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Posts posted by saigray

  1. You really can't ask for a better Monday night. Or a better deal. I went straight from work to catch the FREE 7:15 screening of Julian Schnabel's brilliant movie Basquiat, nabbed a front row couch, threw my feet up on the retro funky footstool (for sale), and grabbed a bag of fresh made FREE popcorn and enjoyed the visuals on a big screen. Then we were treated to accoustic guitar and beautiful singing, accompanied by scratching into freestyle spoken word over mellow beats- all together a fresh sounding trio (I wish I could remember there name) to get the place primed for the AMAZING trancedent global beats of Karsh Kale, playing for 3 hours FREE to a packed living room of super cool people. Accompanied by visuals being cut live by the dude with the Mac in the corner, he spun a set of indian fusion that had me drifting off to bliss one minute, and bouncing in my seat the next.

    FUCK YEAH!!! I love Halcyon!

  2. I will never throw out the business card from Jilly McBunny - TRANCE NURSE gave me at Twilo (I had an apointment 3 am in the Power Bar!) Wizard made me his apprentice, and they've been friends ever since. They are exactly what the scene needs, and you are absolutely right....You KNOW you are at the right party when the Wizard shows up!!!

  3. Originally posted by jaysea

    if people have a problem with Gay people, and go to Clubs and like LOVE "THE SCENE" THan they are by far the most supid bunch of fucking people to EVER Crawl out of IDAHO, Hunny WE MADE THE GARAGE SCENE< WE BUILT THE CLUB SCENE AND WE Were THe RAVE SCENE< SO BITCH BRING IT



    And that is why I love gay men!!!

    And he's absoluetly right, anywhere you have a significant gay population, you have a lively, exciting and innovative nightlife. Everywhere else is Kansas. Or Exit.

  4. Originally posted by promojunkie

    Interesting concept... Maybe we'll keep the grass for the dance floor and we can hang the lighting from your laundry line..I actually mentioned a Phazon to these people and they were like..."Sure, why not?"

    DUUDE!!! Listen, the coolest "chill out" space I've ever seen was at the Anchorage party this summer, they had a grassy hill (LITERALLY) as an installation in the backroom. Everyone would take off their shoes and climb to an open patch and camp out, college quad in springtime style, or lie back and trip out to the light sculptures above....NOW THAT WOULD BRING SOME FLAVOR TO THE NY CLUB SCENE!!!

    For now, just tell the peeps in charge that I will operate the large glass waterpipe/smokemachine in the corner! :cool:

  5. Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

    a FEW Things I noticed in Miami....

    10-Sasha & Digweed's DELTA HEAVY Tour Show was Obscure,dark,deep,spiritual, amazing...and Blew everyone's set away that I saw at Ultra 4...

    Well at least that's SOMETHING to conteract things 1-9!!!

    Especially if all of us who were like, "We'll at least I'll see them when they come to NY in April" get royally screwed, as it seems might happen.

  6. HOLY MAGPIE BATMAN, I think I lost around 300!!! I was at like 700 something...and all you ppl complaining are already way up there....but lil me's gonna have to post for a whole nother year to break 1000!! I'll never get to change my name, never, never, never....:(

  7. For all who have suffered my whining about my stupid job, I am proud to announce that I have officially resigned, trading my stupid boss, conservative corporate hiearchy, and miserable political hob-nobbing organization with lousy pay, for a shorter commute, great raise, fun boss and half price dance classes at a super cool modern dance company as the development and special events associate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tomorrow I'm going to a private performance, and will meet the choreographer and dancers!

    And I negotiated a week+ off inbetween jobs so I can rest and love life!!!!!!!!!!


    CAN"T possibly do my boss' expense report :laugh::blown: :blown: TAKE THAT STUPID BOSSMAN!!1

  8. Originally posted by sexxybabyd

    Sure ill join the circus with highmay.....IF I WANNA GET KILLED...can we say "Oh I just dropped her by accident" lol...that wont happen....how bout I be one of those girls that rides the elephants with those big things on their heads? hehehe:D

    I seem to have missed some drama here....I just thought since he's a male cheerleader he could catch the girlies. I guess I wandered into weird territory! SBD, you could def. be a elephant riding girl in my CP Circus.

    Tillyandme will be the person we all stuff in the cannon and shoot out of the big top... never to be seen again.


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