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Posts posted by saigray

  1. Tuck Everlasting is sooo good, Missdiva's so right..I'd almost forgotten.

    My first would have to The Unbearable Lightness of Being, by Milan Kundera- you can open it to any page and gain some jewel of insight for life. To any avid readers I would also strongly recommend Infinite Jest, david forster wallace- ridiculously long, but so fucking funny and smart its worth it. take your time and enjoy the ride.

  2. Originally posted by ichi_gami:

    ..I say give him some time to pander to those he must, then see what happens when he starts trying to move legislation through Congress. Remember, what we might see as ass-backwards, others might see as the best thing ever to come from Washington. We must be cautious not to fall into the same narrow-mindedness (at the other end of the political spectrum) that we accuse others of, lest we marginalize ourselves. Listen to the other side. See how they and their ideas work - or do not - and fight on that, not on "what an asshole, he did something I don't like so he MUST be an idiot." Take lessons from the opposing side, and never forget to keep learning all points of view.

    Just my opinion, worth what you paid for it.

    I understand your point here, but fear of being marginalized shouldn't stop ppl from being passionate about things that they feel are wrong and dangerous. The Christian Right is a marginal organization who through careful organizing and fundraising has helped block Clinton in congress and elect Bush. Maybe we should learn from their tactics. I personally do not need to wait and see how taking away a woman's right to choose or destroying the environment to make oil magnets wealthier works out. I reserve the right to call anyone an asshole who would sell the future of our planet for campaign support. I do listen to their ideas- I just think they're all really bad.

  3. We are so fucked. This man is a puppet for all the most evil ultra conservative jackasses this country has produced. He wants a racist for Justice, a corprate interest for Interior, and now the Christian Right doing Social programing and Education. DAMAGE CONTROL EVERYONE- Vote in an opposing congress next term. Meanwhile, I'm gonna send my absentee ballot from Sydney...anyone wanna come? We could still hit Ibiza in the summers!

  4. I was thinking the same thing. I'm a student as I thought a lot of club kids are, so I don't know where their money comes from. I didn't go to Danny Howells last night cause I'm saving for PVD and after reading the reviews I could cry. I'm trying to afford more than one big night a month, and everyone on the Twilo board is talking about wishing they could pay more for VIP treatment year round- "cause I'm there every weekend anyway". We need better jobs or richer parents, I guess.

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