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Posts posted by saigray

  1. Every time these threads of nights of amazing wonder get going, I jump on and read with big smiles remembering all the energy and joy of the night...

    But bouncing all night on the dancefloor means I miss out on meeting all of you kids that I don't already know by face. And then come monday morning NO ONE remembers me! I'm gonna turn into a sleazy politician, shaking hands in the chill-out room for monday morning shout-outs. People I wanted to meet: Crackcorn, Idratherbclubing, hitokiri24 and ghhhost. Next time.

  2. Originally posted by mugwump


    I hearya..

    But as you must know all too


    BOARD.(lol*)The reason I post about my PERSONAL LIFE is to get opinions, responses and advise

    from people whom are (for the most part)

    not really involved in my life beyond clubbing and boards.

    (It's like virtual therapy, virtual

    angles from others that may have shared an experience like yours..)

    It helps to know what others think..

    as far as the "friends" I speak of..

    SOME are from here..MOST aren't!

    And they all know that when I get pissed I vent

    in public..I BROADCAST ANGER JUST AS I BROADCAST JOY! (and it makes me feel better)

    That's just what I do~

    Sue me!

    (My "current" is very open minded BTW and knows

    why I'm pissed and suports all my venting

    thank you very much!)

    However, there are a couple problems with this argument. While you are welcome to be the truman show of the board if you like, to then get fair opinions back from your audience you need to broadcast the whole story. By seeking "opinions, responses and advice" or "virtual therapy" from random people who only are reading your one-sided venting, what you are really doing is seeking justification and support for your already formulated take on the situation. Knowing a bit more about the situation, I can see both sides and can honestly say that your representation of the situation is highly subjective.

    And then to say this use of the board is good because it's from people who are not involved in your life apart from clubbing and the boards is just silly because so much of your life is intertwined with these two scenes. What it really ends up looking like is a passive agressive way of dealing with your personal relationships, while garnering the support of anonymous 15 y/o's from Jersey to back you up.

    I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, but so is putting the word friends in quotation marks when refering to people who supported you through a lot of shit - on a public forum for them to read.

  3. Yeah, but then again, what kind of shit has life put you through if you find yourself having to pretend to be blind and play violin on the subway for change as your only option....

    Doesn't make you Mother Teresa, but it's probably not what he wanted to be when he grew up either.

    Nobody wants to be in these positions....If you are screaming "I'm hungry and I'm homeless", and you are not, then you've got other serious problems too.

    To be honest, I don't usually respond, but I usually wish I did a second afterwards.

  4. So what you're saying is LM, Xpander, Joe G and me camping out in my Love Van on the side of the road blasting Rapture is a bad idea??

    Originally posted by quoth

    I have a friend who lives in Detroit and fuckin...i don't think people realize HOW BAD!!!! Detroit actually is..like it has been ranked the most dangerous city in america for the past 6 years!!!

    DEMF is pretty fuckin dangerous like every single year that they have the festival they always have on the news in Michigan about how someone was mugged,murdered, or jumped. She stresses to me that if i go or anyone goes for that matter that you better have a place to stay with someone cause you DON'T wanna use their hotels. They have all of 2 hotels in the city and fuckin when it gets dark all hell breaks loose. Detroit is so bad to the point where there is like a monorail type of transport above the ground cause fuckin there are no buses or anyone for that matter who travel on the ground cause it is filled with fuckedddd up people and crime 24/7 not to mention..NO STREETLIGHTS!! There is a road called 8 mile...and basically it separates Detroit from suburbia...it is said that you taking a chance if you cross this line cause people will kill you just for your shoes alone. it always puzzles me how they have this festival in Detroit even though its the birthplace of Techno in america, but even still...its a known fact that Detroit is a dangerous muthafuckin city that puts newark,harlem and anywhere else comnbined to shame. So if anyone happens to go out this year..be very careful and don't stay at any hotels or wander around the streets like its chicago or nyc during the night. These words of wisdom are not from me, but from my friend who lives right near Detroit all 23 years of her life and knows what's up.

