly at all.' (shallow) 'NY girls are ugly as sin' (fool) 'and who does not dress like a retard' (exactly how do retards dress?) 'Sometimes I'm snotty but never rude' (more similiar than you imagine) 'I'm not snotty and rude, I'm not ugly, etc.' This just oozes snottyness 'My only gripe with Ny women is that so many of them smoke.' smoking is good john88 - what complete crap - do you think inter-racial marriages should be outlawed as well? jesus... This board really does concentrate on uglyness a lot, which at first I thought was incredibly shallow - but it just happens in virtually every post, surely there aren't this high a percentage of ignorant fools? whatever.
  14. I don't understand why anyone would want to take ketamine..... I mean, at least E give a good feeling, K just fucks you up.. ???
  15. what's with the closed topic thing?? damn anoying as i wanted to reply to that... re: bad mistubishis at glastonbury - i know a *lot* of people who tried to get Es there and ended up taking something that just knocked them out for several hours... sure, not directly NY related, but this is for people in NY who went (if that's the reason for the closed topic)... Twas a bad scene for , but that's not why i went (fortunately!)
  16. Hmm, thought you were going back for glastonbury for a minute there, but that makes 21st bad, so I guess not.....
  17. Probably no excuse for this lame question, but what is 'st johns' ? So I'm not from this country, is that an excuse??
  18. Age changes nothing apart from the way people look at you... I know clubbers over 40, seen people clubbing over...actually, i have no idea how old.. This guy was most excellent: http://www.zpin.com/raver.jpg I have no problem with being that person in years to come..... do you?
  19. really? maybe monkey never made it to the US... It's one of my favourite quotes.... http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Bluffs/8111/samples.htm (god cake) http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/8153/index.html
  20. I hear about a lot of clubs.. Are there any that are bad? OR have bad night.. you know, ones where you get people who drink too much and send out bad vibes because people are having more fun than them. or just cause any kind of trouble, being rude to girls etc.... I do hate getting grief off bouncers on the way in, but i like to know i'm somewhere where violence isn't tolerated... you get the idea, i want peace, love, and bangin' tunes.
  21. m'going twilo tonite... never been, only just moved to this city, only just decided to get back into clubbing again (taken a 6 month break) let the fun commence. peace.pie.
  22. violence is for computer games, not real life.. peace.
  23. enjoy.. but, I may have to shut it down for an hour or two from about 6pm today.... Some friends want me to kick their english asses at unreal tournament, and I haven't got a dedicated web server running (yet). technology and clubbing - I believe in balance...
  24. you're not a god you're a birthday cake.... peace.
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