  5. So what you're saying is LM, Xpander, Joe G and me sleeping in my Love Van on the side of the road is a

    Originally posted by quoth

    I have a friend who lives in Detroit and fuckin...i don't think people realize HOW BAD!!!! Detroit actually is..like it has been ranked the most dangerous city in america for the past 6 years!!!

    DEMF is pretty fuckin dangerous like every single year that they have the festival they always have on the news in Michigan about how someone was mugged,murdered, or jumped. She stresses to me that if i go or anyone goes for that matter that you better have a place to stay with someone cause you DON'T wanna use their hotels. They have all of 2 hotels in the city and fuckin when it gets dark all hell breaks loose. Detroit is so bad to the point where there is like a monorail type of transport above the ground cause fuckin there are no buses or anyone for that matter who travel on the ground cause it is filled with fuckedddd up people and crime 24/7 not to mention..NO STREETLIGHTS!! There is a road called 8 mile...and basically it separates Detroit from suburbia...it is said that you taking a chance if you cross this line cause people will kill you just for your shoes alone. it always puzzles me how they have this festival in Detroit even though its the birthplace of Techno in america, but even still...its a known fact that Detroit is a dangerous muthafuckin city that puts newark,harlem and anywhere else comnbined to shame. So if anyone happens to go out this year..be very careful and don't stay at any hotels or wander around the streets like its chicago or nyc during the night. These words of wisdom are not from me, but from my friend who lives right near Detroit all 23 years of her life and knows what's up.

  6. This is something I struggle with a lot...I think we all must living in a city that has such huge disparaties and can be the greatest or the worst place in the world, and can be full of opportunity or the loniest spot in the universe.

    Coming out of Vinyl, Sonicinfusion and I were at the subway, and the saddest women, absolutely insane was standing outside with no shoes, just crying into a doorway. A couple minutes later she came down into the station and was just wailing in the corner. two police officers came in soon after and we actually really good with her (gave me a moment of hope for the NYPD) asking her if she wanted to go to the hospital, finding her shoes (they were beyond the turnstile, promising her food..... BUt after a night of shear hedonism, expensive, decadent and something I take for granted now, hearing those lost crying mumbling noises from someone just beyond the edges of hope was so upseting. Threw us for a big loop. Very hard to deal with a universe this arbitrary in doleing out blessings and sorrow.

    But seriously, when the person on the train asks for money, and everyone pretends they are invisible....its what we've been taught to do to deal with the city life, but how fucked up is that...to pretend people with problems are invisible and don't exist to us??? I don't have an answer but it makes me dissappointed in myself everytime I do it, but I still go with the crowd and stare off into space.

  7. You missed my WHINEfest yesterday, but in summary:

    I woke an hour late, cause I didn't change the clocks in my apartment sunday,

    found I'd left my wallet in the cab monday night

    lost the perfect $500 sublet I was dreaming about

    found out my uncle has a malignant brain tumor

    and got stuck at work under piles of paper til 7:30

    left, the minute I got outside it started RAINING ON ME!!!

    I told my friends to let me walk in front of them so I could step in the dog shit first, my luck was so bad!

  8. Originally posted by dr0ne

    I took mine junior year of high school and scored a 1520, 800 math, 720 verbal.

    I was pretty impressed with my verbal score considering the fact that I didn't speak A WORD of english 5 years prior to taking the test. :tongue:

    But either way, your score on this test doesn't mean jack shit....it's a fucking stupid test and they should get rid of it. I think the AP exams are a lot more reasonable....even though they're a joke, they do a better job of assessing one's knowledge (which isn't what the SATs are supposed to do but that's what it ends up doing anyway).

    Wow, I got the same, but reversed verbal/math. I forgot my calculator and pencil, but someone lent me. (you know those kids who arrive with 10 pencils and three calculators?)

    The bullshit is true though, and its all economics too....I danced with the devil and tutored SATs for years and its all about the rich kids paying to be babied into the Ivies while the only people who actually are taking it cold are the lower income kids in who have already gotten less prep.

  9. Quoth, u r absolutely right...but also know that there were numerous reports of police intersecting the club's calls to ambulances and holding up ambulances until kids (friends I assume) reported about how the drugs were bought, how the club was implicated, etc before allowing the od to be taken to a hospital....hence the use of "private" ambulance services and holding rooms.

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